Quantitative Resources

I am not coder, so i can't explane how work the engine, but, for each resource we defined a number of "part", and each time an unit or improvement or building need a resource, that use one "part".
we don't use it for "living resource" (bananas, rice ...), only for "non renewable resource" (iron, gold, oil...), and to equilibrate, we added a new capacity (for geologist) that allow the player (and AI) to find new resource...

The challenge is to have an equilibrium in the choice of number of part by resources, because in the game, the resources are not required the same times, for exemple, coal is needed to build railroad, so we made 150 part, and for bronze, we have 35 parts, gold 15/20... that depend of the game speed, because on quick speed, you don't build the same number of units than on marathon speed...
(sorry for my poor english :sad: )

EDIT : if someone want our code source, that is be possible, but, there is a lot of other things in the code source, so you will must search in...

I find your system interesting... seems to me to basically be a halfway point between the much more complex system I've started working on and we've been discussing here and the standard binary system. I played it for the first time last night and had a few questions:

1) If there's an option between one resource or another, which resource will be depleted?

2) When you have more than one source of a particular resource, which one will be depleted?

3) When you trade resources to other civilizations, do they get a full resource? In other words, Copper has 30 "slots" from which you can take, do they get the full 30 even if the source only has 15 slots left? And presumably they'd take directly from that source and it would continue to drop eventhough it's another civ that's constructing buildings and training units with it, yes?

4) When you conquer enemy civs, does the number of 'slots' remaining for a source remain the same as that tile changes from one hand to the next?

I'm inclined towards this system because 1) it's very simple, 2) it already exists :) and 3) I think it would allow me to keep my bonus and bonusclass modifiers that I was really wanting to keep.

However, I am uncertain about depleting resources to begin with... my experience last night was that I was never in any real danger of either exhausting my sources of certain Bonuses or even having my production of units limited in anyway... however, towards the end of the game (I'm still only about 3/5 of the way through) I could definitely see my supplies becoming an issue.

So it seemed that I was completely without limit in the early eras... but in the later eras I might have a real crunch.... this to me seems like a problem. Alternatively, one could make it so that a slot is used when a unit or building requiring that resource is being produced.... this way you could set the number of slots for a source of a material to something like 5... thus only five cities would be able to be training units or constructing buildings requiring that resource at one time... So now, the constraints would apply for the early eras as well as the later ones when presumably you've got more cities with more units and buildings potentially in production but possibly also more instances of a resource.

So now, we've got a good model to represent the exploitation constraints of resources, but we've lost the fact that there is only a finite amount of certain resources to be had... Still, I think it's a good way to do luxury resources... So if you have a source of Coffee that has 5 slots, that one source could satisfy 5 "people" (i.e. +1 Happiness in 5 cities that have the resource which would thus remain binary on a city-by-city basis eventhough it would be quantitative on a national level). Even if we end up going with the more involved resource system, I'm set on making the luxuries work this way...

Also, I would like to see simple resource chains implemented and I don't think this would be smart if a resource 'slot' were used every turn to produce something else.... So if one slot of Iron were consumed every turn to produce a source of Steel which could maybe have one or two slots of its own, we'd be spent of Iron in a few dozen turns and any unused Steel in a turn would just disappear into the ether since it wouldn't accumulate at all.

Long story short... it seems to me that the only way to represent both the exploitation limits of a resource as well as the finite quantities is to go with the more complicated system I've been working on but am not too fond of at the moment for all the other disadvantages it brings... :crazyeye:

I need a drink :sad:
OK, long text is hard for my poor understandin english, but i'll try :rolleyes:
1) If there's an option between one resource or another, which resource will be depleted?
If i understand well, you say, if one of two resources are required (like for axeman), which resource used ? the first in the xml file. ex : bronze or iron, bronze is used.

2) When you have more than one source of a particular resource, which one will be depleted?
If you have 3 mines of iron, the first one you use will be used until it be exhausted...

3) When you trade resources to other civilizations, do they get a full resource? In other words, Copper has 30 "slots" from which you can take, do they get the full 30 even if the source only has 15 slots left? And presumably they'd take directly from that source and it would continue to drop eventhough it's another civ that's constructing buildings and training units with it, yes?
trading is a problem, we made a choice and decided we can trad ONLY a complete resource.

