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RBP10 - The Spanish Explorers - Team B

Both of the northern cities need temples, I swapped the unconnected city to a spear and a forest chop is due there soon. I did not consider whipping.

The city in the southwest is unconnected and producing warriors. Perhaps leave it this way. We could use some cheap warriors for mp duty.

Those 10 turns were fun. Don't believe I have MM'd like that before. Good advice and a good setup made a huge difference.

@Bam-Bam, re: barracks, should be 3 workers completed not 4, sorry.
Turn 0- Get Mao's territory map for 30 gold+wm
Madrid doesn't go 10-shield because it would mean losing one happy face. Will wait for it to get size 7 then use an enteratiner (lux tax=deficit
worker goes to road a forest Bejing works on

Turn 1- zzz

TBT- England declares war on China, Yay!
Zulu build the Great Lighthouse
Iro's cascade buyild the Great wall

Turn 2- MM Bejing, so it works a irrigated plains, it builds sword in 2 turns instead of three, and still gets happy faces
Barcelona builds barracks
Berlin goes size 7, and we raise lux tax again

Turn 3- Toldeo's warrior goes to Barcleona to be Upgraded as toledo builds spearman/It switches to granary

Turn 4- zzzzzzz

Turn 5- zzzzzzz

Turn 6- zzzzzzz

Turn 7- zzzzzzz

Turn 8- zzzzzzz Could get territory map from Rome for WM 30gold 1gpt, but I won't (I would in one of my personal games though

Turn 9- Get territory map from china for 2 gold, they have a new city and some more mines.

Turn 10- zzzzz
Turn 2- MM Bejing, so it works a irrigated plains, it builds sword in 2 turns instead of three, and still gets happy faces
Barcelona builds barracks
Berlin goes size 7, and we raise lux tax again

:confused: Bob do you recall what cities those were?
Originally posted by hotrod0823

:confused: Bob do you recall what cities those were?

Um, er, I, uh, renamed Madrid to Bejing, in honor of, uh, epic 27, and then decided it would be better as, uh, Berlin, but of course...

;) Sorry, I just really wasn't into it that much. Note-taking I just wrote whatever, to be done quicker. Again, sorry about that (How's that for an indication of how much I was paying attention to my turns? ;))

Both times I was referring to Madrid.

EDIT: Looking back on my post, Berlin...er...Madrid grew the next turn, and I incorrectly put it on the same turn as when I MMd it to get the sword in 2 turns.
@Bob, I read your epic 27 report. Ouch, as Sulla said maybe you should have reloaded. I shadowed an epic, Greece and no slave workers, had a good start, then found I was using slaves so I quit. Kinda stupid. I should have completed it anyway. Good luck on your next epic.

RBP 10 B

550 BC (0): Wake a spear and warrior out of Barcelona and sending to join the stack. Change Madrid to a settler for a poach of the Romans city to the East it may only be at size 1 when I attack. The 4 archers will go for the western City. Change Murcia to a barracks. The good new is there are no legionary, Rome has no iron. Buy HBR from Vikings for 14 gold and 4gpt. Change Barcelona to horsey.

530 BC (1): Barcelona builds a horse starts another. Another archer joins the stack a sword and a horse are on the way. I want to take Byzantium in 2 more turns. Interesting but I am not sure of the consequences but China will give tech for an alliance against England. Not knowing where they are I reconsider the option but if they continue to fight maybe it is a wise choice.

510 BC (2): Seville builds a spearman starts a temple. Declare war on Rome! A stack of archers approache Bzyantium, I attack with the horse and redline a reg. spear but die. Another stack of swords, a warrior and a spear capture a worker outside of Viroconium and will attack the city next turn.

490 BC (3): China and vikes make peace. Madrid builds a settler starts a sword, MM for 10 sheilds. Romans starts HG. 2 archers kill 2 spears at Byzantium and capture a worker. We also get our first harbor, start a workre. Easily kill 2 spears at Viroconium and capture the city, another harbor, start a temple. Change to spears at Madrid and Barcelona. Move settler to a fishing village to the NW of Madrid.

