Quick Question - Do Multiple Spies and/or Security Bureau Stack?


CivDOS Fanatic
Sep 5, 2005
Does the "Helps Thwart Rival Spies" effect of Spies and Security Bureaus stack? Will my defense vs rival spies improve with more of these unit and buildings?

No they dont. 1 Spy or 1 Sec Buero is the best you can have.
Great, then I'll construct a Sec Bureau and get rid of the Spy (its services cost me 1 GPT).
You might want to keep the spy and put her on a critical resource like maybe your only oil well. But you definitely don't need her in a city with the Security Bureau.
Such as? I'm not really sure I need espionage missions. Maybe to steal a tech. Hmm... I've never bothered to actively use spies.
Such as sabatoge production in a rival city, or perform a counter-espionage mission in a rivals lands. That can be just as effective as the security but it only lasts for a short time and against one civ. However, it doubles the cost of your rivals spying on you.
Counterespionage mission is great, as is the city revolt to bring down the defenses in a single turn. The latter is risky, though, if you bring only one spy as the mission can fail.

One thing I have noticed and really need to test again is the spread culture mission. I used it in one game prior to conquering a city and there was no revolt.

Change civics can be very useful if you want to spread your religion or corporation and the civ is running theocracy/state property.

I am usually restrained in using spies too much because I prefer to have high enough points for the passive espionage allowing me to see what they reserach and inspect their cities, but I dislike increasing the espionage ratio, at least for any considerable amount of time.
As I said, I really need to try this again to confirm it was not something else affecting it, though I cannot imagine what it would be aside from GA, but it sounds too good to be true
A very usefull mission, if you prefer to spy defensively - is counter espionage - run it on a opponent and he will have the cost of his missions vs you doubled and his chance of sucess reduced. It last 10 turn on normal and does not stack.

Very usefull to prevent your SS parts from beeing sabotaged by Sitting Bull.
oranges said:
One thing I have noticed and really need to test again is the spread culture mission. I used it in one game prior to conquering a city and there was no revolt.

Experiments with this mission indicate that it is bugged, and does absolutely nothing. It has no affect on either your on the enemy's culture values or relative percentages in the city.
I would have put an extra "er" in "bugged". Yoy can't spread your culture at all unless there's some already there, and the increase is negligible compared with the culture the city pumps out itself. I tried about 50 "spread" missions on a city once, for amusement near the end of a game, and finally managed to increase my culture there by 2% per turn at enormous cost in EPs. I was getting 1% a turn anyway, from nearby cities of mine.
But does spread culture always result in no revolt in conquered city and if so how many turns in advance can you conduct it to be effective? It would make it a worthwhile mission, even if the original aim is still bugged, though the number of cities where you can perform it is obviously limited to those where there is your culture already present.
But does spread culture always result in no revolt in conquered city and if so how many turns in advance can you conduct it to be effective? It would make it a worthwhile mission, even if the original aim is still bugged, though the number of cities where you can perform it is obviously limited to those where there is your culture already present.

From what I can see, it's not effective at all. If your aim is a revolt you're better off conducting the Foment Revolt mission, or whatever it's called. The Spread Culture one just seems to be a waste of gold with very little, if any, return of your investment.
Oranges is saying that it caused no revolt after conquest, i.e. like a Great Artist bomb in vanilla/warlords.

Sounds interesting if that is the case...
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