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RBP10 - The Spanish Explorers - Team B

Okay I started to play and realized that Bob uploaded and attached the wrong file. Bob upload the correct save file and I will play tomorrow night. The one you attached and uploaded was Coffee's last turn.

I got it! Thanks Bob!

Edit: I found the correct file in the uploads folder. The one above is someone elses.
1500 BC (0): Wow surprised to see a Roman city on OUR island we will deal with that soon enough. Anyway we are in trouble due to barbs and I think we have been severly hampered because of the barb menace. Turn off the governor, my goal is to eliminate the barbs and try to hem in the Romans.

1475 BC (1): Sending 2 archers north and 2 south to take out the barbs I can't safely move our settler from Madrid.

1450 BC (2): Madrid builds archer starts settler, Archer will remain and escort 1 if not both settlers. Lux is at 30% until the spice comes online. Lose 1 archer heading north.

1425 BC (3): :smoke: Barcelona riots gets a taxman. Continue to move archers north and South.

1400 BC (4): Archer takes out another Barb horse in the south. Settler is moving cautiously south.

1375 BC (5): Toledo builds warrior starts temple. Kill a warrior on the northern camp but our archer is redlined and a horse remains. Almost at the southern camp.

1350 BC (6): Madrid buils settler starts another. Manage to clear the norther camp. Will clear the southern camp next turn. Settler from madrid heading north. Southern settler heading at the Romans. This is why we call it Deity. We are in a deep hole. I make no trades yet. Lets hope he trades our contacts and maybe we will get a better deal. The best I could do was 160 gold and WM for Bronze Working.

1325 BC (7): Well we are in deeper trouble than I thought, Rome just settled to our south another city the grabs the Spices. We do now have contact with the Vikings and the Chinese.

Vikes: Has: BW, Masonry, Wheel, Mysticism, philo, CoL, Maps and 54 gold.
China: Has: all the above and 157 gold.
Rome: Has: all the above and 194 gold.

Buy Bronze Working for 74 gold from the Vikes. Buy Masonry from Moa for WM and 70 gold. Sell our World Map to Rome for 18 gold. Buy Iron Working from the Vikes for 55 gold, WM and 5 gpt.

[dance] WE have Iron to the north it may be a while before it is online but we will have it soon enough. Current Research is Math with a lone Scientist in Barcelona.

1300 BC (8): 2 settler are almost in postion another is due in 2 turns out of Madrid It may be our last for a while, we are in dire need of workers. Change Toledo to worker.

1275 BC (9): Found Santiago to the East near Virconium. Start temple, it will need to be whipped to put some pressure on the Roman cities. Madrid is MM for Gold. The other now have Math too.

1250 BC (10): Madrid builds a settler and is set to worker, due in 2/2. and can be from now until forever but we will want a couple more settlers I think even with a heavy overlap. Toledo completes a worker starts back on a Temple. Found Murcia to the North starts a worker.

Here is the save:


Oh yeah, big hole. Not as bad as Epic 26, but we have a long way to go. We will have to evict Caesar from our lands.

And yes, I have it.
I think the barbs were almost as tough as Epic 26. It definitely cost us a lot of time and a worker. The only thing I think we could've done was to have the entire island under our vision of a few more warriors but I didn't think the barbs were going to be as active or as destructive as in Epic 26.
Pre-turn 1250 BC
No changes. Yeah, we are in a hole, but forceful eviction of the Romans will be set up for either Coffeecup or Bob.

IT: Rome is building the Lighthouse.

1225 BC (1)

Barcelona granery -> temple.

1200 BC (2)

Madrid worker -> worker. Seville rax -> spear.

1175 BC (3)

Settler moved into position. Roading tiles near Madrid.

1150 BC (4)

Madrid worker -> worker. Valencia founded--starts on a temple.

1125 BC (5)

Roading irrigated game tile by Madrid.

1100 BC (6)

Madrid worker -> worker. We can get contact w/England from China for 5 gpt + 33g + WM--pass for now.

1075 BC (7)

Roading from Madrid to Barcelona. Someone sells our contact to Lizzie. She has all the techs as others except math--and we cannot afford it from others.

