PREVIEW: New African leaderhead

thats awsome. No plans on diffrent backgrounds though? He'd make a good Mansa Musa.
He looks good and very realistic.

Eyebrows seem to change with different eras, there's some jaggedness with clothes and industrial turban could shade his face a bit, but that's about all I can criticize. Good job! :)
I damned that you make this a Civilization Religious and scientific.

Great work by the way
Originally posted by Ekmek
Drift, what do you use to smooth the edges between the face and background. I notice yours are much smoother than mind. thanks.

Paint Shop Pro's Retouch tool's "soften" option. Just set it low and trace the edges. :)

Retouch and it's options is the essence of my editing. Smudge, soften, darken/lighten rgb... I just read about burn and dodge giving good results with hair and stuff, but I haven't had the chance to try them out.
No prob. :)

BTW do you want to redo Alex before I do the anims I promised? Or would you like to do the anims by yourself? (It's really easy if you have Animation Shop, ~1-2 minutes per animation + testing them in game.) The offer still stands, but don't be intimidated about anims for no good reason. :)
This has been recomended to be a Mansa Musa
but I dont know enough about him to make the claim or give city names

The Flcs are not full animations but change to differnt moods. I may add more animation stuff later (or sooner if Drift helps)

Edit: No, I don't have any leaderhead projects at the moment. I'll do rest of the graphics (advisorbubbles and such) for my first Poser creation and see where I go from there. I really should cut down on the time I spent in front of my comp.

I personally stay away from head movement in semi-animated leaderheads as it doesn't go well along with morphing.

I tested doing him quick anims, but unfortunately the happy mood is a bit too different from the neutral, so transition between them includes some blurriness - it's mainly because of eyes and eyebrows. Transition from neutral to angry works much better.

It's literally a 1 minute process of doing the anims with Animation Shop. I urge you to try it as it's hard to know what kind of key frames (happy, neutral, angry) work with morphing, unless you can test them.

Here are instructions I wrote on my Lenin-thread.

I start with the Animation Wizard. Here are the values:
- Width 200, Height 240
- Transparent
- Upper left corner
- With the canvas color
- Play it 1 times
- Each frame is displayed 7

Then add happy image and neutral image.

You should have a 2 frame animation. Click the happy frame and choose "Insert Image transition" under Effects.
- Transition length 10.0 secs
- Frames per second 6 fps
- Effect: Fade

Now you should have a 62 frame animation from happy to neutral. Delete frame 61. (that's the one I use, but you have a free choice. One frame has to be deleted in order for the animation to fit in the 121 frame limit)

Insert angry image after the last frame (now 61). Click the last neutral frame before angry one and do the image transition again.

Again you need to delete one frame, I use frame 62, but it doesn't really matter that much.

Now you have a 121 frame animation, but the frame delays are not correct. Select all frames and choose Frame properties. Choose the 7 for frame display time and your forwards animation is finished. (frame delay isn't set in stone, I've noticed with my blinking leaderhead Ashurbanipal, that 3 was much better for that one.)

Scroll through the animation one more time - do all frames have same delay, is the animation in right order - happy-neutral-angry....

Save as .flc and do the backwards flic by simply selecting all frames and choosing "Reverse frames".
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