4) When you conquer enemy civs, does the number of 'slots' remaining for a source remain the same as that tile changes from one hand to the next?
When you conquer a mine, you have only the numbers of parts that the civ didn't use

However, I am uncertain about depleting resources to begin with... my experience last night was that I was never in any real danger of either exhausting my sources of certain Bonuses or even having my production of units limited in anyway... however, towards the end of the game (I'm still only about 3/5 of the way through) I could definitely see my supplies becoming an issue.
So it seemed that I was completely without limit in the early eras... but in the later eras I might have a real crunch.... this to me seems like a problem.
that's my choice, for roleplay, i wanted illustrate the fact in industrial and modern eras, we use a lot of resources, more than in early eras... that's why, to equilibrate, we added geologist unit, that can find non renewable resources

For the rest, i think it's possible to do, but as i said, i am not a coder...
I spent a lot of time to equilibrate the number of "slots", that need a lot of game, in all game speed :crazyeye:

There is an issue in the code, sometimes, when a resource is exhausted, and you have another "spot" with this same resource, the game don't want give the resource, that happen with the resources that don't need mine to be extracted (oil, fossils ...) the only way i found to correct it (in game) is destroy the improvement and build it again :p
I kinda like this idea that yall been discussing, however will there be a limit to the amount of resources in that resource like a limit of 10,000 iron, if you used it all up, the mine disappears and a new one appears else where.

If this feature is implanted, then this will have a mix genre of of turn base and city building.
The best example of this would be for the Axeman or Spearman... you need either Bronze OR Iron to produce them. Currently you only need to have access to one or the other and the unit can be trained.... but now, something actually has to be taken away to train that unit. But which to take??

I know this might not be the best idea but you could create 2 units-1 requiring bronze and the other iron
Dom, it's very interesting that you came up with a system for a national pool of resources and production. The micromanagement doesn't appeal to me, though, having to redistribute all of that food and production manually. Also, it does strike me as a little unrealistic for all the food and labor to be sucked up from one city and put into another. Still, it's cool that it's possible...

That's the reason I'm into some kind of sensible automation. All cities automatically take in enough food to not starve. And, assuming you haven't frozen growth, they'll take in enough to grow at a regular rate -- the idea that you can speed up growth by giving them a huge food surplus is unrealistic and would require annoying micromanagement anyway.

Still, that would be icing on the cake. Although if you were to do some kind of supply system, drawing food from a national pool clearly makes the most sense.

It sounds like we're on the same page with luxury resources anyway. That's not something you want to stockpile or hoard, so we don't need to quantify it. But we also agree that one resource shouldn't make an infinite number of cities happy. The idea that each luxury makes 5 cities happier is a good one (this number could even be affected by civics!), but micromanaging 30 health and happiness resources to how ever many cities sounds super annoying. Might I recommend some kind of sensible automation?

The most sensible, to me, would be to allocate enough luxuries and health resources to keep everyone happy and healthy, with the smallest cities most likely to be punished by a "defecit". For example, 4 happiness resources can make 20 people happy. If you only really need to make 17 people happy in 5 cities, then you get 3 surplus happiness in your capitol. But if you need to make 23 people happy in your 5 cities, then the system would automatically distribute the resources such that your 3 smallest cities are each running a 1 happiness deficit.

In other words, the player moderates resource distrubition by freezing growth. If he lets a city grow, he's indicating that the city should draw more luxuries. (This system could work for food too, if you go that route.)
Dom, it's very interesting that you came up with a system for a national pool of resources and production. The micromanagement doesn't appeal to me, though, having to redistribute all of that food and production manually. Also, it does strike me as a little unrealistic for all the food and labor to be sucked up from one city and put into another. Still, it's cool that it's possible...

I might not have made myself clear here... the levy system is civ-wide... in other words, you set the slider to take the same percentage of every city's food and/or production... which means that you might wind up with certain cities that would actually be starving... this is intended. But the redistribution from the national pool is city-by-city... so you can choose to ration out nothing to any city, ration some to a couple cities or fine tune your system by manually setting the rations for all of your cities... it's up to you. However, the higher the levy you put on your cities, the more fine-tuning you'll probably have to do since more of your cities will start to starve without it.

And you wouldn't necessarily be able to take 100% of a city's food or production and then dump all of the national pool into another city because of the caps placed on both the levies and the rations... so let's just say you have Slavery, it might let you take up to 40% Food and up to 70% Production in levies from your cities. But Serfdom, on the other hand, will only let you take 30% and 50% respectively... exactly what those numbers are is the decision of the modders... I'm merely providing the means.

