[QUESTION] Three Road Types

Well, but you didn't change the information in the CIV4RouteModelInfos.xml.... you have to add new route model infos for each of the various directions... so you have to copy all route model info entries that have "ROUTE_ROAD" as their route type and then change this to ROUTE_TRAIL

OK, I'll play with that... Thanks.
Added all the TRAIL entries to the RouteModelInfo, in addition to all the ROAD & RAILROAD entries there. Same result. Runtime error.

Here are three samples

<Rotations>0 90 180 270</Rotations>

<Rotations>0 90 180 270</Rotations>

<Rotations>0 90 180 270</Rotations>
Try CIV4SymbolMeshPaths.XML. There is an extra bit at the bottom that might be relevant.

Phew... this is what I"ve added there:

<!-- Roads, they select their own .NIF -->
<!-- Trails, they select their own .NIF -->

<!-- Railroads, they select their own .NIF -->

But no cigar! The pesky error msg keeps coming up.

Dom Pedro mentioned some other mods that use the three roads approach. I wonder which ones these were. I'd like to have a look at them.
Well, this might be totally off base, but the order in which you did it might matter. For instance, you have the trail before roads in one XML file, and after roads in that last one. In most cases it should not matter.
Well, this might be totally off base, but the order in which you did it might matter. For instance, you have the trail before roads in one XML file, and after roads in that last one. In most cases it should not matter.

They're all in the same order now, but it didn't make any difference. I think the problem lies elsewhere, because the error does not occur in the initial loading sequence, when the XML files are checked/loaded. The error message occurs after picking a CIV from the mod's menu, and the error msg mentions the problem being with Warlords.exe.
Total random suggestion from someone who has only modded Python code . . .

Did you try clearing the cache?
Did you try clearing the cache?

No. How do I do that?


Is this the bit where I should delete the contents of

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\cache

Bingo! Sorry, I should have included the explanation straight away but was lazy. :)

Honestly, I don't expect this to be the culprit, but it's best to eliminate the easy cases. If your changes to XML files were the problem, I'd expect a fairly explicit error from cIV -- not a bizarre crash. I'd expect something like

Unknown key "ROUTE_TRAIL" in blahblah.xml

or even

Illegal XML value

A crash because you changed XML indicates poor error-handling (i.e. none) on the part of cIV. :(
Can you ZIP up all the files you've added and changed and upload them here? If so, we can run them ourselves. Perhaps you have a malformed XML file? It's surprising that cIV isn't reporting an XML error of some kind since those are the only changes you've made. (That's all I was saying above, that the game seems to be behaving poorly).
I want to include additional route types as well so I would love to know what the answer to this problem may be as I have never had any luck in the past....mostly because I dont have a clue what I am doing with all the xml files relating to routes :(
Can you ZIP up all the files you've added and changed and upload them here? If so, we can run them ourselves. Perhaps you have a malformed XML file? It's surprising that cIV isn't reporting an XML error of some kind since those are the only changes you've made. (That's all I was saying above, that the game seems to be behaving poorly).

Here are the modified files. You'll need to rename them to remove the _ALT in the filenames. This might not work if just added to a standard game. You will need to download the whole AD1640 mod itself for these files to work. The modified files are not in the present version of AD1640.

Thanks for trying this out! Best of luck. :)


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