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Rhye's in Vista

D. Minky

Apr 25, 2003
Echizen, Japan
I'm having a lot of trouble getting Rhye's to work in Vista. Civ4x works fine for me in Vista, as do the Firaxis "official" mods. However, Rhye's crashes whenever it restarts to load the mod. Has anyone else been able to get it to work?
Has the mod worked without Vista? If not, the problem may be custom assets, which should be removed when playing this mod.
I'm having a lot of trouble getting Rhye's to work in Vista. Civ4x works fine for me in Vista, as do the Firaxis "official" mods. However, Rhye's crashes whenever it restarts to load the mod. Has anyone else been able to get it to work?

Hopefully you have a no cd version <ie direct to drive or patched with the patch from D2D instead of the one that requires a cd> if this is the case the following should work ..
go into properties and set compatability to windows xp for warlords ..check registery and if theres a registery entry for ryhes and fall make sure its correct as to where it is and not to where it would be in xp ..<no guarantees but its worth a shot i had to goto a no cd version of the game with xp64 to get the compatability issues cured > ..note the reason for nocd in this case is if you set the properties on the warlords exe to a differnt op system it will no longer be able to find the cd/dvd drive..thankfully Firaxis has provided No cd patches at D2D and GCW
It was a fresh Vista install, not an upgrade, so it's definitely not the Custom Assets. I tried compatibility mode, as you suggested, and got the CD error message, so I'll try out the No-CD patch and let you know if it works.
Hmmm... nope. Using the Patched EXE just makes it so Civ4x won't load at all...

that is odd ...may be more difficulties with vista than i thought ..<im using xp64 i had to go no cd to set version type and the cant find the cd drive drove me nuts o so im defiantly not downgrading to vista from xp64 pro >
Yea, I went to Vista knowing full well the Civ4 wasn't fully supported yet. It's just a bummer that this mod doesn't work. Hopefully the kinks will be worked out soon; I look forward to playing it again. Very strange that the game and the official mods work just fine (actually, I've noticed considerable improvement in most of my games after moving to Vista).
Hmm, I recently upgraded to Vista as well and was having problems with Civ and other mods for it. I solved my problems by uninstalling Civ, and reinstalling it.

Now Rhye's and all the other mods work like a charm. I too had a clean install of Vista. Hope this helps and good luck.
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