(Its Britain-Not England!} Why can't anyone get it into their heads?)
Your beef is with Firaxis - not me
Craterus, I loved your map for vanilla CivIV. Any update on its availability for BTS?
Thanks (a tad late on my part)...
I have been working on a no_mod BTS version this weekend. Being limited to 18 civs is really painful. I may post whatever I get done today, but I am not happy with the results right now.
I am using the the 34mod map as a base and putting in Barbarian cities and units to slow things down. The problem right now (mid-game) is that the Mayans and Persians are dominating due to all the barb cities around them.
I will make a few adjustments and try to run through a quick game.
Here are the civs in the 18 civ version of this map that I first tried to use:
spain, france, rome, england, viking, germany, carthage, egypt, zulu, russia, mongol, china, usa, japan, maya, india, persia, greece.
I took carthage out and putting in Azteks because map position wise it would fill in better. I am also debating about removing Japan and putting in Sumeria or Babylon. Japan has never accomplished much on this map (no push by them to fill the islands).
After much thought as much as I like the mongols, I had to take them out instead of japan because there would be a huge island filled with Chinese instead of Japanese... and while I love the babylon as a hard player start civ in the 34version, I thought the sumerians might stand a better chance.
Only played this new version about half way through and the map is filling in nicely. The mongol area turns into a barbarian horde and the sumerians slow down the persians a bit.
Here is the new lineup for the 18 civ version:
spain, france, rome, england, viking, germany,
aztec, egypt, zulu, russia,
sumerian, china, usa, japan, maya, india, persia, greece.
The map is currently not balanced (due to it being designed for 34 civs).
Some suggestions for easy starts: Vikings and China.
Some suggestions for harder starts: Greeks, Germany,USA, and Rome(?). I am guessing at these being harder starts only because in the preliminary games I have played - the AI handles them horribly... not necessarily meaning they are hard, but the AI seems to handle hemmed in borders badly.
RadEarth_52x32_BTS_no_mod beta2c will be posted in the first post.
After someone releases a 34civ mod for the new patch, I will finish up the balance on the Tiny map and start the slightly larger version of the map for BTS.
After a couple of weekends of play of the 18 civ version of this map (as Russia and Vikings), it looks like Spain is overpowered (snatching up most of the wonders). I will see if I can edit thier start position to be a little harder (perhaps a tundra tile or two or a reduction of resourses within the start city limits). I will hope to have a better version up by end of June.