That's the reason I'm into some kind of sensible automation. All cities automatically take in enough food to not starve. And, assuming you haven't frozen growth, they'll take in enough to grow at a regular rate -- the idea that you can speed up growth by giving them a huge food surplus is unrealistic and would require annoying micromanagement anyway.

Well, again, that's what the caps are there for: so you don't just dump all of your Food into one city. However, you will be able to give modest boosts to particular cities at the expense of others... Since the rations are not factored based on the city's total yield production, dumping the full ration allowance into a city that already has a very high yield output would not necessarily make that much of a difference... This is especially true since the levy is based on the city's total yield output... so for example, let's assume the following values:

A player's Food Levy rate is 20%.
A city produces 40 Food per turn (before consumption is factored in).
There is a maximum Food Ration of 10 Food per turn.

Ok, so now we take the city's 20% Food which means we take 8 Food per turn from that city... leaving us with 32 Food in the city (still before calculating consumption), then if the player has decided to put the maximum ration allowed into that city, the city gets back an additional 10 Food.... for a grand total of 42 Food. Thus, cities with a lot of Farms and good land are better used as bread baskets for the empire rather than just as bother mega-producers and mega-benefactors of Food that grow really rapidly and pump out GPs. Instead it becomes more valuable to funnel Food into small cities, cities in inhospitable areas, or large cities that cannot sustain their own populations (i.e. cities with lots of mines, lumbermills, etc.).

The only exception I have to this currently is that under certain civics the capital is exempt from paying into the levy system and it basically just reaps the rewards... the result is that the 10 Food Ration can be dumped directly on top of the city's total Food production.. so rather than 42 Food in total, the capital would get 50 Food per turn.. under certain civics.

But I also feel I should note that 90% of this is going on under the hood... You wouldn't even see most of the stuff I just explained. You'd be able to see what is being taken out and what's being put back in, of course, but it's all being done automatically. It's not like every turn you have to redistribute the food back out to each of your cities and all that. No. You set the levy rate and it applies to all cities and remains at that rate until you change it OR when you select civics that bring the levy rate cap below what you currently have it set as in which case the levy rate will be automatically reset to the new cap. So, if for example, you switch from Slavery to Serfdom, and you had the Food Levy set to 40%, the game would reset it to 30% since the cap under Serfdom is 30%.

Rations, too, work on a per-turn basis... so they will only be readjusted when the player adjusts them or if the rate cap is reduced with a civics change.

So even if you have 100 cities, you may only need to actually distribute rations to 15 or 20 of them throughout the course of the game... and of those 15 or 20, most you'd just adjust a couple of times in a game as needed. But if you were a control freak who needed to be certain you were maximizing your food and production to the utmost, you could fine tune all 100 of them every turn but it would hardly be a requirement.

And you could also just have just enough of a Food Levy to supply your troops and never have to change the rations of any of your cities... things start to get interesting in war-time however. I've added an anger modifier when a city is starving which is then magnified based on just how bad the starvation is... and now you have an army that needs feeding, and the bigger the army, the more mouths to feed. This places greater demands on the national food stockpile which might force an increase in the food levies which might lead to starvation, starvation leads to unhappiness and the next thing you know you've got bread riots in your larger cities... under normal circumstances, you could just increase the city's rations, and keep it from starving and thus avoid the unpleasantness that follows, but now you might need every bit of food you can get to feed the army... so basically, those Farms will be an important target for pillaging and bombing, and the bread basket cities should be considered as high a priority for capture as the high-production ones since both are very much tied into the enemy war effort.

And you could buy Food abroad, but if its coming by sea, you'll need ships to keep your routes open, and if by land, you'll have to make sure those roads aren't destroyed... although presumably, if you're getting your butt kicked, you won't have to be worrying about feeding a large army ;)

It sounds like we're on the same page with luxury resources anyway. That's not something you want to stockpile or hoard, so we don't need to quantify it. But we also agree that one resource shouldn't make an infinite number of cities happy. The idea that each luxury makes 5 cities happier is a good one (this number could even be affected by civics!), but micromanaging 30 health and happiness resources to how ever many cities sounds super annoying. Might I recommend some kind of sensible automation?

The most sensible, to me, would be to allocate enough luxuries and health resources to keep everyone happy and healthy, with the smallest cities most likely to be punished by a "defecit". For example, 4 happiness resources can make 20 people happy. If you only really need to make 17 people happy in 5 cities, then you get 3 surplus happiness in your capitol. But if you need to make 23 people happy in your 5 cities, then the system would automatically distribute the resources such that your 3 smallest cities are each running a 1 happiness deficit.