1050 BC (8)

Madrid worker -> rax. I want this city to get to size six and produce a worker every two turns (if not more). We NEED the extra commerce. Seville spear (vet) -> temple. Math still unknown, Lizzie still does not have it.

1025 BC (9)

Best deal for math is 6 gpt + WM + 67g (of 68). Lizzie still does not have it, so I will wait another turn.

1000 BC (10)

Murcia worker -> temple (could be galley prebuild). Ok, math can be had from China for WM, 6gpt, and 65g. That's a lot, but Lizzie does not have it, and we could get two techs from her for this. I suggest we do this, but will leave it up to Coffeecup.

Madrid is building a rax to allow it to get to size 5 or 6 before going back to a worker every two turns. This should get us an extra 2gpt. I have it timed to complete the rax as it grows to size 6. Remember to work the two lake tiles instead of the forest after the rax completes--this will give +5 fpt and 5 spt needed for a worker every other turn factory. We need two settlers to complete the fishing villages, then some military to evict the romans (suggest raze (should be autoraze) and replace Byzantium with a city on grey dot. Viroconium is on the spot we want, and then one more fishing village to get that southern whale. We should have this all complete by the time I get the game back, if not sooner. Barcelona can fire the scientist--temple completes next turn, and the road connecting the turn after that. We may be able to turn down the lux to 10% after that.

Coffeecup--good luck on your ten.

@Hotrod--yeah the barbs were bad, but this is NOT Epic 26--we did not get the JOY :rolleyes: of experiencing several camps erupt horsemen. :eek:

Maybe some day I will go back and finish 26. I got the entire island settled eventually but never really got into the game and just let it sit always finding something else to keep my attention.

Good job on getting the workers out. I have a feeling that our commercial trait is going to be our savior. Gold for tech is the way to go at this point. We may be following the AI the entire way and have to use 2frs whenever possible.

I would take math at the lowest price try trade to get Maps from Lizzy so we can at least get another city on the NW territory ASAP. If we get the Wheel thrown in the deal bonus we have to hope for horses. At that point we may even be able now to get the HBR at 5th and we can prepare to take out the Roman cities with Swords and horsemen and try to get techs for peace.

War is going to happen sooner rather than later and we need to gear up to take the 2 Rome cities and brace our cities for a Roman Counter. Another military city should be a priority as well with a barracks to get some vets. Those Roman cities will most likely be whipped to a pulp and may even get razed so we should have a couple settlers in reserve to claim those spots once they are vacated.

Also, getting some Galleys out to get first contact with the other civs may make all the difference.

CoffeeCup <<<<----- playing now
BobTheTerrible (on deck)
got it, will download and play tonight.

preturn questions

In genreal:
This is a deep hole. We do not have the capability to accomplish all of the tasks defined. ie) build military, hookup iron, build 3 or 4 settlers, defend against counter attack. We need to go with what we have got.

Priority 1:
Establish embassy with Rome. Question: If we have an embassy with Rome will this improve our chances of peace?
Archers for capturing and keeping Byzantium. Autoraze Viroconium if required, capture prefered.

Priority 2:
Galley => settler/warrior pair to land in northwest. The map has the form of a sea linked continent.

Simple Strategy:
If Rome does not have iron, then holding Rome back while pursuing a northern expansion appears to be the best choice.

Please critique...........coffee
I looked into an embassy with rome and a 51 gold I decided to save it for much needed tech.

By all means capture those cities but if they are size 2 they will whip down to size 1 meaning they we be auto razed. In that case we need to have a settler at the ready, settlers from Madrid take 4 turns.

I think if we take 2 Roman cities and hold off whatever counter attacks they come with then we will be able make a peace deal with our without an embassy. To conserve gold I wouldn't make any embassies, let the AI do it.

You are correct we need to make a push to get what we can with what we have. Archers may be good enough but I think we should push them from Seville and maybe get another city with a barracks to get some vet spears. Bam-Bam did a good job of getting some workers out but we can always use more.

The only other concern we may have is a dogpile. If we declare on Rome they may pull the others into the fight.

