Rethink Religion
These days the word Religion can open up a can of worms along with many diverse opinions. To a growing number, Religion is a kin to a few of our favorite four-letter words. But love it or hate it, it's part of Human history. Throughout History, most of the major powers, empires, and Civilizations have been home to many different beliefs and cultural worship practices. Migration, Trade, and sharing of ideas are major contributing factors in this regard. Let's think of a way to implement this in Civ VII
Cultural Bonuses: Religion and Culture go hand in hand. So I think it would be logical to give both Religious and Culture benefits to Civilizations that house multiple beliefs and practices. The Civilization that attracts diverse migrants will see an increase in diverse religious practices and rituals. Thus should see a significant increase toward a Cultural victory. There can still be a dominant religion. But maybe one reflective upon the population on each city and in the overall. Trade can play a part. As Civs and City-States exchange ideas and beliefs as well as goods and resources.
This is just a rough idea on how to restructure how to address Religion. And everything that comes with it.
These days the word Religion can open up a can of worms along with many diverse opinions. To a growing number, Religion is a kin to a few of our favorite four-letter words. But love it or hate it, it's part of Human history. Throughout History, most of the major powers, empires, and Civilizations have been home to many different beliefs and cultural worship practices. Migration, Trade, and sharing of ideas are major contributing factors in this regard. Let's think of a way to implement this in Civ VII
Cultural Bonuses: Religion and Culture go hand in hand. So I think it would be logical to give both Religious and Culture benefits to Civilizations that house multiple beliefs and practices. The Civilization that attracts diverse migrants will see an increase in diverse religious practices and rituals. Thus should see a significant increase toward a Cultural victory. There can still be a dominant religion. But maybe one reflective upon the population on each city and in the overall. Trade can play a part. As Civs and City-States exchange ideas and beliefs as well as goods and resources.
This is just a rough idea on how to restructure how to address Religion. And everything that comes with it.