470 BC (4): Barcelona builds a spear starts another. Found Zaragoza. Start a temple. Change Santiago from a spear to a cat. A vet spear will be heading down from Barcelona.

450 BC (5): Madrid builds a spear starts a swords. Santiago builds a catapult starts another. Trade spices and 1 gpt to China for incense. Lux goes to 10%, research to zero with a scientist in Toledo, they wont be happy until the road is completed. Now you all can beat me up for this trade but for the time being I am willing to give this a shot. IRON yes Iron, our only source. 5 gold for Mapmaking. Change Murcia to a galley and begin sending some offencive units north to board that galley. All I really want to do is capture that NW Roman city and force him to the bargining table. I don't see China as a threat right now as they are still fighting England. Last check Rome still didn't have iron but that was before we declared war. We can hold the homeland without iron and the sword that is started in Madrid will finish.

430 BC (6): Vikes start the Great Library, English HG. Rome still will not talk. Some movement.

410 BC (7): Barcelona builds spear, starts worker. After playing with the peace talks for 5 minutes I finally decide to take Lit, Brundisium and 45 gold for Peace. [dance] It is good to know that the furthest cities are the one that they will most easily give up. I could've had Stockholm too but I had no idea where that was. We got lucky but some times it is just better to to lucky than good (tm).

390 BC (8): Seville builds a temple starts a galley. Madrid builds a sword starts a spear. Barcelona gets a taxman. Buy CoL from the Vikes for 105 gold, 7 gpt and WM.

370 BC (9): Barcelona build a worker starts on a Courthouse. Mucia builds a galley starts a baracks.

350 BC (10): Now this is interesting England wants TM and 20 gold I am sooo tempted to not give in and see what she brings and maybe get something from China for an alliance. I decline and she actually backs down. Change Valencia to a galley. Madrid build a spear starts another. And someone needs to tell me why suddenly Madrids granary is not working. Whip the temple at Byzantium. Our galley unloads an archer and sword on our island city.

We picked up 4 new cities, the FP is available. We now have CoL, MM, Lit, HBR and currently researching currency that no one has at least for the time being.

here is the save:


Hotrod, great turns!

Nice to see a plan work out--the red is gone by the time I get it back! [dance]

The only thing better (i.e., would have been perfect) would have been for him to leave a weak unit or two on our land for a nice GA trigger when we want to with our Conquistadors--I think Kylerean did this in Epic 26 against the Zulu.

I have no issue with trading the iron. We are on an island, and at peace--the AI sucks at naval invasions, and we should have enough horses and other units to take out two units at a time for a long while.

By the way, the granery empties as a city grows to seven (maybe it keeps ten food--I cannot remember which 0 or 10). That is why you keep it from growing to seven if you are making it a settler/worker factory.

I got it.
I have some questions/comments.

We were able to "see" those harbors before aquiring MM. I didn't think that was possible.

Does anyone else think that the MM trade brought Rome to the bargaining table. Or was it really just luck.

Where to next. I could use the direction. Perhaps after Bam-Bam's turns.
You can "see" improvements beyond your technology. The technology allows the improvments/units to be built, so that if you capture them, you can get to use them (I remember a game where I captured some cannons, but didn't yet have metallurgy).
Not sure if MM had anything to do with it. I went out to get Map Making just to get a galley to take that NW city. I think there is a minimum number of turns before they will talk peace. Not sure how many that is I think 3-4.

I would like to get the galleys our exploring getting contacts via a suicide galley would really help. We could play both sides hopefully. There are maybe 2 more fishing villages we can sneak in not very productive cities but cities none the less. I don't know how full that territory China is on to the South is an maybe we can get a colony overthere as well.
I have some questions too on how to do my turns. Should I give in to demands? And I must admit, if I were playing alone I would have traded my left arm for territory/world maps. Not a good idea, I assume because we want money for tech, right?

Thank you coffee for your sympaty. It was all a random roll though. I'm into tabletop gaming, and I know even though I should be able to do something, the dice determine it, so it should never be assumed that "this will happen." I guess that's why I didn't reload, because in tabletop gaming you can't reroll the dice once they are cast.

