SCENARIO: Age of Imperialism II- 1923-1953


Prussian Feldmarschall
Jun 10, 2003
Schleswig- Holstein. Germany
Age of Imperialism II- Where Eagles dare 1923- 1953

January 1st 1923.

The Great War is over since four years. The weapons are silent. The German troops could conduct a successful Operation Michael in spring 1918. Two million German soldiers, who should originally stay in Russia were ordered to the Western Front. They were the last force, the last reserve. They were able to capture Paris. Although the Western Allies could retake it shortly after, the attacking Allies had severe losses and were not able to push the Germans out of the vincinity of the city. A new offensive of the Germans was only a matter of time. Thus the participating nations agreed to make an armistice shortly after. In the following time after long debates a peace was concluded. The status quo ante was mostly reinstalled. Thus the powers came out in a very different way. The hopes of a new and lasting peace became first cracks in the following consultations for the Washington Naval treaty. It failed mostly. Although there is a moratorium to build new battleships until 1930, no quota was accepted. Although only 8 more capital ships just being built or planned and 5 carriers (except one trial vessel) were accepted, the non acceptance of a quota will lead to more tensions soon. However, until then these ships are invaluable.

The US did not lose the war, Neither they did not win it. And especially as US troops were reconquering Paris, the following armistice was regarded as betrayel from the British and French. The US had paid with blood and for nothing in their eyes. In the following Woodrow Wilson was not able to fulfill his dream of a League of Nations. The US are now in a very splitted situation politically. Many want to become more and more isolated, while others want to become a super power. Also the economy was not destroyed nor were there many men lost. So what will the US decide to do? But be aware about Japan. And what about the dream to have a united North America under US rule? Or is Africa worth to be invaded?

The British were able to remain their colonial empire. And still their Navy is ruling the waves. But they have now the US as main competitor. And the Germans are still a danger, although they also agreed to a moratorium to build Uboats for 12 years. Or will the US become an opponent? And what about Japan?

The German Reich was restored in the following time. A constitutional reform made it now to a parlamentarian monarchy. The Kaiser is mostly only a symbol. All colonies occupied were released and in the East the Baltic Republics soon joined the Reich as member states to be protected from the Soviets and Poles. The Soviets are very weak at thi moment, especially after having lost a war against the Polish, but they can soon recover. And then the Red Bear might get hungry. Poland is also having a look on Posen and West Prussia, where many Poles live as well as Upper Silesia. It was the plan to have a cordon of Allied states as buffer from the Soviets, including Poland. But the change of the Poles and their treaty with France made it in vain. Even the plan to stabilise the Ukraine was no longer possible. And France is still a danger. Britain is also a main opponent. Will they stay peaceful? Will it be possible to defend the colonies better? And what about Japan? But there are other sorrows. The economy is down and money is needed! The inflation is ruling.

Japan conquered most of the German islands in the Pacific with ease, except Tsingtao. That Naval fortress was a tough nut to crack. And now they had to give all the conquere islands back. And only a rate of 3 in the Washington Treaty! That they got Manchuria was only a small price, as now the islands are not there to defend the homeland. And with Tsingtao there is a major fortress in the backyard belonging to a foreign nation. Although the only one east of Singapore. Is Japan able to regain them? Will they be able to dominate the Pacific? And what about the Soviets?

France did not lose territory. Despite, this ending was fealt like a defeat. Germany is still a strong enemy and most of the French economy is down. There is no money left to build such huge warships. Especially as both France and Germany built huge fortress lines to keep the enemy away. But with the new pact with Poland, Germany should be in problems, if there is war.

Italy did not gain anything. They hardly could prevent the Austrians demanding land or money. They had fought the war but were KOed de facto in 1917 after the last Isonzo battles. The small colonies in Africa are scattered and it will be a huge task to defend them. Or even to make the greater. And although there are many ships they are allowed to build, there is simply no money left. What chances does Italy get?

Austria-Hungary managed it not to desintegrate. They were just able to reform them to a federal state, in which most ethnics became a place. But will it be enough to survive? The Poles are a danger. And the Soviets. The Italians are not trustworthy either. And what about the Balcan states? They have to rely more and more on their clostest ally: Germany.

