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RB13 - Collateral Carnage


LKendter said:
Well I had completely forgotten about this one...

That's why I used the nukes, to wake up all our lurkers. :lol:

Dreylin said:
How are we doing for Dom % and victory?
Before capturing the two cities, I think we had 50% and needed 60% land to win. We could settle some ice spots to increase our land count, but I think conquering cities is more stylish. :)

We have 2 or 3 nukes again to use, but I hadn't seen a target for them yet. I consider using them against cities is somewhat of a waste, as you need a lot more than 2 to destroy any units. (I really do think nukes are too weak against cities! Considering how much of a diplo penalty comes with using them, they really should be stronger...)

Kylearan said:
(I really do think nukes are too weak against cities! Considering how much of a diplo penalty comes with using them, they really should be stronger...)


Let's rather say that those Bomb Shelters and the SDI are way to powerful. I have discussed this topic with Sullla one time, and he says that the implementation of nukes as it is was fully intended in that way. It is merely for Multiplayer reasons but still - I can see the argument. As a matter of fact I rarely build the Manhattan Project - it's simply not worth the investment.

Would that I would have known this SG before playing Adventure 5 back then...

I don't mind. While your at it, nuke everything else :evil:
I knew something was up when I saw those mushroom clouds on horizon. :) Thanks for reviving this thread.

I'll start my turnset this evening. I'll try an amphibious assault of southern China to avoid having to walk our slow armies all the way through those miles of culture. Is Cat our next (and final) target?

1898(0) - Our empire is in great shape and all that's needed some cleanup. We are at 51.93% of land area and should get the rest with capture of China and possibly Japan.

My first action is to bump the science rate up a bit to get Robotics in 1, rather than 2 turns. Stealth Bombers coming up! :) I also promote artillery garrisoning our air base at New Sarai to Medic, to heal damaged planes and other defenders. I also upgrade a couple Fighters to Jets, but save most of our money for upcoming Bomber upgrades.

Tactically, I take the Tiflis transport and start gathering all Artilleries in the area. There are 4 of them in nearby cities, which is the right amount to send against Chengdu, a remote city on China's west coast. I also take all Arti from Old Sarai, combine it with Shangai stack and split it into two parts: 9 Artis with escort against 7 units in Bejing, and 7 Artis with escort against 6 units in Nanjing. Considering that we have full air superiority, this should be enough.

I also notice that we are currently training only defensive units and no Artillery or Bombers. I'll schedule Artillery and Bombers to auto-repeat in a couple cities, to make sure we always have some available. I'll also leave some MAs and Gunships in cities with airports for emergency responce to sudden attacks. Finally, I am sending some transports to north-west of former Mongolia to be able to launch larger naval operations in the Antarctic sea.

IBT: I see Cat's stack leaving China and moving in Vicky's direction. Perhaps we should have waited longer before getting Vicky to attack her.

1899(1) We learn Robotics, which is the last military tech we will need. I direct research into Refrigeration for faster naval movement, but drop the slider down to 0 to upgrade all bombers and fighters. I also consider researching Genetics to solve the health problems we've got because Cat pillaged Vicky's nets, removing our deals.

I send remaining units from Shanghai area towards Xian, where they'll meet with 2 more Artis I've pulled together. The main limiting factor for the rate of our assaults will probably be shortage of bombers, so I am putting a lot of them at the top of the queues.

China decides that this is a good time to send out a settler transport. Needless to say, that transport doesn't get very far.

IBT: China recaptures Shanghai, which I left protected by a single gunship. This was an oversight on my part, but it turns out for the better, because China reinforces the city, depleting Bejing garrison even further.
England recaptures Bactian.

1900(2) We get a Great Artist in Berlin, which I am not sure what to do with. I send 3 Artis with some cover back towards Shanghai.

1901(3) I turn the research back up, because upgrades are almost complete with over 2000$ left for emergencies. (We produce 2448$ at 0% science) Berlin completes SDI. We easily capture Macau, with help of some bombers. The rest of bombers reduce defenses in other cities. So many bombers get damaged when reducing defenses, that I decide to let Artis do that and use bombers only for softening up troops.

1902(4) Shanghai is easily recaptured with bomber support, while my other 3 stacks bomb down defenses at their targets.

1903(5) We capture Bejing without bomber support, losing only a single Arti. This capture gives us Statue of Liberty.

