RBC15e - Spain - Demigod

It is now 24 hour and chenglian is getting overdue.

I will switch chenglian and Barbslinger in the roster, in case the timezones will fit better that way.

I hope it is nothing more serious than a weekend at the beach.

Grimjack --- Patiently waiting
Aggie --- Just played
Barbslinger --- UP
Chenglian --- Waiting on Barbslinger ( or at the beach ? )
Sorry about not being around for about 3 days, my computer went haywire this weekend. It's fine again, and the first two rounds look excellent. If barbslinger hasn't started yet, perhaps I could resume my turn?
Please do Chenglian. I have 2 other SG's I am up in and then I can play tomorrow.
Good luck!
Got it.

I apologize once more for the wait. I'll post ASAP.
Sep 1801AD [IHT] – I don’t know how many redcoats are in Gibraltar, but since it has walls and is historically a British stronghold, I estimate at least 2, probably 3+ redcoats inside. We have plenty of cavalry, but we’ll need more artillery.
Rushed cannon in Merida

[IBT] – Austria and Portugal ally vs Denmark.
One HH attacks Corunna and dies.
The other also attacks, wins, and promotes… :crazyeye:

Nov 1801AD [1] – Bombards promoted HH, killed with elite. Leave 3 cannons + 2 cavs up north to defend vs possible invasions. Shift all other military to Seville in prep for the battle of Gibraltar. There’s no easy way to beat redcoats except with numbers and lots of cannons, and we’ll be at war with quite a few civs immediately, including one supplying us with silks. I say hold off assault until we get 10 cannons.
Rush a cannon in Madrid, next turn it will have enough shields to produce one every 2 turns.
Rush a cavalry in Medina.

IBT – The Danes gives their WM for our WM and 3g, I decline but see that they have nationalism.
The Ottomans want ally vs Dane + ROP, I decline. They also have nationalism.
The British fleet retreats into the fog.

Jan 1801AD [2] – Build a harbor in Valencia (partial rushed last turn), set to build worker.
I believe nationalism is useless for us, at least until the AI gets artillery tactics so we can use grand batteries. The soldado unit costs more than a musket but doesn’t offer better defense, so I see no point in getting nationalism anytime soon.
Partial rush a library in Merida, change to aqueduct and MM to build in 2.
Rush cannon in cartagena.

IBT – Sweden and Austria ally vs Denmark.
Russia wants gems, and since they are on the other side of the continent, I tell them to stuff it. They declare.

Mar 1802AD [3] – Rushed cannon in Medina.
Almost everyone has Nationalism.

Denmark declares on Russia.
Aqueduct completes on Merida.

May1802AD [4] – I noticed Napoleon managed to capture Cork from the British.
Rushed cannon in Cartagena, cavalry in Valencia.
IBT: Prussia and Russia embargo us.
Sweden and Russia embargo us.
Sweden and Russia ally vs France.

July 1802AD [5] – Portugal sends 2 cavalry into our lands. I ask them to leave, and they agree, but don’t budge.
Rushed muskets in Medina and Merida as added insurance when the war with Portugal starts. I end my turn here, with our troop buildup complete.

We’ll have 11 cannons and 11 cavalry ready to strike at Gibraltar and Lagos next turn.
I have a total of 4 cavalry and 3 cannons that are shadowing Portugese cavalry up near Oveido.

I am more than confident that we have enough troops to take Gibraltar and crush Portugal, starting next turn. I could’ve started the war and probably taken Gibraltar, but I wanted to be safe that we’ll have enough troops to speedily eliminate Portugal. We are ready now.

Sounds like the 1st bloodfest will begin tomorrow. Sounds like a great setup. I'm guessing France has not done anything worthy vs Portugal as yet? I was hoping FRance would have captured those towns for us so we could go after France. It will be tough not having anybody to fight after Portugal and Gibralter fall.
Heh, France went over to Ireland and captured Cork instead of streaming troops towards Portugal. We'll have to beat up the Brits and the Portugese ourselves.

