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Quick Answers (formerly Newbie Questions)

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Originally posted by Grille
-You could fix it yourself easily by using the editor: start positions can be set there.
That's right, but NOT when you're using the out-of-the-box version of Civ3. I was very disappointed back in 2001 when I learned no civ-specific start positions could be set.

Pushkin: just install the latest patch (1.29f) and you can edit the world map (and any other map) to your liking.
Because you're low on bandwith, you may be tempted to download an older and smaller patch. Don't do that! Since most of us use the latest patch, you'll be able to view other people's savegames and join Succession Games as well.
Is there a list anywhere here or on the net of the changes in PTW? I have heard about an internet wonder, airfields, radar towers, etc. I am curious because I did not buy PTW but will be getting C3C soon, and I've read plenty about the features of C3C, but would also like to know what the PTW features are.
The Ancient age is my favorite so I am trying to create a scenario and I want it to only last through that age. I also want to limit the amout of cities to 8 per civ.


1. How do I limit the game to the ancient age and drag it out for a long time?

2. How do I limit the amout of cities a CIV can build????

Originally posted by Capt Ajax
The Ancient age is my favorite so I am trying to create a scenario and I want it to only last through that age. I also want to limit the amout of cities to 8 per civ.


1. How do I limit the game to the ancient age and drag it out for a long time?

2. How do I limit the amout of cities a CIV can build????


I may not be the best person to answer this; as I have never tried it. But, in the editor under scenario/ scenario properties. You could try adjusting start date and time scale. Pick the date you want to start and how long you want it to run; then divide the time scale accordingly. You may also need to adjust the number of turns.

start at 1000 BC and run to 1000AD = 2000 years
2000 yrs / 5 yrs per turn = 400 turns
Time scale has seven entries so you may have to break the 400 turns into seven parts; but you may be able to get away with leaving some set to zero.

For heavens sake rename the scenario something-test before you try this. And let us know if it works.
Thank you sparrow. A couple of ?s that leads to. It says:
"an effort to add some depth to the tail-end of the single player game, the developers are considering a number of changes. There are a few new wonders, such as the The Internet. New city improvements are also under consideration. A "Civil Defense" type structure might be added to improve the defense of large, modern cities. A "commercial dock" of some sort might be added. Also, while research institutions have three levels (Library, University and Research Lab), economic improvements only have two (Marketplace and Bank). A "Mega-Bank" type improvement would add a third level of economic activity to modern cities. "

It said these changes were being considered, were they implemented? And if so, what is the effect of the Internet wonder(increased commerce?)
Originally posted by Unclesam
It says:
"an effort to add some depth to the tail-end of the single player game, the developers are considering a number of changes."

There are a few new wonders, such as the The Internet.
Yes, the Internet wonder was added. It gives a research lab in every city on the continent.

New city improvements are also under consideration. A "Civil Defense" type structure might be added to improve the defense of large, modern cities. A "commercial dock" of some sort might be added.
Civil Defense was added. Helps protect against bombardment.
Commercial dock was added. Increases trade/wealth in city where it is built.
Stock Exchange was added. Helps increase wealth by boosting tax refinues.

Also, while research institutions have three levels (Library, University and Research Lab), economic improvements only have two (Marketplace and Bank). A "Mega-Bank" type improvement would add a third level of economic activity to modern cities. "
I haven't seen this "Mega-Bank". Stock Exchange may have displaced it.
Originally posted by Sparrow3

For heavens sake rename the scenario something-test before you try this. And let us know if it works.

It did work!! I limited the amount of cities by not allowing any civ to build settlers. Then I started all CIVs with 8 settlers. I gave the settlers a defence rating of "20" so they could not be destroyed before building a city.

Thanks for the G2 on CIV Editing :goodjob:
For the city limit:
You could mod the OCN. It would be possible to still build cities, but number-of-city(ranks) corruption kicks in sooner if you lower the OCN.
The ai decision to build a city and to capture or raze one is dependent on the OCN, so this measure may work as an indirect city limit.
I feel like such a newbie, but I'm absolutly stuck for an answer on this one.

First a little background, AI's cascaded from Leo's & now Abe is about to complete Smith's in 3 turns. Unfortunatly I have 8 turns left(aka way too many shields to throw away), & no other wonder to switch to. Abe is building it in New York which just happens to rest on the American/Chinese boarder, & I just happen to have no trades going on with Abe.

So I declare war then get Mao to sign a MA against Abe, BUT when he accepts it puts me at war with Mao & we have a MA against Abe. What??? Normally I'd just roll with it, but Mao & I had ongoing trades at the time & I need my rep intact.

So I reloaded to the auto-save from the year(that was the first thing I did on the turn), & tried again with the same results. Then I tried to get Cleo against abe just to see what happend........the same thing. So I tried to get China into an alliance against the Babs(who I was already at war with before that turn) just to see if the game was messed up & the alliance occured as it should.

What's going on?? We're in the middle-ages so it can't me MPPs. Here's the save, all you have to do is go into diplomacy & test it out for yourself.

A gold star & 500 cool points to the person that figures it out for me. HELP!?!
Originally posted by Gengis Khan
A gold star & 500 cool points to the person that figures it out for me.
Strange indeed. same happens when I try it.

How about giving me a silver star and 250 cool points for the following "solution". Mao is willing to make peace immediately. ;) :confused:
My guess is that Abe and Mao were on pretty good terms with eachother... and had several deals going with Abe that you "destroyed" by signing an MA with them.

Don't think it's even close to be right, but it's the only thing I can think of.
It does the same to me too.

Even those countries which will actually declare correctly following an alliance actually have a WORSE attitude after than before the alliance.

I allied with Egypt against Babs, and that worked. Then Egypt allied against the US, but ended up at war with us (Japan).

I speculate that the game has got Japan and America confused in its lookup functions somehow, but have no idea how you fix it.
Also note there is no pop-up saying China declares war on you, indicating part of the game thinks they are declaring on Abe (as they should be) but another part thinks they are declaring war on you.
Yea, its got me baffled.

On top of that when Mao first agrees to the MPP, the following screen has him saying "Good news. The war is over." Followed with the typical war type choices.

I wouldn't stress it to much, but it's definatly a bug I've never seen before & would at least like to know what triggered it. Not to mention it happend on a SG, so I'd like to do at least attempt to get that wonder.

[edit] And 250 cool points for madscott & tao each.;)
You have a deal with China at the moment in which you are giving them Silks, incense, and 25gpt, in return they are giving you gems. This deal is also tied to your the peace treaty, so if it is broken, then you will automatically be at war with the Chinese.

How is it broken? The only trade routes via coast/sea(you don't have the technology for ocean yet) between yourself and the other continent, go through America's territory.
When you declare war on America, the trade route is broken, hence so is the deal in which you are giving China stuff for a peace treaty, and the ever important gems.

So where's my gold star and cool points? :D
That's devilishly convoluted

And yet another reason not to tie per-turn trades to peace treaties I guess.
Perfect score. You get a gold star!

In my probably 25-50 games played that situation has never come up, so I defiantly wouldn't have thought of that.

Amazing Grainy.:worship:
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