Scenario Customization Help


Dec 6, 2024
Hi, where can I download flicster? I found an older post from 2001 but two of the links were broken, and the one that wasn't seemed to be missing files.

Also, if anyone has tips on how to replace leaderheads with custom flag images (and also adding custom music to the scenario) I would really appreciate it! I'm semi-new to modding and scenario building. Thanks a lot.
Welcome to CFC! [party]

The downloads database is the first and most reliable place to find files. Here's one version of FLICster:

If you look in the Tutorials and Guides subforum under this one, I believe there is one specifically for creating flag leaderheads. There are definitely some for adding music.

It's always great to see new modders. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
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