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Purity Leaders


Mar 16, 2013
Brasília. Not the faction.
When we first heard about the Affinities in Beyond Earth, somo sources mentioned that Purity leaders would wear clothes evocating classical Roman history ans such. By the time, Suzanne Fileding was one of the few known leaders, and she does wear clothes like that.

Well, Suzanne still is the only Purity leader we've seen so far. How do you think the appearance of the other leaders would be with Purity? It is okay Suzanne or Élodie (maybe even Rejinaldo, but I hope it is not the case) to dress like Roman leaders, since they are from Western civilizations heavily inluenced by the Roman heritage. But why would Barre and Kavitha do the same? Non-Western European factions should not follow this kind of "dress code".

So, my point is: since Firaxis cared so much about ethnically and racially diverse factions and leaders, they must keep this trend on their Purity appearances. Purity Barre should resemble a tribal chief (maybe even with some facepaiting) or an African emperor. Purity Daoming and Kavitha got all Chinese and Indian heritage behind them. Kozlov is European, but the Slavic cultural influence is far greater than classical mediterranean ones. I'm puting my money on Soviet references. Purity Rejinaldo could adopt some kind of Generalissimo/Bolivarian/Imperial outfit. And I tend to picture Purity Hutama as a Maori warrior, even if this doesn't fit with his Trading profile. :crazyeye:
Interesting thought. I would support something along the lines of each Purity player gets a unique outfit tailored to their identity. However, I think that the Supremacy/Harmony factions should stick to a one-size-fits-all approach.
The 'classical look' as seen on Fielding is only vaguely grecoroman. (the city design really isn't at all)

I wouldn't want to see Barre or Hutama as facepainted warriors any more than Elodie should be wearing furs and Germanic tatoos. (also I would think Tatoos would actually tend to offend the Purity Affinity)

For Hutama, given the Australian part of the heritage, Classical roman is fine... Similarly for Kozlov (Moscow is Third Rome and all)

For Barre, You could have sort of an East/North African empire look (perhaps a small Pharonic looking headdress)

For Soucha, Kavithavague outlines of the look are probably OK... given the 'Classic Roman' would tend toward Robes, the same could be said of classic South or East Asian...just some small detail changes.

Overall that is what I would expect, they all (at high Purity) have 'robes' and some slight details are added (laurel leaves for the Euro centered ones, pharonic headdress for Barre, sarong for Kavitha, and large sleeves for Soucha)
Hopefully, we will see more sponsor leaders in their affinity look tomorrow during the live stream. I want to see Supremacy Elodie! :borg:
Hopefully, we will see more sponsor leaders in their affinity look tomorrow during the live stream. I want to see Supremacy Elodie! :borg:

Haha yes! Ever since they mentioned her "haunting our nightmares" in the last stream I've been desperate to see what the fuss is about.
I could see basically futuristic variations on Ancient Civilizations like India, China, Rome, or Greece on Purity Leaders. It should evoke a Second Golden Age of Humanity vibe imho.
Interesting thought. I would support something along the lines of each Purity player gets a unique outfit tailored to their identity. However, I think that the Supremacy/Harmony factions should stick to a one-size-fits-all approach.


Supremacy/Harmony doesn't have to be the borg where all individuality is eliminated.

Supremacy/Harmony doesn't have to be the borg where all individuality is eliminated.

There is no reason why FI Supremacy themes should look different from PAC Suprmacy themes. (The leaders themselves are different, but what is added to them can be the same)

Harmony leaders even have a specific reason to be the same..they are trying to adapt to the same planet.

Purity leaders are trying to be like they were on Earth...where they were different.

If there is no particular reason to be different, changes should be the same for easier identification.
Wasn't the classical comment more in regards of "plain flowing clothes" (like Roman Togas) whereas supremacy gets "robotic tool enhancement" and harmony gets "alien stuff". Not specifically "Ancient Roman Customs" but rather a style of clothing very reminiscent of Earth. (And that doesn't mean Hutama has to dress in a loincloth either but it can mean quite anything, depending on the leader personality of course ;))
Wasn't the classical comment more in regards of "plain flowing clothes" (like Roman Togas) whereas supremacy gets "robotic tool enhancement" and harmony gets "alien stuff". Not specifically "Ancient Roman Customs" but rather a style of clothing very reminiscent of Earth. (And that doesn't mean Hutama has to dress in a loincloth either but it can mean quite anything, depending on the leader personality of course ;))

I will miss the Warmongers who can be evaluated on the Leader Screen in Civ 5 by how much of shirt they do not wear :)
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