The Ottomans were on the winning side, but they were not able to regain control over the Arabs. They remained bound to Anatolia. And the coup ending the Ottoman empire and making the Turkish republic has still to be finished. However, still a power Turkey has to cope with the problems of now. Will they able to regain regional power by reconquering Arabia? Or Iran? And what about the Soviets or the Balcan states?

Poland was formed in 1916 and was a close ally to Germany and Austria. That soon changed as Germany and Austria were not completely dealing everything in Polish interests. So more and more they thought to be on the wrong side. That soon was changed by forming an Alliance with France shortly after the armistice. That prevented further German and Austrian actions in the East and lead to consequences. A war with Germany and Austria became more than likely, but then the French did not dare another war. Nevertheless the preparations could be used. In the attack on the Soviets, who were also cought in a civil war. The Soviets were beaten but remain a huge threat. And Germany and Austria still have Polish lands, at least in the eyes of Poland. What will happen?

The Soviets have to rebuild their country. They are lacking industry, money, armed forces. But they are not bound to any treaty and have huge resources. The bear is wounded but not dead. And who cares about the losses needed to rebuld the country? Not Stalin! There are some open problems to be solved.

Or can another country emerge as power? Bazil? Argentina? Siam? Or even Ethiopia?

It is over to YOU to stand the second round of the Age of Imperialism!

Here is the main DL-file:
Moderator Action: Broken download updated to HTTPS - Blake00 II.rar

Version 1.0 replaced after 891 downloads.

Version 1.1 replaced after 1.995 downloads

Version 1.2 replaced after 87 downloads



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Age of Imperialism II is the sequel of El Justo's Age of Imperialism I. I am very grateful he has allowed me to take his scenario as base for another scenario. But AoI II is more than an AoI I with ww2 units. Like in all Civ III scenarios you have to face resistance of other nations. Like ine AoI I you need resources for winning the game. Like in AoI I the world is parted in several parts, which are seperated by impassable mountains. But here you have not only one kind of raw materials, but plenty. There are plenty raw materials like coal, iron or oil. These raw materials are made in buildings after a certain period. You have to bring them to a VP location or to the capital of your nation to get gold and VP.
Nevertheless this scenario is the first one to cope with economic crises. It is up to you, how bad they hit you. It can be softly or harsh. At first you have to deal a massive decrease of gold to simulate the inflation after ww1, especially in Germany. However, in 1929 or so the Great Depression will hit you, too. Then suddenly several buildings are outdated, which are preventing the ugly consequnces of other buildings. And now they are all gone. Needless to say you need this buildings for the growth of the cities. And it will last a while until these buildings are outdated, too and new ones replace the "good" buildings.
There are two maps for this scenario. Originally I only wanted a huge map. However, my first attempt to place all cities I wanted was in vain, as I couldn't do because of the city limit. Then I took over the smaller map of El Justo's AoI I. After having done them I came to the conclusion, that a bigger map might still be possible, but with only the most needed cities. So I developed a second, bigger map. The smaller map I kept. The reason because I did so was, that the small map is really fast. That is especially important for older and slower computers. If you have a fast computer, and here I mean a 2,5 GHz quad PC and 4 GB RAM, OR you have time, you can try the huge map. But be aware: An AI turn on the huge map on a fast PC might last still a few minutes. And over 10 on my old PC. However, you can't get really the advantage of an atmosphere of an epic struggle on the huge map. The only difference on a huge map is the bigger VP goal and the greater rate, in which resources appear. That was done to prevent a too early reaching of the unit limit. Then only a good war can help.


1. DL the 6 AoI II scenario folders. And sorry, yes, all of the 800 MB!
2. Extract the file to your Conquest folder of CivIII Conquest. Alternatively you can extract it into the scenario folder, but then it seems to be a little slowly. If you have Civ III Complete, you should extract it to that folder the scenarios are in.
3. Make a copy of your old civ III conquest.exe.
4. Replace it with the one I have introduced in the AoI II scenario folder. It stop razing cities, which is HIGHLY recommended. Also you can play now civ III without CD! But do so only, if you have a legal copy! If you use civ III complete you have to use the patch included in the folder, too. Then you have to use your CD.
5. DL and extract the scenario files to the location you have installed the AoI II scenario folder.

