Role Play Challenge, TNG: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, The Prime Directive

Wow. I don't think I've ever seen Asoka as a serious late-game threat on an Earth map. Usually he's kowtowing to China or Persia or languishing in mediocrity. I honestly think ICBMs would be a waste of time, not to mention distasteful for the Enterprise crew. The Pacific Ocean is defense enough. A bigger and better navy would be a better use of your beakers and hammers. And go for the Internet. With 17 potential users Twittering about their breakthroughs, it's easily the most broken wonder on this map.
I thought ICBM's were poor detterants on a production:soldier ratio? Their too expensive too really boost your power rating, especially if you waste time on the Manhatten Project. Build Infantry, and ships to keep out invaders. I wish we could just go in and smash a few Indian cities, but that's illegal now isn't it?

Maybe Cyrus or Qin might think of "alleviating" India of some of its tech/production capacity?
How can you tell anyone is going for culture? I haven't seen the victory screen in a while. What methods are we allowed to use against India? I wouldn't mind dumping some commerce into espionage to take some of their techs. It's not like you need any defensive espionage being on an island (unless the AI is going to take Galleons up to your shores :rolleyes:
A check with the victory screen suggests the culture route. India is currently at war with the Qin conglomerate. Wouldn't be surprised to see India get capped.
Go for Flight and Airports, the Trade routes can only help research, Besides you need it for the Apollo project and rocketry, bit longer then Artillery, but since war's out, flight seems better, plus plans for defense.

beeline INTERNET? Seems like the gods from the Future, wouldn't have need for that.

A side note Mad, I'm currently playing about still with your 'Barbaric Monty map', playing a game of Isolation i.e. Mercantilism and space race win only, I've been able to achieve 101 cities (a personal target I made part way into game, and was it hard at 90+) by whipping in Airports in all cities, or rush buying (Islands) I was able to go to 100% research, and be cash flow positive :wow: Such great map, I've edited a few mistakes you've made, but I find it so much fun.

On current game, Flight for airports and planes, rocketry, Fusion for free great engineer, then Superconductors for labs (25% science and 50% space ship building) then rest of space tech's.

I disagree on early golden ages, I'd have saved them for late game teching and space ship building. But you trade much better then I do, great game, Great flavour.
Such great map, I've edited a few mistakes you've made, but I find it so much fun.


If I remember that was the game where I acidently put the wheat in the ocean! :lol:

Glad to see you still playing that game. I may fire it up myself as I pretty much have forgotten the map (except of course AQUA-WHEAT)
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Stardate 1764AD

Picard: "Alright people, this is the plan. LaForge begin by researching flight for airports, but then head towards plastics as we cannot built airplanes without oil. Number One, continue to negotiate and see what we can get to speed our research up. And Mr. Worf, be on guard."

Rike: "Aye captain, the Malinese do have something to offer, but as always at a price."

Picard: "Splendid! With flight and Industrialism all we need is plastics to harvest the oil from the sea. Tell me Neverly, do we have access to aluminum?"

Crusher: "Why in fact captain, we do."

WORF: "CAPTAIN, the dog faced backstabbing Romans have launched an unprovoked attack on us peaseful Australians. Permission to annialate the Romans."

Picard: "No Mr. Worf. Your orders are to stay within our cultural borders, you have freedom to act anyway you see fit. we cannot be altering the normal progression of earth events."

Worf: "Understood. These Romans are inferior warriors to be honest, sending an old wooden Galleon. Sir, I can dismantle that ship myself."

As the enterprise crew watches in expected admiration, Lieutenant Worf dives off the bow of the destroyer, swims under the Roman Galleon, rips a hole in the keel, and sinks the ship. The only other ship that dared to contest with the Klingon warrior was a lone caravel. Otherwise the Romans wisely never sent another ship towards Australia.

LaForge: "Captain, we have finished Plastics so Dr. Crusher can begin constructing hydro-plants and Worf can construct an airforce."

Laforge: "Captian, I suggest we start researching Radio and then COmputers. Our techpath is going well but I think the key to getting back home is through the internet."

Picard: "Make it so Mr. LaForge."

WORF: "Captain, the filthy Roman has come crawling on his belly requesting peace, however he demands tribute for peace. Is this honorable sir?"

