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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

I'm a real newbie. I have never played any of the other civ games before, and bought civ colonization for my mac. I'm really struggling to get going! I've been managing to send me ship back and forth to Europe and pick up a some new people. However, I can't seem to send cargo back to trade. When my ship is in the square that's part of my settlement how do I get to the load cargo button mentioned in the instructions?

There are two ways to load goods into your ship. If you are in the Settlement screen click on the goods at the bottom of the screen and drag them to the cargo hold of your ship. This will automatically transfer up to 100 units (for a standard game). If you want to choose how much to load hold down the Shift key before dragging the goods.

You can also load your ship from the overland screen. When the ship is active a load goods icon appears among the other action icons at the bottom of the screen, or you can use 'L'. However with this option you cannot choose a partial load.

Welcome to the game janieh.
Use the Bombard icon or 'B'. However you can only bombard enemy colonies that have a defensive value. You cannot bombard ships, troops or native villages.
How do i add a civilization to a custom senario/map in worldeditor. Is this even possible?
Does raiding Burial Grounds upset the natives?
Not usually, but it can do. There is a random chance that your unit will be injured or even killed at higher difficulty levels and that may send you to war with the local native tribe.
From the description of the units it appears that dragoons, canons and regular soldiers don't get a defensive bonus. I assume this means no bonus from the landscape, nor from the city. That inexplicitly means that the only unit that receives a defensive bonus is the veteran soldier? Is that correct? As most of the army won't consist of those, there seems to be absolutely no point in investing in city defense buildings like a stockade? How about the REF army? I assume it consists of veteran soldiers?
From the description of the units it appears that dragoons, canons and regular soldiers don't get a defensive bonus. I assume this means no bonus from the landscape, nor from the city. That inexplicitly means that the only unit that receives a defensive bonus is the veteran soldier? Is that correct? As most of the army won't consist of those, there seems to be absolutely no point in investing in city defense buildings like a stockade? How about the REF army? I assume it consists of veteran soldiers?

Your own soldiers (veterans and militia) get the defensive bonus but the Royal Expeditionary Force soldiers (the regulars) don't. I guess you could reason that they don't know the New World terrain as well as your own men do. As you say dragoons and cannons do not get the defensive bonus either but these are best used as attack troops anyway.

Although most of your troops will be dragoons you should still employ a few soldiers to guard your colonies so stockades etc are useful too, especially against Indian attacks. Also cannons have their own settlement defense bonus.
I click on Caravel - is it supposed to go on water? how do I land it? then how do I move my settler ?

Yes, it is a ship so it does go on water. Just click on the caravel to select it and move it with the arrow keys one tile at a time, or right click on a destination and it will travel there automatically.

When you reach land either move it again with the arrow key, in which case all units aboard will land, or select an individual unit and move that onto land by itself, again using the arrow keys.

You can also move your caravel into a colony, in which case an 'Unload' icon appears and you can use that to unload your units into the colony.

Colonization does not have any specific settler unit, instead you can found a colony with any unit.
Is there anything you can do to stop the local natives from becoming angry with you? The tribes nearest to me always end up at +1 for years of peace and -19 for threatening there way of life. I try giving them gifts, but that doesn't seem to help. Maybe I'm not giving them gifts fast/early enough? Or I am just supposed to overrun them to expand. I even bought every piece of contested land for 1000's of gold.

I tried being peaceful and the local tribe suddenly declared war (they had been at -19 for a long time, though) on me and destroy three colonies. I turned around and wiped them out, but that didn't help the three colonies and 12+ citizens they took with them.

It seems to me that once relations start heading downhill, the only chioce is to kill them. True? False?
It does depends on the difficulty level and your starting country. At Revolutionary I find it almost impossible to avoid a war with the locals, however in a recent game as the French I managed to stay on friendly terms the whole game and they even offered me a defensive alliance.

I have never given gifts to the native tribes but I do trade extensively and send them missionaries. Eventually though I am going to need their land one way or another so I usually attack them first.
dalgo - thanks!

Do you usually start by buying the land to keep them on good terms or is that money just better used buying a few soliders from the motherland? Sometimes they want an outrageous amount of money. I figured that the more 'tiles' you take from the natives that want to work it, and the better the stolen tiles, the higher the cost.

It seems to me that if the neighbors are going to hate me eventually anyway, the money is better spent on soliders.
Yeah I always pay for the land - until I'm ready to go to war.

If you use the 'Globe view' icon on the lower left of the main screen and then 'Culture' just below that you will see the land the natives claim as their own. You can sometimes position a new colony so it fits between those boundaries, or at least minimizes the amount of overlap. This will greatly reduce the amount you have to pay.

Staying at peace for as long as you can is often worth it because as your own culture boundary expands the natives may give up a village to you without a fight.

If you are going to war then cannons are better than soldiers. They are better at defending your own colonies and better at attacking a native village. However they are of no use for fighting in the open countryside so you will need a soldier to defend them.

Dragoons are the best unit for attacking Indian braves in the open.
Read it before and should have written it down. Can't find it so need help!

Want to crush the Dutch but they won't talk to me so I can't declare WAR.
Won't let me enter their territory even with SHIFT or OPTION key used.

Help would be greatly appreciated.
That's strange. Normally if you try to enter another nation's territory (either by right click or using the movement keys) you get the message 'Entering Dutch lands will trigger WAR! Are you sure?' etc and one of the option is 'Yes, Declare War'.
Do natives always let ruins (ie, completely abandon the tile) when "gifting" you one of their settlements? So the only advantage that you get is that you may now settle their former territory without having to pay? Is there a way to really get their settlement (since you are forced to raze them when conquering their land)?
On another topic, are seasoned scouts really only a matter of luck (ie, since you can't buy them, you have to pray for them to appear in the immigration queue)? Do veteran dragoons exist?

Thanks for answering. I'm sorry if these have already been asked.
Do natives always let ruins (ie, completely abandon the tile) when "gifting" you one of their settlements? So the only advantage that you get is that you may now settle their former territory without having to pay? Is there a way to really get their settlement (since you are forced to raze them when conquering their land)?

No you cannot take over a native settlement. Whether you have it gifted to you or raze it all you get is ruins.

On another topic, are seasoned scouts really only a matter of luck (ie, since you can't buy them, you have to pray for them to appear in the immigration queue)?

There are a number of ways of obtaining seasoned scouts:

1. From the immigration queue.
2. If a colonist scout visits a native village there is a random chance that the village will 'season' him. i.e. turn him into a seasoned scout.
3. Some villages can train seasoned scouts.
4. Or you can train them yourself in your schools etc. However this requires you to have a seasoned scout of your own working in that colony.

Do veteran dragoons exist?

Yes, just give horses to a veteran soldier.
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