Also, be careful of possible landings by those Kingdom of Naples ship. We'll need some cavalry to shadow the east a few turns into the war, just in case.
Good going. This Conquest is wonderfully triggerhappy. :)

We will have to use our advantage of economy to build troops, and just smash the ones who are so eager to war on us.

Once we have Gibraltar and Portugal, it might be to our advantage to try to peace the British block, and start worrying France a bit. I do not want France to leap ahead in VPs, and if they have captured Cork, odds are that their cavalry is enjoying some fine Irish Ale right now, instead of wine down by Marseilles.


Grimjack -- Getting ready
Aggie -- getting rested
Chenglian -- Hopefully happy with fixed comp
Barbslinger -- Playing
The suspence is great. ANything interesting happen Barbslinger ? :)
RBC15E – July1802

Preturn – Almost the whole gang has Nationalism, we are at war with far away Russia. CrpMapstat is really handy with multiple civs. Move some cannon into place, those Redcoats look tough. We’re going to lose our silks from Naples as soon as I declare. Nice happiness everywhere though. Muskets in the build queue. I’m thinking if the Gibralter takeover fails we will have a lot of Portugese climbing on our backs. I’d like some more workers too. Here we go.
IT – Sweden jumps in with the Brits against us. Madrid-Can>Can, Medina-Musk>Musk, Pamplona-Musk>Cav, Merida-Msk>Cav.
[1] Sept, 1802 – Our first cannon shot rings out and knocks down the WALLS of Gibralter which I consider a nice omen. However, this cannon shot causes the Dutch, Portugal and Naples in against us too. Silks are gone. Happiness looks OK so I continue cannon barrage. Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit, Hit and still a fresh recoat stands. That means a minimum of 6 Redcoats in that stronghold. I’m going for it. You guys will pull me out. Retreat, Kill (give that guy a medal), retreat, loss, and I’m paused because there are still fresh recoats. I have to check our back lines. I continue. Kill 5 fresh Redcoats losing only 2 cavs and still a ¾ on top
IT – 2 Port attacks repelled. 4 British ships coming in from the NW. 3 MoW’s and a troop trans.
[2] Nov, 1802 – Knock out the Kill one more Redcoat with a fresh cav and cannon support, what have we gotten ourselves into. They have more units in Gibralter than the entire home continent. Healing 8 cavs for 2nd assault. Hurry the Merida Cav and Cartagena Cav leaving 76 in the treasury. King Carlo wants victory on Gibralter. Even at the expense of a possible city loss to lowly Portugal. We can get that back. Mind you, no threats as yet. Kill 2 port cavs, no leader on one. How did we get an elite? Move some cannon from 2nd most NW town to most NW town to bomb the English if they get close enough. France is Gracious so I’m praying they don’t jump on opportunity.
IT – Ottomans take care of a little seafare business and Portugal refuses to come out from hiding. I’m thinking these will all be sieges. British 4-pack sails north, undoubtably due to Napoleans antics.
[3] Jan; 1803 – Bombing continues on Gibralter and they now have a 7.7.1 Lifeguard in there. 2 4/5 reds a 4/4 red and a 2/4 lifeguard. There may be more below. Healing up and moving workers.
IT – FP completes, now 17 shields and need work with all that food. Oviedo-Cav>Musket.
[4] Mar, 1803 – Were getting close to healed. I think I’ll wait with no opposition from the Dutch. We have 6 4/4 cavs and 4 not quite healed cavs. The bombing took down 3 lifeguards and 2 reds but still a fresh redcoat on top. I rush 2 cavs and Madrid has one coming on the turn.
IT- We lose 2 lux. No portugese attack at all. Not even a musket peeking his head out.
[5] May, 1803 – Sign Austian furs for 15gpt. It took 7 cannon shots to hurt 3, now 4/5, lifeguards. Do they start at 5hp? Every one is healed. 12 cavs moving in. Hope this is not fruitless.
Loss of cav taking 2hp from redcoat after a cannn shot got him for 1hp, retreat from a fresh? Lifeguard taking 3 hp. I think, maybe only 2 but I think 3. 4/5 lifeg up: take him down to 2 with a loss: 4/5 lifeg up: lose taking off 1hp, not good. 4/5 lifeg up: retreat taking one hp. 4/4 redcoat: retreat taking 2hp, 4/4 redcoat: flawless, no promo, 4/4 redcoat: flawless promoting HIM: now 5/5 recoat: a retreat: 4/5 recoat: a win. I have to give up here with only a few 3/3 cavs left. Gibralter does not fall! There is still a fresh redcoat on top.