Land units:

All nations have their own infantry. All of the medium and great powers have their own set of land units. The other have to rely on export versions of other nations units. Don't worry. You can build them without having to deal for them. You start with late WW1 technology and are ending with early Cold War. So you have a Renault FT 17 at the beginning and end with a M-48 MBT. Artillery can't destroy units completely except some few guns. It it really unlikely that a whole unit is eradicated only by artillery. You have these unit types:

1. Infantry: The core of every army. Moderately in attack and defense. There are also special infantry units with some very good capabilities, which are spawned by buildings. Additionally Infantry is splitted in several era specific units. Three for the several eras: Pre WW2, Ww2, Cold War.
2. Tanks: The means for offensive. Fast, mobile and absolutely deadly. But they lack defense ability. Blitz is reserved to late WW2 tanks. Only the Germans start earlier with that. Some tanks are spawned by buildings due to their great capabilities.
3. Mechanized infantry: The opposite of the tanks. Needed to defend them. Not so good for offensive actions.
4. Armoured Cars: Usable as reconnaissance forces and fast attacks on red lined units. But be aware: They are relative weak.
5. AT Guns and SP AT guns: Good defensive weapons with limited bombing capabilities.
6. Artillery: Useful for bombing runs on fortified units. You better use them or you will lose to many units!
7. Flak: A defense against enemy planes is very needed. At the very end SAMs will be available.

Air Units:

You start with biplanes armed with MGs and end with jets armed with cannons and missiles. Piston engined planes can't be upgraded to Jets! There are these kinds of planes:

1. Fighter: The unit for air defense. Only limited ground attack capabilities.
2. Heavy Fighter: Long range fighters with huge firepower but lacking manoueverabilities.
3. Ground attack planes: The planes you need on the battlefield. Good to weaken the enemy ground units. But be aware on Flak and enemy fighters. Also only few planes here can really kill ground units.
4. Light bombers: bombers for harassing tasks.
5. Medium bombers: bombers for tactical strikes as well as limited strategic capabilities.
6. Strategic bombers: Huge bombers for strategic bombings. Limited especially at the very beginning.
All of these planes have different attack animations. Naval planes have sometimes torpedo attacks. What might be problematic against land targets. There torpedoes make no sense. However, for the flair I decided to introduce them.

Sea Units:

This is perhaps the most sophisticated sea combat system of all Civ III scenarios. It is an evolution out of AoI I. Hitpoints are determined by displacement. 1 HP for every 2.500 ts. Additionally there are up to 4 bonus HP for several nations. That should reflect the quality of the ships. A ship built in the US was generally of better quality than an Italian or Russian ship. Thus there are several boni and mali to give here. Armament, guns and torpedoes, but also armour determine attack and defense. Mostly the defense is lower than the offense. You should attack and avoid to be attacked. Bombardment strength is equal to the attack as well OR is determined by the torpedoes being carried. Similarily the rate of fire is determined. Generally one torpedo tube fired to one side means 1 RoF. So in the end battleships will have the highest bombardment, but a low rate of fire. While destroyers have low bombardment but high RoF due to their number of torpedo tubes. Submarines have a RoF twice to their number of torpedo tubes. And so have the MTB as well. Range is 1 for all. 1 plane for every 10 planes carried in RL. At last: Nearly all units here are based upon RL units, be it design studies or historic ships. There are these kinds of ships:
Battleships: The core of the fleet. Mighty ships, which can sink any smaller ships with ease in direct battles. Low RoF. Because of the Washington Treaty you can't build them at the beginning but have to wait.
Battlecruiser: Faster, but usually lower protected (Britain) or with lower firepower (Germany) than the battleships. Also not buildable at the beginning.
Panzerschiffe: Smaller than BC but much stronger armed than any cruiser or destroyer. For some nations the biggest unit to be built.
Carrier: Vulnerable ships. But their planes can do a lot of damages. Better you protect them! Also not buildable at the very beginning.
Heavy Cruiser: The battleship replacement for many countries. No restrictions. But be aware: A real battleship will eat them with ease!
Light Cruiser: Scouts and escort vessels, destroyer leaders and fleet actions as well as bombardment ships. You will need them!
Destroyer: Nearly the weakest ships. But their fast speed and their torpedo attacks make them a dangerous force, especially if used in greater numbers. Then even a battleship has to be careful!
Corvette: The smallest and weakest escort vessel. Just a basic defense. Is the only warship for some nations at the beginning as they need no resources.
MTBs: Good for torpedo attacks. But be aware: They are very vulnerable if attacked.
Submarines: Good for stealthy torpedo attacks. But very vulnerable in direct fight. To prevent the submarine bug, the early submarines are visible and more slow conventional warships.
The only problem with this is land bombardment. You have to live with a huge land bombardment abilities of small destroyer. It is up to you to use them in this role as well. But as the AI is not very good in bombardment generally, artillery!, it is a small price IMO.