In other words, the player moderates resource distrubition by freezing growth. If he lets a city grow, he's indicating that the city should draw more luxuries. (This system could work for food too, if you go that route.)
That's... actually a bit more complicated than I was thinking... currently there's already code to count the number of instances of a Bonus a city has... what I was thinking was that if you simply said that one source of a luxury, say Coffee, has 5 slots, it will basically satisfy 5 cities with the other cities not getting the happiness bonus.. you'd have to trade for more or find more to hook up to the trade network to satisfy those cities. Exactly which cities would get it and which wouldn't should be determined by several factors:

The closest city to the Bonus should automatically get one.
The capital city should automatically get one.

The rest should probably be determined by population size OR distance from the Bonus as well... I will explain below why...

Now, I understand why you would want to calculate the happiness based on population... after all, why should a size 25 city be satisfied by the same amount of Coffee as a size 5 city? There are, however, from a gameplay perspective and a mechanical perspective reasons for going with my suggestion.

First, the mechanical... presumably, a resource is to give a city +1 Happiness or nothing at all... this was why we couldn't make luxury and health resources quantitative like the strategic resources... so the problem is that if we do it based on population, if you have only one 'slot' of the resource left and a size 21 city and the resource only satisfies 20 people, you get no benefit at all in spite of the fact that 20 out of 21 people have access to this resource... and you can't give 0.90 of a happiness, so it's all or nothing... similarly, for instances of excess luxuries, if you have a total of 15 population to satisfy and enough resource to satisfy 20, do you now get an additional +5 happiness in the capital or otherwise redistributed throughout the empire?? That would make no sense as well as be highly unbalancing... really there should be no additional happiness from the same resource in any given city.

My other reason is from a gameplay perspective... you could very well have an empire with 30 population that is the half the size of another empire with 30 population... thus one has much more land and consequently more opportunities to have that particular resource... a smaller civ, on the other hand would have to maintain just as much people but would have also have much less opportunities to acquire sources of that luxury. So this would ultimately once again penalize smaller civilizations that build up rather than out when they're already at a disadvantage in virtually every other aspect besides maintenance costs.

On the other hand, if we use the system I proposed, we might want to distribute the resource according to distance from the resource (with the exception of the capital) rather than cities with big populations getting preference since otherwise we're going to have those old homeland cities completely satisfied and the newly-acquired or newly-founded cities with nothing... Granted, they need less, but it might be better to do it based on distance. Besides, then you'd come to an interesting point where you'd have many of your cities on other continents being satisfied by bananas and coffee and your core home cities being satisfied by dyes and incense... as an example... until as such time as you acquired enough of a resource to satisfy all of your cities. But it would be a way in which your empire would look and feel different across many different realms.

But to address your first point last... I don't really see how a population-based, rather than city-based solution is going to involve any less micromanagement... indeed, I would think it would actually involve more work. I mean, you'd have to first add up the total populations of your cities and then count up all the sources of a luxury you have and multiply that by how many people one source will satisfy and then compare that with the total population to know how much you're ahead and behind... but then you'll also have to be trying to keep your population sizes in check in each of your cities because if you don't you'll lose the happiness effect altogether even with just 1 population increase.... I mean, compare that to "1 source supports 5 cities", it seems to me like that actually involves way less micromanagement than a population-based system even if it's not as realistic.
Good grief, this is all getting so complicated... what happened to the simple hybrid binary-quant system we talked about earlier? ;)
Good grief, this is all getting so complicated... what happened to the simple hybrid binary-quant system we talked about earlier? ;)

Well, half of my previous post was about a somewhat unrelated topic (although it would tie into the national economy along with resources in the game).

The problem with our simple hybrid binary-quantitative system is that it's not that simple... I'm considering that maybe it would be better (and easier) to go with like what already exists in the Genetic Era mod (I suggest you try it and see if you like it).

But also, I don't like the totally binary system for luxuries... I think that maybe a binary system on a city-by-city basis might be the best solution... This way the number of sources of a luxury would matter and a country would be rewarded for having several sources of a luxury resource.
The problem with the Genetic Era quantitative system, as far as I can see, is that it's not quantitative. It's merely depletive so that they can run out over time and the challenge comes in making sure you have enough as your empire grows. It doesn't really solve the issues about taking X resources and refining them, as with a building, to Y new ones, or requiring Z resources to build a unit/building.

