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RBD20 SG - Just Win, Baby!

I hereby apologise for all of the things that I have said that have been derogatory in any way. In particular about the comments in this particular thread about the taking of Susa. Gojky made a fine move, and one that I was very happy with overall. I made an assumption, which, as we all know, makes an ass out of u and me. In this case though, it just made an ass out of me.

In future I will think before I post, and research what I am about to say.

Sirian, being the person that I am, having the personality that I have, I am unable to take subtle hints very well. I appreciate the kick in the face rather than the slow approach. Unfortunately the medium of the internet and purely textual communication does not lend itself very well to express the emotions and meaning that an author makes when he or she writes something.

Which is what has happened to some extent. I took your posts in the rbd 17 thread to heart, and have done my research there. But I had no knowledge that this "jumping in" approach was consistently being made by myself.

If anything, this has taught me a very valueable life lesson, and will help me grow as a person (if I take it to heart and act on it - which can be harder than typing words on a keyboard saying that you will). And I thank you for that.
Hey Smegged, Don't worry about it.

Look at your location under your name, It seems to me that we live in the same city in Australia. So I could never be mad at you. :cool:
I could. :) But I don't want to be, and it's all good for now. :) Once all that overflowing energy is chanelled more effectively, we could see Big Things (TM) from the Excited One. :p

- Sirian
Hey cool Gojky, we do live in the same city. Well, I don't actually life in Brisbane, but Redcliffe, but it's close enough :p.

Oh, and Shnarrd, the reason I attacked Persia straight away was because we had the upper hand strategically. Once the road was complete, we had the military might available to cripple Xerces before he could come at us with his immortal stack o' doom.
Since it has been 10 days, and no word from Caldasar or Sirian, I will take this game.....

No sense in letting a good SG die on the vine.
After many years with no one at the helm, the nation of Egypt was floundering. Into this vacuum stepped Meldor. Determined to lead the people back to power.

His first task was to peruse the old scrolls left by the leaders past. He had no indications of what wonders were being built and where they might be a building.

He went to each leader of the other nations in turn. The X-man offered all he had for Meldor to call peace. The Japaneese offered Horseback Riding for 46g. The germans would trade nothing. Meldor excepted the deal from the Japaneese and turned away the Persian offer. If Egypt was to stand a chance at the last Persian city in sight must go. Meldor knew this was not their capital for the envoys came from a different direction.

Changes capital to Pyramids...hopefully if they don't get it, we can switch to Great Library (48 turns to go, this will not cut it.)

(1) 1475 Units aproach the Persian city.

(2) 1450 More units gather.

(3) 1425 Two spears are destroyed in the razing of the Persian city, but at the lose of one of ours.

(4) 1400 Units begin to move to frontier.

(5) 1375 Kill one Persian Archer in our lands. Spot Persian Captial when border expands.

(6) 1350 Units move towards Persian capital.

(7) 1325 Kill another foolish Persian Archer. German starts the Pyramids (maybe we have a chance!) . Germany finishes the Oracle. Japan switches to the Pyramids (or maybe not, if this was oracle cascade).

(8) 1300 Finish Writing, start on Lit. Meldor rues that we have no money to get embassy with Japan to check their progress.

(9) 1275 The Persian capital of Pasargae is captured with two workers. The persians are finished.....not! Can't see were their next city is, but I so see a black border to the north.

(10) 1250 Heliopolis founded on ruins of former Persian resort town. Meldor decides to retire for now and enjoy new villia on beach.

He leaves the following notes for his successor.......

1) Have cut Pyramid down to about 25 turns left. A worker is on the way to another square that needs to be mined to speed this up.

2) Another settler is two turns away. I would suggest near the coast to grab the two wheat.

3) X-man is broken and will give all for peace. He is not in our way right now and we can probably take the offer of Mysticism, Mathmatics, and Map Making.

4) We are going to be in trouble with Japan shortly. Germany has blocked both of us of from the east and they are on our land. Prudent build up would be in order before the assualt if that is the direction. We are short of defenders for the first wave of response.

Good Luck


Schnarrd <<< On Deck
Egil <<<<Up

Nice work Meldor :).

Myself, I think it is time to start consolidation of our land. We need to get some defenses up. Demand everything off Persia for peace, and expand into the gaps. Especially at the top of the road on the coast on the other side of the river (the city formerly known as Susa).
Especially at the top of the road on the coast on the other side of the river (the city formerly known as Susa).

Ah, so this will be a legitimate Formerly Known!

