RawSasquatch/Kramer's New Civilizations

Maybe one of the CSA's decisions could give the player x number of Commerce Raider units. Or just privateers, if that works better. Or maybe one to salvage the Merrimack and get an Ironclad unit with a unique Promotion or two.
California gets a Gold Rush event where a source or two of gold is revealed within working range of some cities?
Maybe one of the CSA's decisions could give the player x number of Commerce Raider units. Or just privateers, if that works better. Or maybe one to salvage the Merrimack and get an Ironclad unit with a unique Promotion or two.

Like the Merrimack one.
Maybe one where you can, while at war, either emancipate or conscript slaves to get a few free units? If conscript, then you get a happiness drop. Actually...maybe you get that regardless...it would be similar to the "Mercenaries" one that exists in the E&D mod already.

Or you can have an event during war of the legend of Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee. Options could be a Great W/A/M to commemorate him or a Great General.
Decision to spawn CSS Virginia for the Confederates would be very good indeed. There's a unique model for it in BNW files after all.

Like the Merrimack one.
Maybe one where you can, while at war, either emancipate or conscript slaves to get a few free units? If conscript, then you get a happiness drop. Actually...maybe you get that regardless...it would be similar to the "Mercenaries" one that exists in the E&D mod already.

Or you can have an event during war of the legend of Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee. Options could be a Great W/A/M to commemorate him or a Great General.

A manumission one could work. Say it has a drop in the gold from Plantations, but you get some Production in the city? Or a boost to non-Plantation tiles?

Love the Gold Rush one for California. My only reservation is that it might work better as one of their Events.
Decision to spawn CSS Virginia for the Confederates would be very good indeed. There's a unique model for it in BNW files after all.

Its a monitor.
Sorry to go off-topic a bit, but how's work on Kurdistan coming along?
Very slowly. I've pretty much moved it off to the side until I finish a few more civs. Between artwork for several other modders, California, Yucatan, Bhutan, CSA, Cascadia, CL's BE Rio Grande, IRL business and other planned mods, Kurdistan is going to be stuck in the queue until at least one or two of those are out.

Also, I had an idea for California's gold rush decision:
Develop Hydraulic Mining
A crafty miner of ours named Edward Matteson has developed a system of mining involving the use of high-pressure jets of water aimed at gold-bearing hills, and we could greatly increase our mining profits if we fund its further development. It may unleash untold mayhem on the environment eventually, but just think of the gold rush!
Requirements: Player must be California, Player must be in the Industrial Era, Player must have at least 1 Great Engineer or Great Scientist, may only be enacted once per game
Costs: 800 Gold, 2 Magistrates, 1 Great Engineer or Scientist
Rewards: The empire enters a Golden Age, several Gold resources are revealed in your territory

And I can't think of a second decision, though maybe something to do with El Camino Real or the Spanish missions would work. Ekmek's California will include a Mission UI, so I don't want to steal too much of his thunder. Maybe a Faith/Culture bonus to roads/cities connected to the capital/on the coast. If someone could formally put such a decision together, I would be very appreciative.
I'd change the effect of that slightly:

Rewards: California enters a Golden Age. +1 :c5gold: Gold from all Mines worked by the :c5capital: Capital, with an additional +1 :c5production: from Bonus, Strategic, or Luxury Resources improved by Mines. One improved Mine tile becomes a source of the Gold Luxury Resource.

I had some time to think about the CSA decisions and events:

Decision: Build the CSS Virginia
Cost: x Magistrates
Requires: A city on the coast
Requires: 1 Frigate

Enacting this decision will spawn a unique Ironclad unit near a coastal city. In addition to the usual melee attack of an Ironclad, the Virginia gets a ranged first-strike attack, like the Sharpshooter ("Rebel Monster" promotion?) or she could get an additional buff to melee naval combat.

Decision: Enlist Slaves into the Army
Cost: x Magistrates
Requirement: Must be at war

Enacting this decision increases unhappiness throughout the empire, but allows a 10%/15% boost in Unit production. Perhaps could be unenacted at will or automatically when at peace, not sure how controversial that would be.

Event: Stand Watie and his Native cavalry volunteer to fight with the Confederacy!