EDIT: I should say I'm thinking mostly in terms of Destiny and Colonization, as this will probably be how most modders would implement it.
The problem with the Genetic Era quantitative system, as far as I can see, is that it's not quantitative. It's merely depletive so that they can run out over time and the challenge comes in making sure you have enough as your empire grows. It doesn't really solve the issues about taking X resources and refining them, as with a building, to Y new ones, or requiring Z resources to build a unit/building.

Right... well, this is an issue for me as well.

What I'm thinking is that instead of (or perhaps in addition to) taking one 'slot' of a resource each time you build something, you have slots that can be allocated towards a particular project.. construction of buildings, training of units... so now you'd maybe only have 5 slots instead of 30, and when you complete building or training, that would free up the slot.

Similarly, for resource production chains, slots would be used up and since that would be an on-going process, the resource would not be freed up until the building goes obsolete basically. And new Bonuses produced from such processes would in turn have their own 'slots' to be allocated.

So it's more abstract than the system we were discussing before, but I also think it would be considerably easier to use and design.
Oooh... [shudder] I'd hate to think that we'd go from one overly abstract system to another.... All that would seem to accomplish would be to put an upper limit on what you could build, e.g. 5 swordsmen per iron mine, but not the other stuff.
Oooh... [shudder] I'd hate to think that we'd go from one overly abstract system to another.... All that would seem to accomplish would be to put an upper limit on what you could build, e.g. 5 swordsmen per iron mine, but not the other stuff.

Well, what "other stuff" are we talking about? I mean, it seems to me that the whole point of a quantitative system as opposed to an infinite binary system is that it puts restrictions on production and creates an incentive to acquire through colonization or conquest additional sources of a resource.

I think that rather than designing the system and determining the goals after the fact (which seems to be the way we've been hashing this out) we should state the goals and then develop the system to meet them.

We should ask ourselves: What do we want it to do? What new mechanics should it allow? Why do we want them?
Good point. What I had in mind was a Colonization-type system, but specifically these features:

1. A set quantity of resources as opposed to the binary "one-size-fits-all." This can be taken to mean many things, but the basic premise as you said is to prevent the "one horse can supply 100 million people" scenario. A mine, quarry, farm, etc., would produce Y units of its resource per turn. No problems with Genetic Era so far.

2. The ability to specify X resources as a prereq for units, buildings and wonders. This is where I see the Genetic Era system faltering a bit, because when you switch to slots you lose the quantified aspect. It's easy to specify X slots for a production chain, but what about when you want to build a unit/building/wonder? Do you allocate 5 stone slots from your quarry for the Pyramids, and they revert back to the pool when you've completed them?

The problem here is that it's an over time vs. immediate issue. Having 500 stone ready for use is an entirely different matter than allocating 5 slots over 100 turns. Let's say I stockpile lots and lots of oil because I know my trading partner is going to end the deal. The QR way, I can still build as many tanks as long as I have oil left. The Genetic Era way, I can't build any after the deal's through! Furthermore while it's active, it's limited to however many slots I happen to have from that one supply. I'll elaborate in the next point.

3. Some sort of stockpile is implied. Again, if I understand Genetic Era correctly, this would not work. If I'm playing as the Russians and I cut off the Germans' oil supplies in an Eastern Front scenario (ww2commander) the Germans lose all the slots, and it's basically no better than the on/off binary system. The QR way, they have reserves, which gives them so many turns to regain the resource before they can't build any more tanks.

4. The ability of buildings to take in raw materials and create new ones. (We could also generalize this to terrain improvements.) This is a must, but fortunately it's already been done by TheLopez. We just have to adapt it.

Here I see more problems with Genetic Era than QR, again because of stockpiles. If my supply of coal gets cut off, it's gone. In Genetic Era's depletive resources scheme, this would mean all the slots are gone, and basically your entire production line is kaput. (You can't make steel because you don't have iron, for example. This is just like the binary way, so what would be the point in doing it?) In QR, you still have a reserve supply, so your buildings can continue to function as long as that supply holds. This is infinitely preferable to the "slow death" ;) that Genetic Era brings whereby non-renewable resources slowly start to cap off your production capacity.

