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QUATRONIA Diplomacy Discussion

You can cancel any resource deal by pillaging the resource itself then reconnecting it. Not an ideal use of worker-turns at this stage of development, but a possibility anyway.

I'll keep that in mind when we need to work on Taj Mahal. Say a barb did it.
They 'll good think about us, if we a barb permit to destroy our improvement.

We've already had one barb axe come down that way. The only thing stopping more is the caraval.
I propose sending something like this to Quatronia:


Sorry again about the tech mix up. We have definitely been lax in our diplomacy recently due to other demands on our diplomats, but hope to avoid this in the future. We will make a proposal to the whole ETTA soon [or have made] about better focused research to regain a military advantage on Mav/Merlot.

Obviously, one reason for researching Nationalism would be Taj Mahal. Perhaps you had the same idea. Since we both can't build it, and it would be a waste of hammers to race each other for it, we would like to discuss this with you. First, was Taj the reason you researched Nationalism? If so, would you be willing to agree not to compete with us for some other wonder, if we agree not to try to complete Taj Mahal?

Also, it's clear based on our experiences on the Mavericks home island that we should better coordinate our military activities against them. Let us know what you think.


Trystero, Team Sirius
It sure would work better if we had a specific wonder in mind to "exchange" for it. There's no point asking them want wonder they want us to build instead, we should either decide ourselves or leave it as "the next wonder we're competing for".

It's also something of an odd agreement for just two of us to make while ignoring what wonders the other teams might be after.

Maybe it's worth letting Quatronia suggest a compromise for getting the Taj Mahal, they at least surely won't come up with anything weaker than this general sense of getting the next wonder we might or might not have been competing for. Now that I think about it, we're in danger of trading a wonder we at least kind of wanted for a wonder Quatronia then only claim to be interested in in order to square off the deal.
That's an excellent point. I'll try rewriting this in the morning (it's almost 2 AM here). How should we handle this? Ask the ETTA what they think about us building Taj Mahal? What would we want in exchange for Taj Mahal? As I argued in the other thread, I don't think the benefits of a Golden Age are that great for us now (I'd like Liberalism and Constitution for Civics switches). Granted a GA is always helpful, but maybe we should focus on another wonder? Maybe MoM?

Edit: Maybe we should let other teams propose a solution? Regardless, let's not put hammers into it yet. We don't have the marble anyway.
I could write to them and say we noticed their galleons and ask if they need any information about the dispensation of Mavericks forces, since we have a lot of espionage against them.

I would prefer this. but be careful about "them", they could be pissed because we 've a lot of EsP against them.

What are the other mean?
Well they can see the EsP no matter but I think it's the Mav esp they would be interested in. Then again they can probably see the stack themselves since there ship is there.
I was wondering should we just cancel the stone to Quat or ask if their done yet with it?
Want we make a deal with Quat, and give them Injinya, to get Gold and Iron. If we don't get an agreement, there is the race, who is quickest in the first war turn. Also we can get with our ships there before, landing and/or attack begins for both at the same turn, and they 've rifles etc also.

So is my proposed message, please some make better english from them.

Greetings Quatronia
We know that we both get bloody noses at mavs isle, but now we both can and 'll conquer their towns in few turns. All towns are good and the most interesting is Injinya, so that our both armies 'll land there and make a race against another. Like the last turns at Comet between Ama and us. We don't think that a good idea, so we give you the town, if we get the other both.
If this an agreement, you can live with, then say so. If not make a better.
Sincerely Sirian
I think this is a good idea to pursue. Hopefully it will help us avoid sniping issues.
As i posted yesterday, we have 2 options:
- the one proposed by HUSch
- let the things happen and see if they can be in our favor

premise: i value more Mavs Capital than the Pyra city at this stage.

in case we decide to send a message to Quat we need to translate it first. (sorry HUSch, you english is even worst than mine :lol:) Anb maybe put some "flower" in it.

There's the chance they ignore it, like they did previously with my proposal of collaboration. Please remember that if Ama answered with an absurd delay and with ... (OK, we know well the matter), Quat did not sent anything.

BTW, speaking of answers, we're still awaiting for CDZ, aren't we?
Yes were waiting for CDZ's response as well, I think they may ignore this but I'd still like for it to be sent.
We have had a very poor history of military collaboration up to this point. You can send the message if you like, but I doubt we'll get any sort of response in a meaningful time frame. It seems rather late to start coordinating with them anyways. They are likely to think that the only reason we are doing so is because we are afraid they are going to take something we want.

I would not bother with the message and just see what happens.
As I mention in the turn discussion thread we can send this:

We might have cause you a bit of confusion as our "Sorry guys" line right before the attack was ment as a war declaration, not an apology/cease fire.
We now understand that we should had PM a couple of lines or at least made the purpose clearer.

Alltriia, on behalf of Team Sirius.

I'm asking for the same input as in the Amazon diplomacy thread; Any alterations? Don't send? Send? When?

We might need to send another one or add something to this if we decide to go for the NAPs.
WEll it does seem the majority wants to do a nap so we can offer that to them as well.
OK, here's the new one if we're going for a NAP:
We might have cause you a bit of confusion as our "Sorry guys" line right before the attack was ment as a war declaration, not an apology/cease fire.
We now understand that we should had PM a couple of lines or at least made the purpose clearer.

After your well thought strategy we're offering a 10 turn NAP scheme renewable only by active communication, if you're still willing. The reason for our aparent contradiction in actions is because we have been debating the issue and the process has been too slow.

Alltriia, on behalf of Team Sirius.
I'm not too happy with this one. I'm trying to find a way to compliment them on their defense and to not give much away about our internal communication process.
Trystero, are you able to make it better?
I already said to send the first paragraph.

For the rest, you know my strategy: kill'em, kill'em all!!!

We started the dance, now let's continue. Pity we have few hours left, unless we ask for a pause.

We can do so 2 or 3 times in a game and the pause will last 24 hours or until we decide to unpause. Sorry to have thought this only now, we could have better used the pause before to declare.
Yes, you've already stated your thoughts. I'm waiting for the others.

We could had asked for the pause right after the attack to clarify that cease fire confusion. I think now is too late.
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