Cherokee General Stand Watie and cavalry have volunteered to help the Confederacy fight its enemies! They say that their people have been mistreated at the hands of our *enemies* (must be at war for this one?) and wish to join our empire. All they ask in return is to be able to send their own representatives to our Congress. Should we allow these warriors to fight alongside our army?

Let them fight with us! (Gain x Mounted Units and a Great General - hopefully this can scale with the era, so if it pops in the early game, you get Horse Archers, or Knights, up to Cavalry)

They have no place in our empire! (x Barbarian Mounted Units appear outside a city/the capital).

I'm having trouble with another Confederate event, but here's a decision for California:

Decision: Construct the Great Ocean Highway
Cost: x Magistrates

Workers build Roads 33% faster. Each Coastal tile with a Road gets +1 Tourism. +1 Gold in the Capital for each city connected to the Capital by Roads.

It's not faith/culture, but I think it fits California's tourism industry very well.

Just realized I didn't put any Gold costs, but I think you could do that :)
I had some time to think about the CSA decisions and events:

Decision: Build the CSS Virginia
Cost: x Magistrates
Requires: A city on the coast
Requires: 1 Frigate

Enacting this decision will spawn a unique Ironclad unit near a coastal city. In addition to the usual melee attack of an Ironclad, the Virginia gets a ranged first-strike attack, like the Sharpshooter ("Rebel Monster" promotion?) or she could get an additional buff to melee naval combat.

Decision: Enlist Slaves into the Army
Cost: x Magistrates
Requirement: Must be at war

Enacting this decision increases unhappiness throughout the empire, but allows a 10%/15% boost in Unit production. Perhaps could be unenacted at will or automatically when at peace, not sure how controversial that would be.

Event: Stand Watie and his Native cavalry volunteer to fight with the Confederacy!

Cherokee General Stand Watie and cavalry have volunteered to help the Confederacy fight its enemies! They say that their people have been mistreated at the hands of our *enemies* (must be at war for this one?) and wish to join our empire. All they ask in return is to be able to send their own representatives to our Congress. Should we allow these warriors to fight alongside our army?

Let them fight with us! (Gain x Mounted Units and a Great General - hopefully this can scale with the era, so if it pops in the early game, you get Horse Archers, or Knights, up to Cavalry)

They have no place in our empire! (x Barbarian Mounted Units appear outside a city/the capital).

I'm having trouble with another Confederate event, but here's a decision for California:

Decision: Construct the Great Ocean Highway
Cost: x Magistrates

Workers build Roads 33% faster. Each Coastal tile with a Road gets +1 Tourism. +1 Gold in the Capital for each city connected to the Capital by Roads.

It's not faith/culture, but I think it fits California's tourism industry very well.

Just realized I didn't put any Gold costs, but I think you could do that :)

All praise the CEO of donstamos creative works Inc., Mr. Donstamos!
I really love those ideas, Don. Sorry for not posting/responding for a few days, but now that I'm back, I'd like to focus on getting California's Events and Decisions finished before I release it. To refine everyone's wonderful ideas a bit:

@Scapegrace: I don't think it's possible for a single city to boost the yields of improvements. Hidden buildings can only improve the yields of resources and features, and hidden social policies work empire-wide. So I might need to keep my initial design for that decision.

And a minor note @DonStamos, it's only called the "Great Ocean Highway" in San Andreas. IRL, it mainly goes as the Pacific Coast Highway. I also don't know if it's possible to speed up the construction speed of only one improvement in the middle of a game, and it's a pretty powerful decision already. That in mind, here's some final designs:

Develop Hydraulic Mining
A crafty miner of ours named Edward Matteson has developed a system of mining involving the use of high-pressure jets of water aimed at gold-bearing hills, and we could greatly increase our mining profits if we research and fund its further development. It may unleash untold mayhem on the environment eventually, but just think of the gold rush!
Requirements: Player must be California, Player must be in the Industrial Era or later, may only be enacted once per game
Costs: 800 Gold, 2 Magistrates, 200 Science
Rewards: The empire enters a Golden Age, 2-3 Gold resources are revealed in your territory