This doesn't need to all happen in the next ten turns. If coffee spends the time building up our military and getting our road network up and running we will be well on our way. We are not looking for a long war with Rome IMO. Just long enough to take the 2 Roman cities and get something for peace.

I didn't mean to sound to optomistic it is going to be a long haul. One thing I learned from Hot3 is never say never. We were down by at least this much in that game and managed to come out on top.


I did not mean to imply that you had to accomplish everything on your turn. I just suggested that it would be to our advantage to get the romans off and completely settle our island by the time the mantle was passed back to me.

I like your add of getting a settler to the new island--check my turnlog--I have a city working a temple as a galley prebuild.

Agree with Hotrod--no embassies needed. Since the romans will not have Legions on our island, we should build up with archers/spears and get a couple of vet swords once the iron is online (which should be during your turn (I do not remember how long it takes to road a mountain, but I started it on turn 10, I think, and a worker pair is roading to the city now.

Yeah--we will be REAL lucky if we capture either of those cities--neither will have border expansion, and they will be whipped silly once we declare war.

Yeah--it's a hole, but one we can survive and win. Having an aggressive militaristic civ next door sounds very familiar...(remembering Shaka from Epic 26).
Ok, then by my estimate Spain needs 6 to 10 units arriving in 15 turns to capture Byzantium and possibly Viroconium as well at size 3.

Sorry guys, I am not a good writer. I often imply things that are not intended. I do understand that I am not being pushed into a quick attack.
No problem Coffee. This is a good start to a tough game and the more questions and discussion the better!

Not a problem Bob. Your game was uploaded to the uploads4 folder but your reference was to a different game.

It will take a little time but you will get used to it.
Preturn 1000 BC

Best deal for math is 6 gpt + TM + 65g. I make the trade. Trade WM + Math + 7g to Liz for Wheel + Mysticism. Leaves 1gpt to pay for temple in Barcelona.
Swap Barcelona temple => barracks, due in 5.
Swap Seville temple => archer, due in 8.
We have horse. Set research to HBR

975 BC (1)

Check slider, lone scientist in Barcelona needed for 1 more turn. Shuffle workers. Start worker on iron, due in 9.

950 BC (2)

Cannot fire the scientist, this will cause a riot and the cash is needed. Lux to zero, research still zero, get 3gpt. Rome has settled in the northwest.

925 BC (3)

Barcelona must have a temple, barracks => temple, 6 shields lost. Lux to 20%.

900 BC (4)

Madrid => worker farm every 2 turns. research: 10%, lux: 20%, 11g, 3gpt
Barcelona => barracks.

IBT: Mao establishes embassy

875 BC (5)


850 BC (6)

Toledo builds temple => barracks.

825 BC (7)

Seville builds archer sent to Valencia.

800 BC (8)

Barcelona grows hired a tax collector.
Madrid warrior to Barcelona for mp duty, can get 5spt & 4 fpt.

775 BC (9)

Seville to get 2 workers when irrigation done, should get 5 shields.
Santiago gets tax collector, road cmpletes next turn.

750 BC

Madrid builds worker, left for BobTheTerrible.
Seville & Barcelona at 5spt, Seville can use another worker for growth.

Some production increase, One archer, 4 workers built. Checked around we have the cash to buy HBR.
Don't know, perhaps rush the barracks at Barcelona, switch Madrid to unit production. Or wait the extra 3 turns. Horse and iron are hooked up.

I just took a look at the game and Madrid can get to 10 spt, that is a vet sword every 3 turns, archer/spear every 2. And this can be done right now, just use all the forest tiles.

Also, the temples at the Northern city and the southern city can both we whipped now. We are not ready to go after Rome yet but if we get 5 vet swords together with a few archers we may be able to take those 2 cities during my turns.

Good luck Bob!
Looks like a good plan. I forgot to mention that I noticed the 10 spt potenial in Madrid. One question though-did the rax complete in Madrid?

A couple of horses would not hurt either--especially to fend off any roman landings. These can be built as the assault force maches on to war. :hammer:. This should also get us some pointy stick tech discount when we make peace.

Good luck to Bob and Hotrod--hopeflly those red blotches on our land will be gone!
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