Next we use the bombers to soften up defenders in Xian. CR3, C1 Arti upgrades to C2 to heal and easily kills the top defender. After that the city falls with no losses.

At Nanjing I lose 2 Artis, but capture the city with no problems, capturing Broadway.

My transport also reached western port of Chengu this turn. I forgot about that when assigning bombers so I had to use the damaged ones. Luckily none of them were shut down (one was intercepted), and the city's 3 defenders were easily killed with 1 Arti left to spare.

Total for this year: 4 cities captured and only 3 cities left. I next airlift in defenders to make sure none of the cities get recaptured.

IBT: Vicky asks for help in war against Cat. I refuse, because we need 4 more turns to finish China. My bomber's survey shows that war between England and Russia has ground to a hault. There are no stacks seen moving anywhere on the front.

1904(6) Refregiration -> Genetics (because some cities are unhealthy)

1905(7) - Armies march, cities build, workers work.

1906(8) - South-Eastern army captures Izumo. Forces from the transports capture Hangzhou with help of nearby bombers. I start directing forces east.

IBT: China tries to recapture one of its cities, but CG2 Mechanized Infantry just laughs at attacks by Artillery and Cavalry.

1907(9) - We capture Gangzhou, removing the last of mainland Chinese cities.

This sounds like a good place to stop to let the next player decide his direction. Just finishing off Toku and Mao should be enough, and Cat wasted most of her attack forces fighting Vicky, so the only thing left is to have fun.

I am moving troops towards Toku's mainland city through Cat's lands. You can use them, or you can have fun nuking his Riflemen. You can also load up the fleet parked south of former Azteca (Galeons still need to be upgraded to to Transports) and attack Cat by land and sea. Most of the troops are left unmoved to let you decide what to do. Some are on go-to orders to the east.

Have fun. :)
Save File.
OK, I guess that's me up; I see the save and will try and pick it up tonight and play the turns before the weekend.
Sorry guys, I didn't manage to get to this at the weekend. :blush:

I'm heading off on vacation on Friday and I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to pick this up before then, so if Snaproll has an opportunity, he should pick it up.

If I do find time, I'll post a got it.
I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to pick it up before Friday either, so take it if you can Dreylin.
Back from vacation (Germany & Austria), and raring to ... :sleep:

Curse you Jetlag! :aargh:

Should be able to get this late in the week.
Kylearan said:

Where exactly in Germany have you been? If you've been in the Bonn/Cologne area, you could have said hello and shared a beer with me... :) :beer:

We flew into and out of Munich and then drove up into the Austrian Alps (to stay near Kitzbuhel), though we did spend a couple of days in Munich sampling some fine German :beer:
In this case he could have said hello to me and share some :beer: ;) As a former brother of the PFJ this would have suited well ! ;)
·Imhotep· said:
In this case he could have said hello to me and share some :beer: ;) As a former brother of the PFJ this would have suited well ! ;)
Next time for sure! :yup:

Had some very nice beers in Munich ... especially the Paulaner dunkel, which apparently they export as far as Texas! :yumyum:

Anyway, playing now.
Well, it's been a while for this game and I see we're on the last stretch. I guess that hitting <Enter> a couple of times will see us through, but I just have an itch to push a little red button....

First things first; Mao.

There's a Battleship outside Nanjing for starters.

Sending all troops towards Stuttgart for the next offensive.

End Turn. (just select whatever units are suggested!) Cathy & Vicky sign peace.

Well, to get to Mao it seems like we'll have to go through Japan, let's see how Toku's feeling today:

Shame, seems he feels like war

The button calls....

Kagoshima falls soon after.

We have such a large army just sitting around....

The Russians wear such funny hats....

Not much counterattacks.

Genetics->Fiber Optics

1911AD Cat musters a bit more counterattack this turn, but barely dents our incoming forces.

Vicky asks for Robitics ... Sure.

Choose some more stuff to build.

Capture Rostov and push forward. Oooo, another Nuke....

I don't think Moscow had bomb shelters. :mischief:


Hrmmmm, after effects.

Mao's Island hideaway has a nasty accident.

So I've played a fun 5turns and, well we're at 59.5% so I'll pass it back to Ky to finish this one off.

Oh, here's one shot of the current front....

and the Save
It may well just be a "press Enter" situation.

I think I used all the Nukes, too (though Hamburg is producing them every few turns) :blush:




The Button....

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