Myself, I think that if Japan is totally blocked in, war with them will be unavoidable. If that's the case I agree with meldor that a prudent build up would be advisable. However, while we are (temporarily) at peace, we should at least attempt some consolidation.
Sorry for not policing better. :spank: I DO check in on all the games I hosted, even if I'm not playing in them, but this was a rather hectic week. :)

If Caldasar doesn't report in before his next turn comes due, go ahead and drop him from the roster. The holiday's over, and college finals and school midterms or whatever, so this month things should get back on track for all the SG's that slowed a bit.

I personally got out from under a large commitment with the massive RBD5 ending, and probably played my last turn in RBD9, and still don't plan to start any more new games for a while, as some of the ones going now are going to grow in size and time demanded as they mature.

You guys feel free, collectively, to take any rules enforcements you need to from here on out. There IS a 24/48 rule on this game, and if anybody gets skipped for not meeting that commitment, they have nothing to be complaining about. OK? Good luck.

- Sirian
I noticed that some tiles that already had a production of two shields or food had been mined or irrigated respectively. This is a waste of time under Despotism as any production over 2 gets cut by one. Only a bonus tile with +3 or +4 will be worth improving as under desoptism this will be +2/+3 and a +1 improvement will have an effct (you already lost the one penalty resource). I did not bother to fix these tiles as there were higher priority tiles to improve, and we should make Monarchy or Republic soon (Monarchy would probably be good for this start). I know that most of you already know this, but even I sometimes find myself making little mistakes in the heat of battle. Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder. :hammer:
I noticed that some tiles that already had a production of two shields or food had been mined or irrigated respectively. This is a waste of time under Despotism as any production over 2 gets cut by one.

I see this comment or line of thinking over and over from many players, but you may be surprised to learn that I heartily disagree with it. It's correct, as far as it goes, but it doesn't go all that far unless you are planning to stay in a military whipping despotism for the long haul.

Government change comes fairly quickly. At the end of the ancient age, and at whatever point you are ready to trade the whip and the lower amount of "free" units per city for more production out of your lands and lower corruption, you switch governments. At THAT point, all those tiles come into play, and the civ who has more of them in place is way way ahead.

Even industrial civs -- but especially everybody else -- does not have enough workers lying around at the change of governments to catch up very quickly. Therefore, you either have some irrigated grass and mined hills in place and ready to go, or you must sit around and do without them while you wait wait wait on the workers to respond.

Like me arguing for courthouses for the longest time and everybody ignoring me, so too I've been quietly disagreeing with this "its wasteful under despotism" notion all along. Yes it IS wasteful under despotism, but population is power and having the tiles in place to pull in between 4 and 7 surplus food per turn in your core cities, to grow from size 7 to 12 quickly, will far and away BLOW AWAY whatever minor gains were lost because of despotism inefficiencies.

Yeah, you don't want to let urgent priorities go to the dogs while you irrigate some grass -- you need mines on grass before you worry about irrigations, or mining hills -- but a good balance that prepares cities to explode at the governmental change is the kind of move that allows me to play a successful building game... even on Deity.

Please note: just commenting in general, not in regard to this game. This game may yet have a long long way to go under despotism, relatively speaking, and meldor's remarks may actually represent wise counsel here, in the short term, in a game with ancient war and immediate pressures happening. :) Now back to your regularly scheduled SG reports and dialogue. :)

- Sirian

PS: Meldor, how's that for a Prodding. BZZT! ZAP! :whipped: :lol:
WOHO, my turn at last, will try to get played and posted tonight.

Major UHO...:eek:
See write-up, good news, bad news, I am ending my turn 1 turn shy, to maximize potential.
Pulling out the shades, :cool: Egil shoved his way to power.

Persepolis has a military unit + access to luxury but worker not using the tile? Put to work..temple now next turn.
Pasargadae has been whipped so badly, not sure it will ever recover, swapped production to whip temple, then at least we can grab some more land with it.
Thebes, we have a Golden Age :egypt: moved the one worker on a tile with no shield to forest, no growth but use the golden age while we have it.
Same with Helipolis, sacrifice growth for production while we have our golden age.
Final question...peace or not. With only 4 War Chariots, I am very tempted to try peace but decide to give myself 3 turns to try find Persia.

Turn 1 Temple built in Persepolis, the people cheerish our great leaders for freeing them from the Evil X-man. Started a spearmen, 7 turns under this GA. Resistance ended in Pasargadae, oh boy....someone has worked the whip HARD in that city :whipped: Two can play that game....

