[Request] Air Superiority Combat


Dec 5, 2005
Cold Country in Europe
Aircombat is fun but currently it's too simple IMO. Either you defend with "Intercept" or you attack units/city defense/improvements with a rather big chance of getting shot down/intercepted.

The only way to currently make a clear way for your bombers is sending in fighters so enemy interceptors "waste" their superiority mission. Only problem with this method is that you have huge failure rate and no chance to down the enemy fighters.

Discusssion on the subject in this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=170750

I have two suggestions:

1. Air units from two nations both assigned to Intercept mission have a chance to clash each turn.

2. "Air Superiority" as a new mission, it send in your fighters in range of enemy fighters with the mission to shoot them down - any enemy fighters on "Intercept" mode will be targetted and attempted to shot down.

I don't know much about how this should be coded (hence I post this) but possibly use some kind of "Airpower-index" based on how many fighters reach a specific tile, or make attacking in a stack beneficial. Just a few thoughts.
Do a search on TheLopez his aircombat mod component, I think it has what you want...
I think Thelopez mod only adds promotions to the air units so they gain xp like normal units. That is good but I was having something more complex in mind if you read my post :crazyeye:

Of course, that needs someone not only sharing my view on air combat and it's flaw's but also knowledge and time to do it :rolleyes:
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