You're welcome. Say listen, regarding AI demands, it's a judgement call. I would say that if Liz comes back with another demand she is serious. The choice depends on Spains best interests at the time. I have a game going on now where I rejected a peace offer. I needed incense and was in position to get it. I did, then sued for peace.
Pre-turn 350 BC

Switch Madrid to settler--want to get back under 6 to pop a couple of settlers or workers. We are behind Philosophy poly and construction--I do not think 40-turn on currency will work, but we nothing else is worth it. We can get another lux from Rome when our next spices come online in 3 turns.

IT: Iroquois complete Hanging Gardens. Rome is building Great Library.

330 BC (1)

Byzantium temple -> court. Switch Santiago to galley. Everyone got currency and are in the middle ages. :sad: We are in major catch-up mode here. Hmm, we need contacts--got to get those galleys exploring. We are going to have to buy our way to middle ages, so cannot wait for 34 more turns on currency. We cannot afford currency, so I buy Philosophy from China for WM, 4 gpt, and 48g. This lets us take a 40 turn run at Republic, which is WAY more expensive, so even if we do not broker, we get it for free. :argh: They all have republic. We need to get some serious cash going here--so I suggest the next buy is currency from china when iron comes up next.

310 BC (2)

Everyone got currency and are in the middle ages. :sad: We are in major catch-up mode here. Hmm, we need contacts--got to get those galleys exploring. We are going to have to buy our way to middle ages, so cannot wait for 34 more turns on currency. We cannot afford currency, so I buy Philosophy from China for WM, 4 gpt, and 48g. This lets us take a 40 turn run at Republic, which is WAY more expensive, so even if we do not broker, we get it for free. :argh: They all have republic. We need to get some serious cash going here--so I suggest the next buy is currency from china when iron comes up next.

290 BC (3)

Madrid settler -> spear. Seville galley -> court (market pre-build) Switch Brundusium to granery. We do not have enough to get furs from Rome even with spices.

270 BC (4)


250 BC (5)

Found Pamplona fishing on hill fishing site by Madrid--starts on temple

230 BC (6)

Madrid spear -> settler. Santiago galley -> court (market prebuild).

210 BC (7)


190 BC (8)

Valencia galley -> harbor.

IT Romans finish Great Library, start Sun's

170 BC (9)

Barcelona court -> forbidden palace (due in 23). Zaragoza temple -> granery. Spices, WM, 1gpt, and 18g to Caesar for his furs. This lets us go to 0% lux, with a scientist in Barcelona and a taxman in Toledo until it's connected. Economy is 8 gpt net, with 17 gpt going to other civs.

150 BC (10)

Madrid settler -> spear. Growth and production in 3. I suggest letting it grow unless we find a city site with our galleys (not bloody likely). Toledo's taxman is fired--it's connected. We are at 13 gpt.

Game plan--we should save our trades for five turns, when China needs iron again (I hope he still needs it). I slowed the court in Seville to be due after we should trade with China, so that it can swap to a bank. If you cannot tell, I strongly suggest buying currency first, then the rest of the required techs--let Republic complete on a 40 turn run. We will not be able to afford that. Once currency is in, build cheap markets (we are commercial) EVERYWHERE. Revolt to republic as soon as it is learned for 1/2 turn anarchy.

I do not think we need to suicide galley yet..do not think we will find a new landmass that way.

Good luck to Coffeecup on the next ten.

Play the demands by ear--if it is England (and they are at war) I would do like hotrod did and not cave. Rome, I would cave.

EDIT--you will get a demand from China to move out of their territory, as I have two galleys in their borders. Move them, but keep off sea/ocean squares.

Originally posted by Bam-Bam
[Once currency is in, build cheap markets (we are commercial) EVERYWHERE.

Commercial civs do not get a shield discount on markets (or banks or stock exchanges, for that matter). Good luck with your game, a lot of us are following you and the other RBP10 teams. :)
Thanks for the info Sullla--I went back and realized I did not check my facts. :blush:

Despite my poor grasp of the facts--I still suggest we want currency first and a rapid market-building campaign. It would be VERY nice to have markets in most of our cities when we revolt to republic.

Sorry for the bum dope.
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