[Request]Make research easier for the research lazy civs (like in real life)


Jan 29, 2011
Is there a mod where research lazy civs can catch up, like for example if a tech (or civic) was researched by half of the civs it would get to be known by all the civs?
Connection to reallife - everyone in the world has a smartphone right now, even though there are only a few countries which really make those?
It would maybe provide a challenge in the later eras for the leader civs, and an opportunity for the bad civs to catch up.
I like the idea, my 2 cents :
Ideally it might be better to give a boost (one stronger than eureka) or even the full tech once an allied or friendly civ has discovered it since X turns (lets say 20 in normal speed).
Because, if you are at war with everyone for example, there is no good IRL reason to get the tech for free except for espionnage (which the game handles as boost through eureka already).
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