Question about colonies


Jan 28, 2006
Is it possible to select which city you want to grant independence to? I am playing on a two continents map, and have found a couple of cities on the new continent. I wish to create a colony on the north part of it, but want to retain the cities in the south, as they are closer to my capital and are my producation powerhouses.

The thing is, when I go to the advisor menu, the only thing it allows me to do is to grant independence to all cities on the new continents. I thought I can select the specific cities to form colonies by highlighting them in the meun and then press "grant independence", but it doesn't work.

Can anyone tell me if that is limited by the game, or I have missed something important?

Thank you.
when you're making a new colony on a landmass, you have to go all or nothing, you can't give them only certain cities on that continent/island/whatever.

if you've already made a colony, and then later capture or make other cities there, those you can choose to give away one at a time (at least i could when i tested it).

so i guess the best thing to do is start the colony after you've only settled (or captured) the worst cities on it :lol:. and then you can keep the best ones for yourself.
A work-around might be that if you can throw up two cities real quick-like on an island near those northern cities, then grant them independence ASAP, you might be able to individually "liberate" the northern cities to your new colony. Depends on your map, of course (if you only have two continents and no islands, then it's not going to work....)
I founded a colony (all the captured cities on a second continent), captured a few more cities there, wanted to give a couple of the recent captures away and keep others - and couldn't. Had to give them all away or none.
Why could I give cities one at a time to a vassal on the same continent, but not to a colonial vassal on another landmass ? Most annoying.
A work-around might be that if you can throw up two cities real quick-like on an island near those northern cities, then grant them independence ASAP, you might be able to individually "liberate" the northern cities to your new colony. Depends on your map, of course (if you only have two continents and no islands, then it's not going to work....)

That's a nice idea, thanks. :) Still have to say this limitation is a bit annoying though.
I played this game whith Portugal, and i made over 20 landmasses colonized, and then i adopted state property, and got a huge area of land and won domination after a few wars :D
That's a nice idea, thanks. :) Still have to say this limitation is a bit annoying though.

I've actually done it before -- conquered a couple of barbarian cities, didn't feel like running the place myself, so I granted them independence. Then noticed that this nearby one-square island city I'd settled some time ago was just not paying off at all, so I gave them that city, too.

It also helps to grant independence to a colony that's threatened by enemy attack. Upon liberation, they all draft two of the strongest defenders per city.

I've also been in situations where it paid off to conquer all but one or two of an enemy's cities, accept capitulation, then liberate those cities right back to them. Really helps when invading a different continent. Saved me tons of headaches in terms of maintenance costs and culture battles with neighboring civs.
i was playing my current game last night and started off on a little penisula with only two entrances and a large lake in the middle. To the far south was Izzy with her backwards religion, and a nicely sized island. I decided to send down three groups of settlers with defenders and christian missionaries. As soon as all the cities were developed enough, I liberated them and formed a Greek colony. What's great is I gained back about 40 g/p and have a strong christian ally next to my biggest challenger on my continent. Religious wars are fun now... haha.

Honestly though, colonies are great. I have wanted them since civ 3!!!
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