[Q] Abstracting Colonies on a Map


Sep 28, 2006
Windy City USA
This is a question regarding the ability to show colonies on a map in an abstract manner. For example, what if your mod centered on Europe, but you wanted somehow to include foreign colonies clearly laying outside the boundaries of this European map, like the Americas, India, Africa, etc...

I had an idea to place single space cities on the far western edge of the map, basically in the ocean. One way to represent the correct distance of these colonies from Europe would consist in causing the sea spaces immediately adjacent to these colonies to require a specific number of game turns for ships to cross. For example, when sailing a ship from a European port, any sea spaces adjacent to the "Canada colony" might take a ship 10 turns to cross, while sea spaces adjacent to the "India colony" might require instead 20 turns. While in one of those spaces, these ships are effectively "frozen" until they emerge on the other side.

Is this something that is doable in Warlords with either Python or SDK??
It would be doable in python using the EventManager (there is an onUnitMove event which you could use to check whether the ship is on a 'colony' tile, and freeze it if it is). I'm not sure if your idea works from a gameplay perspective, though.
I'm thinking about warfare and the civ economy. A city 'needs' other land plots, one surrounded by sea will be a bad representation of a colony, since it has virtually no production. Also, ships trying to attack a colony will be sitting ducks during the time they need to reach it, unable to move further and vulnerable to counter-attacks, even by land-based airplanes.
I'm thinking about warfare and the civ economy. A city 'needs' other land plots, one surrounded by sea will be a bad representation of a colony, since it has virtually no production. Also, ships trying to attack a colony will be sitting ducks during the time they need to reach it, unable to move further and vulnerable to counter-attacks, even by land-based airplanes.

I was thinking on making some modifications that would give the one-space "colony" a bunch of resources, cash & hammers to better represent its actual economic production. Furthermore, the space around the "colony" is basically frozen for the duration of the journey. Nothing should be able to attack into/out of that space. It was meant an as abstract way of showing an overseas colony.
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