Thanks to El Justo for allowing to make this scenario.
Very special thanks to Rocoteh :hatsoff::worship::bowdown:. You're the god of civ III scenario making. Thank you for the joy you gave us all with your scenarios.
Thanks for Marinecorps for basing this and many other good scenarios.
Thanks for these Beta tester and other helpers:

El Justo (again)
Savas Cafe

Unit Creators:
Sword of Geddon
Smoking Mirror
Gary Childres
Delta Strife

Ares de Borg



Known Bugs:

1. Sometimes the upgrading causes crashes. That happens because of the unit limit. The only help is to kill or disband a unit and then to go on upgrading. It is hard coded, so that I can't help more.

2. I wasn't able to make civpedia entries. They are nearly all wrong.

I am very sorry of them. All other known bugs of version 1.0 deleted.

Most impressive!! Thanks Alder! :goodjob:

3. Make a copy of your old civ III conquest.exe.
4. Replace it with the one I have introduced in the AoI II scenario folder. It stop razing cities, which is HIGHLY recommended. Also you can play now civ III without CD! But do so only, if you have a legal copy! If you use civ III complete you have to use the patch included in the folder, too. Then you have to use your CD.

Btw, you DON'T NEED that. Just rename the exe that comes with the mod (for example, NORAZE.exe) and put it into the same folder as the conquests.exe. You will be able to start your game with this exe, I've been using two different exe files for literally years now.
Oh dear! I think I know the problem. It is because I have the German version with a complete translated unit structure as such, I was once forced somehow to introduce more units into the conquest unit folder. That's why I have there some units more, which are not translated. Here is the unit you need to enter in your conquest unit folder. Sorry.

However, there is still another problem I just had. Hopefully it is not occuring with you. I had once problems with the music. Some pieces didn't work. I got help by themanuneed. However, although I tested ALL of them, I just got a new crash. I have to look after that.



I have some problems with the second song, Anchors Away (03.mp3). If the game crashes after loading, the problem occurs. If so, please tell me at once. As a first aid, go to the AOI II folder, then to text and then to Music.txt and delete 03.mp3. I am really astonished to have this mistake! I checked them all before and it made no problem! Absolutely none!

If after a music play the game crashes, the next song to the following is corrupt in the sense of Civ III. I had tested every play, but it seems, there might be errors nevertheless. Tell me please.

I'm beginning to think it's me:

"Art\Units\Z078 CGarrison\..\MaximGB\x_germanHMG victory.flc"

Would it work with the English version if all the unit names were in German? I think that would be kind of cool having them in German.
I get the same error as Tank Guy when I open the small map, and a different one about a Modern Worker on the huge one (I can post this if need be)
Sweeeetttttt, I've been waiting for AoI II for ages now! Tommorow I'll swing back in, to make sure things are fixed up(directed at the errors), and download it! Thanks Adler.

I have a question about the noraze .exe, are the AI more likely to raze cities in this, then they are AoI 1? Are there not many "anti-raze" wonders this time around? I'm hesitant to replace the exe, cause wouldn't that effect other mods and scenarios?
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