I’m thinking we have to knock out the Rax 1st and then hope to take this town. Portugal is super passive and has shown shown their faces. I left money to rush a unit or two. It is the ROCK of Gibralter.
It was not funny at all! I thought we would go in. Take care of business and go to portugal. Not the case. I was tempted to blow it off many times and I am still worried the 7.7.1 lifeg's will attack. They must be hardwired to defend Gibralter though. I would have attacked and killed 3 cavs per turn.
Gibraltar is heavily fortified indeed. An alternative could be to grab the POrtugese cities, while they stew in their fortress.

Getting Gibraltar would hopefulyl let us enxtort Nationalism from the British in a peace concession.

I got it, but will think a while if we should detour around POrtugal, or continue the assault.

Grimjack -- Playing
Aggie -- getting ready
chenlian -- resting
barbslinger -- Just played
Rush a cavalry and a musket in the north. I switch two cities from cavalry to cannon, and I decide to go after Portugal instead.
We are wasting time with besieging Gibraltar. Hopefully we will have enough cannon to make a dent when we return after touring Portugal.

I want to take Gibraltar both because it gets us some VPs, but also in order to use it to extort a tech from the brits.

Nationalism costs us about 600 gold to buy, or 500 gold to research in four. Mobilization looks tempting, the only building we might want are hospitals.
I also happen to agree that we need more workers to get our production up. We have food and money galore, but when those hills are mined we will get some monster cities.

IBT: SIlent except for the ships moving about.
I slip in a worker build in Zaragoza. ( Size 12 and full with food. ) Valencia at seventeen gets a musket,

Jul 1803(1) I decide to quit the fruitless siege of Gibraltar, leave a sizeable garrison in Seville, and go after the POrtugese.
We are at 2185 vps, and France is at 6000

Lagos sports four muskets, all of whom are redlined by ten cannon. Four cavalry later, Lagos is ours.
Since there is no risk of flipping in this scenario, I do not starve Lagos at all.

It will take two turns for our cannon to arrive at Lisbon, so it will be a temporary lull in fighting now.
AFter capturing Lagos, a size 6 city, we have 2915 vps.

IBT: Ottoman agrees to sign a trade embargo against us.
Woa, Portugal live, they send a cavalry out to be squashed by our brave musketmen. Also a lone pillager is seen to leave the portugese mountains.
The british fleet seems to be heading to Gibraltar, as they pass our northern cities. Hope they intend to lift out a couple of lifeguards.
Madrid Cannon->Musket, Seville Musket->Musket ( Want to have three defenders in case the brits rush some cavalry in gibraltar. ) Zaragoze riots :o :blush:
Must be some other lux we lost by the trade embargo, as I am fairly certain I looked through all cities.

Sep 1803 (2):
The pillager proves stubborn, and kills one of our cavalry after our cannon miss his mark. ( Only one cannon in range. )
I send Prussia 51 gpt for Code civil Too bad I didn't do that before I did my worker moves. :(
Code civil + 66 gold gets us Nationalism and two workers from Denmark
Code civil gets us Advanced tactics and 61 gold from France.
It doesn't look like Artillery Tactics is known anywhere, so I decide to grab Espionage while I can, and
Code civil + 1 gpt gets us Espionage from Prussia.
France economy is shot, he has no gpt to offer.