Picard: "You have done well Mr. Worf, yes accept his terms, and tell Will to stry and reestablish trade once Caesar has cooled off a bit."

Riker: "Captain, an interesing turn of events has occurred. The Russians have built the UN."

Picard: "Hmm, that is a disappointment we cannot gain control of it. Abtain number One and see if we can throw it into disuse right away."

Riker: "No luck sir, the chinese have gotten control. We have to be careful not to let Qin control the world from the UN, and we have to be careful not to end up in unwanted civics, there are several we can lose."

Picard: "Understood. "

Crusher: "Captain, our plans for a third Golden Age have run into a snag, we got a second Great Sceitnist and may have to wait until we research Fussion to have the three great people we need. Meanhwile I suggest we simply build another academy."

Riker: "Captain, while we have refused demands from the land-locked Russians, the ARabs have made a rather rude request. DO we agree to this in the interest of peace?"

Picard: "Yes NUmber One by all means. We are not constructing the Manhatten Project but someone likely will, it might as well come out of the middle east."

Riker: "Captain, a dangerous UN resoltuion has been proposed."

Riker: "Refusing risks unhappiness but we cannot afford to drop out of representation for US considering we have no towns to benefit. Ina dditiona, Data's treasury is rather poor and not ready to rush-buy what we need."

Picard:" A difficult choice number One. Simply say NO, and let's hope one of the other civilizations defies it."

Riker: "Bold decision Captain, looks like your gamble payed off."

LaForge: "Captain, we have finished Computers. What should we research next?"

Crusher: "Captain, the health of our cities depends on a few key grain trades. I suggest we research ecology for recycling plants before we face serious starvation issues."

Riker: "Sir, labs would speed along our research and are needed for the space ship. However, the Indians already have the technology and perhaps we can get it from the internet."

Crusher: "Sir, ecology is also known by one other civilization, and no one has computers yet. It really depends on how fast we can get the internet, perhaps we can get both technologies from it."

Picard; "OK, let;'s see how long it takes for the internet"

OK folks there we have it! 26 turns for the internet, to bad we could not the Golden Age in time! I am guessing that's enough time to built it before someone else get's computers and it will allow us time to further our research.

The tech situation

Too bad we cannot get anything from Qin. Fiber Optics seams like a good choice to research, however ecology does allow recycling plants. From there we can nab the Free GE from Fussion and begin a Golden Age to speed along the final stages of the internet and probably Apollo.

Demographics show

That someone can likely build the spaceship or internet real fast


So I think Picard and crew are heading into the final stretch. We continue to build a navy and airforce for defense, most infrastructure is built except for the newly acquired buildings.
By the way, the Romans are trying for a culture win but look to be a long way off.
I find it interesting you have 19 million citizens but 1.7 million of them are in the military. I wonder if its possible to have more soldiers than citizens XD

Anyway, good luck with teh interwebs. Better hope Al Gore doesn't show up.
I find it interesting you have 19 million citizens but 1.7 million of them are in the military. I wonder if its possible to have more soldiers than citizens XD

Anyway, good luck with teh interwebs. Better hope Al Gore doesn't show up.
I'm sure if you play something like Rome or the Mali you could use slavery to accomplish something like this. I would explain it as mercenaries, and a very militaristic society (like put Sparta and the Third Reich to shame).
I always prefer Genetics to fight health - no need to spend hammers on health improving buildings, and you need that tech for spaceship parts anyway. And since it's after Superconductors for labs, it's along a useful tech path.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Stardate 1946, reestablishment of original timeline.

Riker: "captain, the world appears to be erupting into mass chaos. Apparently history was correct about the increase in major wars with the developement of technology."

Picard: "Unfortunately yes Number One. And we must get off this world soon, alpha centuri is earth's last hope. If we can manage to get there we can correct the time-error created by our landing. Mr. Laforge, please begin researching fiber Optics and Fusion while we construct the internet in Botany Bay."

WORF: "Captain, enemy Russian ships are located off our coast. Was it common in earth history to send wooden ships against steel destroyers?"

Picard: "No Mr. Worf, and keep casualties limited please. Hopefully the Russians will be open for peace sooner than later."