Build the Pacific Coast Highway
As our beach communities continue to grow and land-based methods of transport become more convenient than travel by ship, the idea of constructing a scenic highway along the ocean has grown popular in our engineers' heads. If we finance development of one, it could work wonders for both infrastructure and tourism.
Requirements: Player must be California, Player must have a Coastal City, Player must have researched Dynamite, May only be enacted once per game
Costs: 1000 Gold, 1 Great Engineer, 2 Magistrates
Rewards: Receive a permanent +1 Tourism for every Road tile adjacent to Coast in your empire, +1 Gold in the Capital for every city connected to the capital by roads

If nobody has any last-minute objections or potential changes, then I'll get in touch with ViceVirtuoso and see if they can get the lua for this done. Once that's all implemented and tested (I just finished a game as Cali and fixed a few other minor bugs), California will FINALLY be ready for release!
I really love those ideas, Don. Sorry for not posting/responding for a few days, but now that I'm back, I'd like to focus on getting California's Events and Decisions finished before I release it. To refine everyone's wonderful ideas a bit:

@Scapegrace: I don't think it's possible for a single city to boost the yields of improvements. Hidden buildings can only improve the yields of resources and features, and hidden social policies work empire-wide. So I might need to keep my initial design for that decision.

And a minor note @DonStamos, it's only called the "Great Ocean Highway" in San Andreas. IRL, it mainly goes as the Pacific Coast Highway. I also don't know if it's possible to speed up the construction speed of only one improvement in the middle of a game, and it's a pretty powerful decision already. That in mind, here's some final designs:

Develop Hydraulic Mining
A crafty miner of ours named Edward Matteson has developed a system of mining involving the use of high-pressure jets of water aimed at gold-bearing hills, and we could greatly increase our mining profits if we research and fund its further development. It may unleash untold mayhem on the environment eventually, but just think of the gold rush!
Requirements: Player must be California, Player must be in the Industrial Era or later, may only be enacted once per game
Costs: 800 Gold, 2 Magistrates, 200 Science
Rewards: The empire enters a Golden Age, 2-3 Gold resources are revealed in your territory

Build the Pacific Coast Highway
As our beach communities continue to grow and land-based methods of transport become more convenient than travel by ship, the idea of constructing a scenic highway along the ocean has grown popular in our engineers' heads. If we finance development of one, it could work wonders for both infrastructure and tourism.
Requirements: Player must be California, Player must have a Coastal City, Player must have researched Dynamite, May only be enacted once per game
Costs: 1000 Gold, 1 Great Engineer, 2 Magistrates
Rewards: Receive a permanent +1 Tourism for every Road tile adjacent to Coast in your empire, +1 Gold in the Capital for every city connected to the capital by roads

If nobody has any last-minute objections or potential changes, then I'll get in touch with ViceVirtuoso and see if they can get the lua for this done. Once that's all implemented and tested (I just finished a game as Cali and fixed a few other minor bugs), California will FINALLY be ready for release!

How's about that for california(event)

Need for water:
Our citizens are in need for water, but almost all water sources are used for farming. What shell we do?

Build an aqueduct( -1 food from lakes and farms on river tiles, +2 food from aqueducts. All cities adjecnt to lakes gain +10% growth bonus).

Do nothing(+1 food from farms adjecnt to fresh water for 5 turns, -1 happiness from cities adjacent to river)
I like that event. That aqueduct that brings water to Los Angeles was a huge undertaking.

And, of course, you're right about the Pacific Highway, RawSasquatch. I even looked it up so I could put the right name down and we see how well that went, lol. btw the Great Engineer cost is perfect. I would have never thought of it, though. :p
Some California event ideas:

The Big One

*City* was just devastated by a savage earthquake! Reports are still coming in, but the damage is estimated to be severe in some parts of the city. Emergency crews are working overtime to assess the damage and locate the missing. The citizens are looking to the government for hope.

Put the earthquake recovery plans in action! (-500? Gold. The City loses 1 population, but no buildings)
Send in emergency supplies! (-250 Gold? -x food for x turns? No population lost, but a random building destroyed)
Get under the tables! (City loses 1 population and a random building is destroyed)

That one's playing a little fast and loose, but I think it's a pretty balanced event, especially for one with some negative effects. All depends on the cost.