5. One last feature (optional, because it would bug a lot of people and I don't see it as essential) is the concept of limited resources as in Genetic Era, where they slowly disappear. I don't think this is essential because you'd have constant resource migrations and that could be a pain, but it would be interesting to implement. If the coding got too hard, though, I'd say forget it, because it's not that important.

Basically, the key issue is the stockpile system. If I understand depletive resources (haven't played, so I can't say for sure), there is no true stockpile. You only have so many slots per resource which limit how fast you can construct things. In a purely QR way of doing things, your ability to produce is based on your stockpile, not your resource chain per se. It's all about a net gain/loss in the stockpile that upsets the balance of things. QR ultimately gives you greater flexibility, which is what I think everybody will be looking for in a complex system such as this.
There's one other aspect of QR that I forgot to mention which might make it superior: the way health/happiness benefits currently work in Civ 4. With QR, you could still retain an element of the binary way by setting it so that as long as a resource's quantity > 0, the health/happiness benefits still apply. Then you'd never have to pay attention to your luxury quantities, because they wouldn't come into play. A grocer that yields one health if it has a supply of clams would only need to check to see if the quantity is greater than zero; since you never defined any consumption, the resource counter will simply run to its set maximum after you hook up the resource and you'd never have to mess with it.

Only one problem--what happens when it gets pillaged?

If you wanted to go the stricter route, make it so that each plantation, farm or whatever produces Y resources. Say you have a plantation that makes 10 silk per turn, and the market can "sell" one unit to a city in exchange for increased happiness. Well, there's no problem so long as you have 10 or fewer cities, as we discussed before. The problem comes once you exceed your supplies (read: your stockpile hits zero).

The way to solve this is the same way to solve the factory issue: make it possible to turn buildings on or off. You can then selectively control your resources. This is how I see it working.

Example setup:
A mine produce 5 iron per turn. A factory can be built in a city that takes 1 iron and 1 coal per turn to make 1 steel, but it costs (a one-time cost) 10 stone and 15 iron to build. Finally, you want to use this steel to build tanks, but one tank costs 20 steel to build.

There is also another building, the coal plant, which can convert 1 coal per turn into power for the city.

If you suddenly find you don't have enough coal to run both the factory and the power plant, you can turn one or the other off. Until you do that, if your supply is at zero, neither will operate.

In the event you end the turn with a partial supply (e.g., you have buildings which require a total of 10 coal but you're only getting 8 coal per turn), then only 8 of those buildings will work that turn (it could be assigned randomly). Alternatively, you could just force all of them to be non-operational and let the supply drop back to zero, which is probably easier from a coding perspective.
Honestly, I think having each resource enable X "uses" or "slots" is the easiest way to gain most of the benefit. Stone or Marble could enable one slot, since it's mainly an inhibitor on building wonders. Iron or copper could enable a dozen or so slots, since it's mainly an inhibitor on building units. Oil or coal could enable even 30 or 40 slots each, since I'd like to see them consumed on a mass scale: population, farms, cottages... plus buildings and units.

Ultimately, that gets us the benefit of more resources allowing more production. It also rewards thrift, should someone decide not to maximize their use of iron -- allowing lucrative trades.

The main thing we lose, however, is the other reward for thrift: saving some for that rainy day when the Russians run up and pillage your iron or oil. If losing oil would immediately disable (or worse, erase) all kinds of units, you're basically assuming the player was greedily slurping up all their oil. Either that, or all your resources spoil quite quickly.

However, I think this is small enough that it's better to find a shortcut than to quantify all kinds of stockpiles. That is, you could simply assume that most civilizations have 5 turns of reserve anything -- a delayed penalty. It could vary from resource to resource: minerals have higher stockpiles and give you 5 turns before the penalty, food has smaller stockpiles and has almost instant penalties.

You could even do a dice roll upon the pillage based on the last 3 turns of consumption to figure out the reserve supply: if you were running at the max and using up all the slots, you have 1 turn before your "capacity" drops. If you were running at half capacity or less, you have 6 turns. Basically, simulate the reserve.

I hope that made sense, even if people disagree with it.
The main thing we lose, however, is the other reward for thrift: saving some for that rainy day when the Russians run up and pillage your iron or oil. If losing oil would immediately disable (or worse, erase) all kinds of units, you're basically assuming the player was greedily slurping up all their oil. Either that, or all your resources spoil quite quickly.

