Removing bonus grassland


Oct 3, 2004
Does anyone know how to get rid of all bonus grassland terrain or, failing that, to set the bonus from bonus grassland to 0?

I am trying to create a map with no bonus grassland.

Thanks in advance.
I guess I should have been more persistent on trying to change get rid of the bonus grassland. I'm not placing bonus grassland on the map. The editor is placing it on there. Whether it's random or by some algorithm I don't know.

I tried to get rid of the grassland by placing a hill on a tile which was bonus grassland then changing back to grassland. I did this twice and the result was bonus grassland. I just tried again and it changed to grassland.

So, I guess that's the answer. One by one, keep flipping the terrain until all the bonus gtrassland is gone.
you could go into the terrain editor and make the stats for bonus grassland the same as normal grassland. You may be able to change the picture i don't know.
just select normal grassland from the editor's brush menu thingy and use that to paint over bonus grassland. You could always try to change bonus grassland into a different type of terrain as well.
There is some check box [somwehere] where you can make it so when you put down grassland, the bonus grassland doesn't appear.
Dom Pedro II said:
What have you got against Bonus Grassland anyway? ;)

I'm working on a two player scenario with pre-positioned cities and the settler unit unavailable. Anyone remember Avalon Hill's boardgame Blitzkrieg? I'd like to insure both sides have the same production capability from the start. Bonus Grassland is a problem as a restriction on my control. However, with continuing to toggle terrain types on the specific square I can eventually end up with a regular grassland.

With Bonus Grassland out of the way I have more control on the cost of units. I need to price these units high enough so captured cities cannot meaningfully contribute to war production (Factories, Mftr plants, coal plants, etc will be destroyed upon capture). Conversely, I'd like to price the units low enough where they might be usuable as victory points. The problem there is the points awarded are multiples of the cost of the unit. Since I want capturing cities to be the primary source of victory points I need to hike up the victory location multiplier. I'm trying to find a nice point in between where city capture is the most important and killing units less important but a nice source of supplimental VP's.
kulade said:
There is some check box [somwehere] where you can make it so when you put down grassland, the bonus grassland doesn't appear.

Found it. Thanks. It's under View/Options/Randomize Bonus Grassland. Unchecking it causes all grassland placed to be non-bonus grassland.
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