Silicon Valley

Several entrepreneurs in *city* have achieved various technological innovations, transforming a formerly rural area into a lucrative oasis for business. More and more of our up and coming businessmen have begun to flock to the area to feed on its culture of success, creating a dynamic and growing young professional community. What should we do to capitalize on this historic "brain gain?"

Give these geniuses room to work! (+1 Science in *city* per specialist, +1 population in *city*)
Sign these men to government contracts! (-?00 Gold, Gain 1 Great Scientist?/Engineer?, +2 Scientist specialists in *city*?)

The Scientist/Engineer might be enough on its own, but I'm not sure how balanced these options are against each other.

The Mother Lode

Miners digging in the hills around *city* (the City must have a Gold resource in the city radius) have struck a huge deposit of gold! Nuggets of astonishing size have been making their way to our banks. News of the find has already begun to spread and thousands of citizens are considering moving to *city* in the hopes of striking it rich!

Encourage settlers to move to *city*! (-?00 Gold, +1 population in City, +2? Gold from Banks)
Allow the miners to manage their find! (-?00 Gold, gain a Great Merchant)

The Big One gave me an idea for an event for Texas as well (which will functionally be similar to the Big One, but I figure both California and Texas might end up with a third event to offset the disaster, despite their flavor, anyway):

The Great Storm (Galveston)

A powerful hurricane has just made landfall in *city*! (must be a coastal city) Thousands of homes have been flooded and businesses have come to a standstill. Volunteers are searching throughout the city to locate the missing and rescue the stranded. What assistance can we offer to our beleaguered city?

Repair the infrastructure! (-500? Gold. The City loses 1 population, but no gold from trade routes)
Send in emergency supplies! (-250 Gold? -10%? Gold from Trade Routes in this city)
That's what they get for building a city there! (City loses 1 population and -10% Gold from Trade Routes in this city)

Texas Oil Boom

A small farmer tending to his fields has found a spring of black liquid bubbling up on his land. When he had a professional take a look, he was told he'd just found a new source of Oil! Though the farmer has sold his lands, became filthy rich, and decided to move to Beverly Hills, his discovery has prompted many of our citizens to look more closely at their lands and it appears that several have found sizable deposits of "Black Gold."

Bring the new oil fields under government control! (-?00 Gold. 1/2/3? Oil resources generated in Texas territory, +1 Gold from each Oil resource)
Let the citizens develop our oil fields! (-?00 Gold, 1/2/3 Oil resources generated in Texas territory. +1 population in each city)

Not sure how balanced that one is, but I figured sometimes it might be better to take the Gold, sometimes the population.

The Alamo

The garrison in *city* has come under attack from *Civ*! Several famous citizens have resolved themselves to defend it to the last man but are unlikely to hold out without our help. How should we respond to this nefarious incursion?

Send forces to their defense! (-?00 Gold, gain 5 free Mounted Units, declare war on *Civ*)
Let us remember their sacrifice! (No war with *Civ*, gain Alamo World Wonder in *City*)

This one was kind of hard for me to work together. I didn't want to use barbarians because that would belittle Mexico. So I opted for an intrigue approach. It can be a casus belli against a Civ with a gold cost and some free Units, OR you could opt not to pay the gold and get the World Wonder instead. I'm sure the first option might need to be incentivized a bit more to balance it out but I like the idea, PLUS it gets your Alamo wonder out there for people who don't have it (could forgo Rifling if using the Event to build it, and maybe a Tourism yield too?) Forgive me if that idea is a bit forward, though :)

Also, lemme know if I'm stepping on any Texas decisions here. I'm not sure which ones you've gone with, if any, yet. If you have none, I might convert the Oil Boom event into a Decision and find a new event. After all, I'm just spitballing atm
Hm, a maybe controversial odd idea for a Confederate Event:

Knights of the Golden Circle
Cost: 1 Magistrates
XXX Gold
Requires: Being at War with a City State.
Effects: Your units are better at intimidating City States, Resistance time in City States is lowered.

Yeah, I know that the society didn't amount to much more than some conspiracy theories and witch hunts, but it's a good way to feature the Filibusters in Central America somehow.
That might be a better choice than the potential minefield of manumission, too. I like it. If there was precedent to have three Decisions, I'd even go for all three! :)
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