• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Mr. Dictator

A Chain-Smoking Fox
Jul 27, 2003
Murfreesboro, TN
ok if someone were to resize this to the max size CFC will allow, would it still be recognizable?

rockin kitty
Yeah, it's supposed to. But I've never got it to work. :(

ainwood, have you tried gimp? www.gimp.org

I've got it installed @ work, but never really played with it. But it seems to be quite popular in this sub-forum.
Originally posted by Turner_727
Yeah, it's supposed to. But I've never got it to work. :(

ainwood, have you tried gimp? www.gimp.org

I've got it installed @ work, but never really played with it. But it seems to be quite popular in this sub-forum.
I've seen it, but never tried it. I played around with the beta version of PSP 8 for a while, and I think I've got a copy of PSP 4 & 5 around. Just don't (normally) do enough graphics work to bother having anything too decent.

Might get it (gimp) though - would be nice to have the option. :)
Me either. The only thing I use paint for is my avatars. Which is why they're not as good as they could be. . . but it's free, so it won't cost you anything but hard drive space.
But he said it's only for a week, so... You could "borrow" it after that. ;)
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