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Quick Question on Number of Civ's You Play per Game


Dec 19, 2012
When you are playing solo on a giant or huge map, how many opposing civ's do you guys normally play?
The default based on map size.
Usually the default amount for the map size - unless I am playing YNAEMP then I install a DLL that allows 43 Civs and then use 43 Civs :D
Huge maps I play 20 civs and 20 CS. It seems more natural then 12 for me. To be fair here, it is very rare I would ever build more then 3 cities.
Wow! Thanks everyone. Seems pretty unanimous.
I just got BNW and have been killed on Prince level using the defaults on YNAEM so I decreased Civ's to just 6 and things are going much better.

After reading all your replies, I'll do my next game with the defaults and hope that I've learned something. :)
It's been a while since I started to add 50% more civs and put 33% less CSs.

For example, on a large map, I put 18 civs instead of 12 and 18 CSs instead of 24.

I feel that the game is much more balanced in the late eras and in the early game you HAVE to face wars for territory. I just enjoy ancient and classical combats too much!

Another aspect is that less CSs doesn't give excessive power to one or two civs.
I used to do this more with Civ 4- huge maps with one other civilization, or duel maps with every civ in the game.
I've tried messing with the number of civs and CS in Civ 5, and I find the default values tend to create the most balanced, fun games.

I recently tried one game with the max number of city states, and only a couple civs. Well, one of the civs was Greece, and before I knew it they were allied with pretty much every CS in the game. When Greece declared war on me, I was toast.
22 civs 41 city states...definitely adds some flavor when you get 19 other civs to go to war with you against your neighbor. Though with that many city states all the other civs are broke for 90% of the game trying to bump their influence.
Default +/- 2.
Small continents and huge size with 10 players can be really fun because there's a better chance for the AI(and you) to get a strong start. So by the time you meet them they aren't crippled by early wars.
I usually go fewer 10 or so, because I don't want to have to conquer quite so many in my end game, I get impatient when I only have a few more civs to destroy. It can however make for some interesting things when you try 4 civs on a huge map, they don't always behave the way you'd think they would, with all that room I watched Egypt only ever build 2 cities...strange. Only problem with the lower number is you can get some nasty runaways sometimes, then you can be in a tough fight if they've managed to surround their capital with a zillion other cities armed to the teeth.
Playing with so many CIV'S....aren't you guys concerned with Game Speed between turns. Wow. I play on Marathon and 20 + civs and city states...would seem slow and very long turn to turn with process time.

Brew God
i like using 22 civs and 48 cs's on standard size earth map to make it like real life where every one controls the entire map with no neutral territory
i honestly dont mind waiting so long between turns it gives me time to think but you do have to wait really long like a minute between turns
8 on standard maps.

Or I like to play marathons on huge maps with 22 Civs and a few extra city states.
I like to play with a lot of ai civs.

I just started a small map with 16 ai's. It's fun so far. But I "turn off" the CS....don't like them.
I always play standard size, 8 civs. I play on Prince even though I win consistently just because I like playing against myself to see if I can get the highest score/fastest victory. It's more difficult to compare two science victories in efficiency when one was played with 12 civs and another with 6.
I like to play with a lot of ai civs.

I just started a small map with 16 ai's. It's fun so far. But I "turn off" the CS....don't like them.

You should play as Greece or Siam when you turn them off. Though I suppose it is like playing all land games with England and the Ottomans.
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