Since we are building military everywhere, I now mobilize before optiomizing in our cities.

IBT: Prussia and Denmark signs peace. Prussia and France signs peace, Ottoman and France signs peace, And Denmark and Ottoman sign peace.
Barcelona completes a cavalry, sneaks in a worker, Medina completes cavalry, starts another, Zaragoza completes a worker, starts a Soldato.
Oviedo completes cannon, Uses a policeman and starts another cannon, Corunna completes a cavalry and starts another,

Nov 1803 (3): Lots of positioning. No battles. With the absense of fleets to our north, I decide to send a small sod southwards towards Porto,
leaving our northern garrisons somewhat light.

OUr stack of artillery reaches Lisbon, and hopefully this siege will be somewhat shorter.

During the IBT, France apparently researched something, as they now have 1500 gold, and both Military logistics and Artillery tactics as well as some 1500 gold.
Gold most likely from the Ottomans who had such a bloated coffer last turn.

I will see if I can wring some deals out of this.

No good deals possible, so I just fork up 61 gpt to Prussia, and gets [Artillery Tactics[/b]
We can upgrade our cannon shortly, and return to Gibraltar.

IBT: A cavalry strikes out of Lisbon, but is defeated by our muskets defending our cannon. Madrid SOldato->Soldato, Valencia Soldato->Cavalry

Jan 1804 (4)
Discover there are six muskets in Lisbon. OUr cannon yellows most of them, but there is a three hitpoint one on top.
I rush a barracks in Lagos. I want to rush a soldier here, so it is not guarded by a valuable cavalry.
Cavalry goes
win + promotion
loss but redline
flawless retreat

IBT: Ouch, the british fleet I assumed was empty, just landed four cavalry on our silks next to weakly defended Lagos.
Lagos Barracks->Soldato, Barcelona worker->Cavalry, Carthagena Battery->Soldato, Pamplona Cavalry->Cavalry, Merida Cavalry->Cavalry,

Mar 1804 (5) OO, discover that the batteries can shave two hitpoints off of a cavalry. This will surely help.
Not much help when I only hit with two of my three batteries, and my two cannon miss completely.
Not much better in the siege of Lisbon where I can only shave eight hitpoints from the four defenders.

Our first defending cavalry kills the top unwounded british cvalry. Our second defending cavalry defeats the second unwounded cavalry, and things look much brighter,
as we now only have two wounded british cavalry to deal with. We have three defenders and some artillery in Lagos.

I pull our wounded cavalry out of POrtugal, so that they have time to heal before we hit Gibraltar again.
I give Portugal no more than one or two turns of survival.

Porto is defended by only one veteran musket and an unknown number of conscrips. Our cannon just reached them, and they should fall next turn if you care to strike across the river.
Lisbon should have two muskets inside, and whatever they can rush this turn. I do not think they have conscripts, as those should be defenders before two HP muskets.
Our silks is likely to be disconnected, but I would prefer that to them striking out at Lagos, and kill our units in there.
Once we get peace, we ought to be able to get something for all our techs. Hospitals could be nice to have, but I doubt the AI will research those in time.
Go get them people.
You might wish to worker rush a Soldado in Lagos. We have the economy for it.
All in all, I am happy the Brits landed those cavalry by Lagos. If they had unloaded them in Gibraltar, we would have lost Seville and loads of artillery.

Zaragoza and Valencia ought to be able to reach 30 spt and spit out those cavalry during the next five turns, given the doubled capacity of our workers.
Corunna is a good city to rush in, as that is our shield poorest city. Do rush here if you do not rush in Lagos.
Madrid could perhaps reach 45 or 50 spt. I would however like to have us produce two soldados every three turns, given the likely losses in the next campaign.
If we want to go after Naples instead of France, then it is time to start building ships.



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Grimjack -- Just played
Aggie -- ABout to vanquish the Portugese
Chenlian -- Getting ready
Barbslinger -- Resting
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