There's a very simple solution to this and one I suggested at the very beginning... if Oil is really what all the fuss is about and the primary reason for wanting a quantitative resource system with player inventories, etc., then just make a new yield and call it Oil or Fuel or something... then have that stockpiled and draw from that... I've already got a system for storing and redistributing yields...

True, this would remove the stockpiles of Iron and Copper/Bronze, but there are ways to deal with this too.. I'm sure it will be hated, but I'll suggest it anyway... make it so that the early melee units don't require Iron or Copper/Bronze but instead have any of these materials increase the speed of production... let's say twice as fast or even more... the idea here is that even if you have no large supply of Iron, you can basically assume that some iron can be scrounged up from somewhere... iron is a very abundant material, and so even if you lack a large vein, you can still get some iron from various sources, but it will take longer obviously.

So if you lose the supply of a resource, it will slow down your training of units but won't hault it completely... then once you regain control of the Bonus, you just hook it back up and resume at the doubled production speed. And if you can't get it back, then at least you are not completely incapable of training new Axemen and Swordsmen. It's also good because if you end up getting stuck someplace that just happens to have no Iron or Copper, as has happened to me before, you can still at least have some kind of a military by the Classical Era without having to resort to only Archers and Warriors.

And that is assuming, of course, that you don't have any of the other resource... so if you lose your supply of Iron but still have Copper, you're still good for producing Axemen... I'd even allow Swordsmen to be built with Copper/Bronze too since really there's no real reason why they should require only Iron.

And by the later era, when you really can't expect to "scrounge" up enough metal to make a Battleship, for example, one would hope at least that you would have multiple sources of Iron either within your borders or from other civs to produce the units you need... you could also make buildings that would recycle certain resources.... so you could get back a 'slot' of Iron out of scrap metal that can be melted down and reformed... Then even in the worst case scenario, you'd still have something to work with...
There's a very simple solution to this and one I suggested at the very beginning... if Oil is really what all the fuss is about and the primary reason for wanting a quantitative resource system with player inventories, etc., then just make a new yield and call it Oil or Fuel or something... then have that stockpiled and draw from that... I've already got a system for storing and redistributing yields...

True, this would remove the stockpiles of Iron and Copper/Bronze, but there are ways to deal with this too.. I'm sure it will be hated, but I'll suggest it anyway... make it so that the early melee units don't require Iron or Copper/Bronze but instead have any of these materials increase the speed of production... let's say twice as fast or even more... the idea here is that even if you have no large supply of Iron, you can basically assume that some iron can be scrounged up from somewhere... iron is a very abundant material, and so even if you lack a large vein, you can still get some iron from various sources, but it will take longer obviously.

This is genius and something I would definitely support. The real issue when it comes to stockpiles is fuel. We should quantify that, but look into a cleaner and quicker solution for the other resources.

Iron and copper are everywhere. Maybe some places have more of it, and that should give them an advantage. But no one is really deprived. It's the same debate that often comes up from "Saltpeter" and how it was dropped as a strategic resource in Civilization 4. Saltpeter isn't a strategic resource -- there's very little history of someone targeting someone's source of saltpeter. And the strategic value of targeting someone's iron mine isn't that you prevent them from making new swords, but substantially slow it down.

Same thing with those food and luxury resources. They make people happy in the immediate moment. You probably won't find a civilization hoarding their furs so they can make twice as many people happy later.

So, all in all, iron and copper should speed up production in X cities. Same thing with marble and stone. If your entire civilization is cranking out stone wonders, or iron units, then only a few cities will be getting the bonus. Gems should make one person happy in Y cities. Cows should make one person healthy in Z cities. And so on. (We can set X and Y to balance challenge with fun.) The only real quantity should be fuel resources.

Horses are kind of a weird case. What do you think about them?
dh_epic said:
Same thing with those food and luxury resources. They make people happy in the immediate moment. You probably won't find a civilization hoarding their furs so they can make twice as many people happy later.

No because worse comes to worse... you can always get a fur coat made from rats :cool:

Horses are kind of a weird case. What do you think about them?

I think there's already a mod out there that solves our horse issue... here

While I wouldn't necessarily go with this particular model as he's developed it, I would say that one should be able to build new improvements that would give access to horses... perhaps the best way to keep people from building Horse Ranches all over the place would be to give them a negative Food return... not too many people eat horse meat, but horse's do require food and military horses especially need higher-quality food that might have to come from domesticated human crops... plus the land isn't being used for the cultivation of crops... there's all sorts of ways to justify a -1 Food from a Horse Ranch.
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