Crusher: :Captain, disappointing news, once again we got a Great Scientist rather than the needed Great Engineer for another golden Age. we now have to wait for fusion and I suggest we use Francis Bacon's talents for yet another academy."

Riker: "Captain, apparently you were correct, seeing steel destroyers has brought the Russians quickly to the negotiation table."

LaForge: :"Captian, we have finished Fusion, I suggest we simply follow the path to the spaceship parts from here on."

Crusher: "Jean-Luc, with the Great Engineer do we start the last Golden Age."

Picard: "No Beverly, please wait until after we finish the internet so we can maximize it's benefits to all cities producing space ship parts."

Crusher: "Captain, we have actually just finished the internet."

Which has nabbed us immediately

Mass Media

The next turn we got


And later we eventually got

Advanced Flight

Picard: "Excellent work. Now if we can only finish the space ship before the earth blows up around us! Will, we need to focus everything on production of that ship so diplomacy is essential. Have DATA direct all our commerce to gold so MR. Word can upgrade our military as need be."

Riker: "Sir, while the Chinese and Aztecs are fighting, I suggest we start building a strong relationship with the Persians who ar eoffering a defensive pact."

Picard: "Yes number one, I see this is the best way to try and achieve peace. Make it So."

Riker: "And apparently sir, we got this just in time."

Worf: "Sir, the Romans are alot stronger than before. There will be much honor gained in the defense of this Australian Empire."

Riker: "Captain, the world is completely at war now. Hopefully the Persians can subdue the weaker nations allowing us to finish what needs to be done in peace."

Riker: Captain, the Roman's home cities have been captured by the Persians and thier allies, Caesar has now capitulated to Cyrus."

Picard: "Splendid!"

Cursher: "Jean-Luc, the Apollo mission has been completed in 1894 and we are starting the Golden Age."

Riker: "Sir, with the Roman capitulation we also have no threat of Rome getting a cultural victory. It appears only open warfare is all that lies in our path."

Picard: "So it would seam Will. Re-establish that defensive pact with the Persians and be careful of UN diplomatic wins."

Riker: "Getting a little close for comfort there captain. And captian, the Persians are becoming much more agressive now, they are going after the Russians."

Picard: "I see, it is only a matter of time before the Russians cave in."

Crusher: "Captain, good news. We have used our last 2 Great Engineers to construct the Space Elevator and speed up the Enterprise production."

Picard: "Excellent Beverly. Let's keep our cool and finish this."

Riker: "Captain, the Enterprise has been finished. We are ready to launch."

Riker: "However sir, the Persians are now attacking the Chinese empire and doing considerable damage. It is a race between us reaching alpha century and Persian overrunning the world."

Picard:" What of the Aztecs?"

Riker:" They appear to be amassing troops for another attack. We cna assume thier target is the Chinese again but we cannot be sure. Worf is increasing our defenses as much as possible."

Picard: "Members of the Enterprise Crew, our mission has succeeded thanks much to the assistance of the Australian people! "

Riker: "A great adventure reliving earth's history sir. We have new knowledge of those great leaders, and history has been corrected. What now."

Picard: "OK Number One. LET'S SEE WHAT IS OUT THERE!"

Well folks, there you have it! A relatively peaceful Space Race Victory for Picard and Crew starting in the abysmal Botany Bay area of Australia with no expansion past Indonesia! I gotta say I was somewhat doubtful we could do it given the land, but we persevered! It is also a good demonstration of an earth-map from Australia!

The next RPC should be up in a few days! I feel the need for a less civilized game next, and I have a Beauty in mind. After that game we will go back to another peaceful earth-map game I have had planned for a while.!

As always, thanks to all who followed the game and gave advice!
I really liked this RPC, thanks alot mad.
The amount of depth that all of your character of the enterprise had this game, and the very idea you choose Picard as your leader, means you are a fervent star trek fan.

Hats off again dear sir :)
So how close was Cyrus to victory? I see his diplomatic votes but how much land did he control?
So how close was Cyrus to victory? I see his diplomatic votes but how much land did he control?

With all the vassals I think he was far from a domination win. Eventually he would have had to vassal Monty to win. Diplomatic victory was the real danger.
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