Rhye's of Civilization - the fastest loading mod Expanded - PART II

Yes, you open MapStat before you start the the game. Then start the game. Then during game play, you save the game and hit ALT/TAB and that takes you to the MapStat screen. Once there, you open the most recent saved game and get the details. Then go back to the game and resume play.
I'm debating that now. I want to go West but I think East may be the the way to go. It might take too long to safetly cross the Atlantic. However, I think West is more of a challenge. Big decision....... :confused:
Olbas said:
Takeing into account the idea of building cities next to each other I had about 10 cities on the first island and 2 on Ireland.

Now I noticed that I wasn't able to defend my cities from attack and had lost lots of ground in the tech department. What is the best way to invade?
Ten cities is a bit too much... Basically try to make sure each city can work about 7-15 tiles, as you won't have more than 10 citizens until rather late in the game...
Ireland can fit two good cities, if you place them right. I can't recall how I placed them when I last played England long ago.

About you invasion, first of all, one of the most valuable lessons, that still I have not completely learned, is to bring along sufficient defenders to hold the ground that you take. If you are in a hurry, you can use all-round infantry (spearman, trench infantry, etc) to both attack and then hold ground for a while, but attackers (swordsmen, knights) and defenders (archers, musketmen) always do a better job at their job and for a better price than the all-round infantry. Still, the all-round variety can buy you some time if you need to rush in and hold the ground while you pump out defenders. If you do not use all-rounders in your invasion, take along many defenders, both to defend your stack and to hold the cities you take.
About you defenses back home, you should take the time to gague the risk each city is at, and put 2-4 defenders in the higher risk cities, with one or none in those that are unlikely to get attacked or impossible to attack. Remember that as long as nothing can hit a city out of the blue in one turn, you will have time to react, so two neighboring low-risk cities can share defenders which you shift around when the need be.

Olbas said:
Another thing I was wondering was which government should I be using?
There is no best government in this mod. In the ancient and middle ages, use monarchies for prolonged war or even for major military defenses. Use Theo. Rep if you have little need for military units. Just make sure to keep a small amount of defense and attack units, to scare rivals off and to keep them at bay while you prepare for serious defense, in the case of an invasion.
Later in the game, if you have a large empire, Communism is the answer, period.
Generally take your time and look at the different aspects of prospective gov'ts and choose whichever one suits you best. Don't be afraid to save, change governments, and load if it turns out to be a bad choice.

Speaking of loads, Jeff, you should try out Civassist II, it's a completely spoiler-proof player aid that helps you find trade opportunities and do many other things. It does not require a special save, it simply monitors your autosaves.
It saves a lot of time, it cannot help you cheat, and it's very well-designed and comfortable.
Thanks Blasphemous, I'll try Civassist.
I started my first rounds of the rgc2 and must say it is tough to go!^^
I decide to go with 2 citys in europe and take the western way.
I found the falkland before 1300 but it was just in time (about 1260) and i think only possible with my good RoX world map knowlegde. I wasnt able to get the two techs before 1300 (i´m the tech leader).
I will play on and see if im able to get most of these goals, maybe i´ll start a new game and give the eastern route a try.

BTW I like this rgc2.
I mostly play like a defence trader, even if the goals are high, its a very good challange.
I did 3 trial runs of rgc3, I must say, it has been the most challeging game of civ3 yet! Very fun stuff. Unfortunately I got my butt kicked on all the occasions. I was like "Wow this is hard, wonder what difficulty setting it is on... oh Emporer... I see... Figures..." :) I am barely into mastering Monarcy level. Wow what a difference in difficulty! :eek:
Yes it is a differance, but i think RoX with all the rule chances can´t be taken on the same levels like in the original game...
Easier or harder is taken to player, at my opinion.

To rgc2 i just can give you the hint to make your european neighbours your friend, till your´re able to get your fleet and sail away.
yes, with this mod the difficulty is in which civ you use more than the level itself.
RGC1 was on Emperor and was said to be too easy.
The Dutch offer a thougher challenge as a basis, and the RGC2 rules make it even more hard.
I'll also say that this is probably the most interesting game of RoX I've played.

France was lucky (getting writing and a settler from huts very early) and they were very annoying (declaring war on me twice). The key to surviving was being a very careful tech trader, and dogpiling the French by giving techs to my other neighbours. Building both Nordic cults wonders also helped.

I'm trying the East India Company because, after getting over my wonder addiction (also built HG and two Christian wonders :crazyeye: ), I was impatient to start settling. Founded a horse city in Morocco and then 2 more African cities, including Kaapstad in 1090AD. Now I'm approaching the 1300 checkpoint and all goals have been acheived except I'm desperately searching for a Carthaginian settler that is wandering around somewhere (they sent two settlers out just before I conquered their cities :mad: ).

@Jeff and Blas: MapStat also monitors auto-saves. It saves a lot of mouse-clicking on the diplomacy screens.
MapStat is part of a utlity program called CRp Suite, available here.

I've not tried CivAssist, but this one works quite well. I really think a screen like this should be part of the game. Surely one's foreign advisor should be able to present information in a comprehensive way.
Well my 4th run of the save went much smoother, now that I am more comfortable with RoX changes. Managed to meet all the critera for the 300 ad save, and in a good position moneywise to buy any of the new techs from AIs. Just got sailing so need to venture out and establish a colony on the Falklands.

Anyways great mod and a most awesomely challenging senario! Boy, I am having so much fun with this! :cool: Keep them coming :)
It is 1000 AD. I am going for the West India Trading Company. I have discovered the Falklands. I am in the process of building up my colonization force. I already see that I am going to have to declare war on the Mayans in order to settle the Panama Canal. Rhye I have two questions:

1. Confirm I have to settle a city on the isthmus of Panama? It looks like only two squares qualify for this.

2. Do I have to put a city on the Falklands?
Bah, am I doing something wrong? There is no 300 AD turnpoint, just a 290 AD and a 310 AD? My game is going pretty well too :( Curious what strategies people are using :)
Also, France got arrogant (what a surprise :crazyeye: ) early on and Dows me after I won't give them monarchy. Ok fine stupid French I have 2 spearmen in each of my cities so I'm feeling pretty confident. So I ask austria to help me and they capture Lyons, but later another country allied with the french captures it and razes it... (I'd long since peaced out). Hope it will be clear it wasnt me that razed it....
Sorry everybody, don't worry about the exact 300AD. You can submit 290 or 310 or 330.

By the way, I've one question for you all:
do you consider the in-game list of goals useful this time, or do you still go to the site every time?
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