Putting baby in the corner


Jul 11, 2013
So, I got frustrated with winning science victories in the 1600's only to get "Herbert Hoover" rank and decided to go for the highest score I could.

This meant a huge map where I needed to take out all the competing civs, yet somehow have one stay around to avoid triggering a military victory even with "Domination Victory" turned off while insuring he never became a nuisance.

My solution? I walked a settler deep into the snow to found a city that even at max reach will never have a productive tile and is too far away from any other city to even create a trade route. Then I sold this city to my final victim for 1 Gold (he wouldn't accept it as a gift), took all his other cities, made peace, and put a couple of guards to watch it in case it ever managed to grow beyond 1 somehow and tried to produce a settler (and so I could look at him and laugh every 50 turns or so).


After 150 turns, he has managed to build 1 warrior and 1 trader, who is just stuck there since he can't reach anything. He hasn't managed to gain a single civic, tech, or great person point in that time.

I did miscount, though, eventually he'll be able to reach that 1 snow covered hill that will give him 1 production--I'll just have to nuke it at that point.

Now that I think of it, though, I should have done this with my first victim, not my last, so I could trap him forever in the first gvt--I think I let this guy get to Oligarchy, and once in a while he sends out an envoy.
That's awesome - it is the traditional way to win Time games in Civ IV. Won't you win a culture victory very quickly though??

He said he turned off dominion victory, so I suppose he also turned off culture.
Yeah, I turned off every victory except score and, in case I just get too bored to wait for the turn limit since it's on epic speed, science.
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Here's the really sad thing--I resigned to him in 550 AD and got my 1st Caesar ranking outside of a scenario. Scoring is really broken--you should get *some* bonus for winning and/or *some* penalty for losing....
You nasty person, you could at least have given him a desert island full of seaside resorts.
Having played one Julius game.... Will you ever do another?
Lol, no, that was painful. I was planning on going for the highest score I could get until I noticed on epic the game lasts 1500 turns and I wasn't even up to turn 500.

And I did reward him for his millennia in the snow by surrendering the entire world to him in the end. Sure, I had 20-some-odd future techs, nukes, and was finishing the last part of the Mars ship, but his warrior looked *really* scary.
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I'll remember to tune turn limit down to 350-ish turns, if I ever want to go for a Score Victory. Seriously, is there even an achievement for that??
This reminds me of a Civ 5 game I had. I got upset with Monte after centuries (and multiple games) of frustration with him. I got him down to 1 city in a corner like this and dropped a bunch of citadels leaving no workable tiles. No screenshot of that game, sorry.
I imagine it to be the mostest, insanely entertaining cliffhanger game ever.

You are too free, I'd think.
Can you post a pic of what the map looks like? I think I have gotten the lowest 3 in every game so far. Not that I care about score, but it is rather annoying there aren't modifiers.
Can you post a pic of what the map looks like? I think I have gotten the lowest 3 in every game so far. Not that I care about score, but it is rather annoying there aren't modifiers.
I had to stitch this together from multiple screen shots even using the More Zoom mod:

Spoiler giant screen shot :

Note I'm getting severely cheated on science and culture per turn:

Spoiler :

Moderator Action: Large screenshot wrapped in spoiler tags. Jon
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Holy sheep, I'm at a loss of words here. I wonder how long does a turn take on a map like this.
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