Turn 2. CRACK, temple almost complete in Parsagadae. AHA :goodjob: Xman found, our War Chariot going East is recalled, Xman is located West/NorthWest. All troops start to move...
Turn 3. Uho...Japan sends two setler teams into our lands... I do NOT want to fight a two-fronted war, so I pretend I don't see anything. Memphis build settler, spot suggested looks good so sending him in that direction. 5 turns on goto...still withing my turns so sure.. Order a spearmen for defense. Calling War Chariot over for the great melee.

Turn 4. Xman attacks one of our great Chariots, regular archer die and Elite looses 1 hp. 3 troops ready, I am waiting to heal and get the last Wheel here... Xman whips his last time in that city...size one makes for VERY little whipping.
Also in headlines news...Golden Age ends...:cry:

Turn 5. Persepolis has lots of great flood plains, I decide to mine all the rest of the lands while settler still moves. Last troop are in place, next turn will tell. Can 4 War Chariot take out Xman, or am I :smoke: ??

Turn 6. Japan settler pair BOTH turn around???? CHARGE.
Round one..Veteran Chariot attacks Veteran Spearman, THUD, Surprise..Spearman dead...Chariot loose 1 hp.
Round two...Elite Chariot attack regular spearman...spearman looses one hp...charriot looses 1....looses two...SMACK. NOO...where is print screen button? DAMN.
Persia is no more....we got one worker...AND a great leader. Ramses is seen running back to Thebes.
There is 3 dyes next to Persia's old city site, changed Persepolis to settler, due in 7 turns.

Turn 7. Palace expands, Japan declares WAR????
OK, now I am scared.

Turn 8. Elephantine build, one War Chariot left to try guard the next city site.

Turn 9. Ramses reaches Thebes, one sole Japan Warrior seen coming towards our Iron Mountain.

Now that the joy of getting a great leader has calmed down some...I wonder, is a leader worth 3 techs and contact with 3 civs? That is up to the board to decide.

Ramses is ready to smack out the pyramid, OR build an army, I suggest the pyramid but leave it firmly in the hands of next leader. I shifted Memphis worker over 1 tile to get Spearmen in two turns. I hope I didn't doom us, not taking the tech and killing Persia, if this is what prompted Japan to attack...?

RBD20 1050 BC
We got a GL?! [dance] [party]

Japan declares WAR????

Predictable. They were coming after us. Looks like there will be more than one civ making an early exit this game. ;)

Got it.
Amazing how the work piles up when you're sick for a protracted period of time. Since it's still early in this one, I DID manage to get my turns in, but no summary until tomorrow.
Inherited turn - Checked to see what Toku will give for peace. Nope, he won't give me all his cities. Oh well, time for war :hammer:. Eep! No garrison in two of our cities! That needs to be fixed. Hmmph, I noticed we have horseback riding, which means our glorious chariots cost an extra 10 sheilds each to build :|.

Early turns. Lost one elite chariot, saw LOADS of germans crossing our borders (including swords - eep!). I did some trading to get us some maps and some tech. I found Alexandria.

We are losing this war on two fronts. We must make peace with germany or loose Persopolis

They want 1 gpt and all our treasury. I have no choice. We lost another Elite chariot to normal spear and another on OFFENSE to an archer.

Peace with Japan and map making for 30 gold. Germany's price has gone down. Looks like he only wants 40 gold.

We had overextended ourselves, but we need to build for another war shortly with Japan. I got Bizmarks territory map so we know where the Germans are. We can't afford a world map just yet. I also bought Toku's map. We can go back to war with them when we are better prepared. Toku is very thin and his territory surrounds our Western border. He also has a culture flip candidate of a city to the north of Thebes.

Formerly known as Susa is just begging for a settler or two to be wipped with 50% corruption and very large amounts of food. We trade world map for Hammurabi's map. It looks like the Zulus are trapped between us, Germany and Babylon. It really is a sardine can in here :). And if we hadn't have taken Persia, who knows what could have happened. We are in dire need of settlers as well.

Every man and his dog and it's litter is building the great wall. Rome is nearly dead, with only five cities, two of which are colonies.

Looking at our cities, I'd say that Pasargade looks like a prime candidate for a forbidden palace. If we get a great leader, I say rushing that is the best idea. It has had the crap wipped out of it however, so it's up to a future leader.

The zulus, while they are the only civ that is polite to us, are going to have to die sooner or later, as they are the gatekeepers of the continent. Once we have swallowed Germany and Japan, we should go after them.

Most cities have 2 garrison, but some only have one. Getting at least two spears in each city before we go after Japan would be my priority.

BTW, I got the game at 900 BC, not 1050 BC. I played until 650 BC.
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