Scenarios won't load.

How are you trying to load them? Do you have a problem choosing "Play a Scenario -> Fall from Heaven Scenarios" ?

I'm experiencing similar problems in loading scenarios. It seems that it can only be done through an option at the game screen. I'm not familiar with this method concerning choosing Play a Scenario and then choosing Fall from Heaven Scenarios; because there isn't such an option (choosing Fall from Heaven Scenarios) on my installment. All I get are those regular civIV scenarios like Fractal and such.

Got the latest patch and BTS installed.
I'm experiencing similar problems in loading scenarios. It seems that it can only be done through an option at the game screen. I'm not familiar with this method concerning choosing Play a Scenario and then choosing Fall from Heaven Scenarios; because there isn't such an option (choosing Fall from Heaven Scenarios) on my installment. All I get are those regular civIV scenarios like Fractal and such.

Got the latest patch and BTS installed.

Does regular FFH2 work properly? It sounds to that if it doesn't that you things may not have installed correctly... :( I would suggest you try loading it manually, I don't remember at the moment but I think you can do that by going into the FFH2 folder wherever it is installed.
I had the problem loading FFH2 scenarios via the in game interface. And those scenarios didn't show up via PLAY A SCENARIO option in the game main menu as well. The two problems went away after I had copied the files under <Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\XML\Scenarios> folder to <Fall from Heaven 2\PublicMaps> folder. :)
When I try to load scenarios, I go to single player, play a scenario, FFH2 Scenarios, and it comes up as Sabathiel, and I click okay. I then comes up with difficulty level and game speed preferences. When I click okay, the screen goes black, and an Error Report pops up, and the game exits. I have patch .40y installed. I can't get it.
I get a CTD when I choose Play Scenarios --> Fall From Heaven 2 Scenarios ---> Civ selection & speed for scenario (skipped if its already chosen for me) ---> scenario loads & CTD right after it starts loading. I remember a time a while back when I played them fine, but that was back in 3.17 before patch y.

I'm currently using 3.19, FFH 0.41b.

... and apparently the AI mod I almost forgot about was causing it, as I've just managed to start a scenario, after I removed the AI mod. (Turinturambar's Better Economic A.I.)
I am getting problems all over the place.

I can't load the splintered court scenario, but others work.

I can't get saved games to work.


I got the last saved game to finally load afer re-installing the 41d patch.

However, I still have many scenarios that won't load from the Scenario menu.

I have gotten around it by earlier suggestions in this post to just load up the saved file in the XML\Scanario folder.
I've got a similar problem, playing 0.41c. I played the Falamar and Decius storylines up to and including The Radiant Guard and Wages of Sin. I then tried to load Lord of the Balors through the regular FFH scenarios screen (the less hassle the Infernals are, the better) and I got a CTD. This also happens when I try to load Against the Wall. All other scenarios seem to work fine...

I can of course load the scenarios straight from the folder, but I asume that I won't get the reward if I beat it like this..?

Anyone got an idea?
I can't say for sure on the benefits of winning prior scenarios into later ones (like the reduction of barbs when beating Clan). However, I can confirm that the scenario menu continues to work (though still eratcially) when you win a scenario loaded straight from the save folder.

So my advise would keep at it.
I was able to play Barb Assault as Luchuirp but every time I try to pick the Bannor I get a crash to the desktop after the first third of the map loading bar. Any thoughts?
I have a similar problem when I try to load the Splintered court and pick the Ljosalfar. I get almost completely through the map load bar and then crash to desktop. I'll try picking the Svartalfar tonight.
I'm not sure why it should make a difference but if I do the following steps before I load any scenario or multiplayer game I don't get a crash:
1) select single player
2) select play now
3) select any map type
4) keep selecting go no matter the settings until you are at the map
Now you should be able to open any of the scenarios without crashing
Similar problem.

I completed:

The Grand Menagerie, The Momus, The Radiant Guard
Fall of Cuantine, Into the Desert
The Splintered Court
Gift of Kylorin

Now, nothing will load. I'm going through "Play a Scenario" and this worked for the above games, but it refuses to load The Black Tower, Wages of Sin or any of the others. The game crashes. It in fact refused to load The Splintered Court but I had an incomplete save of that and played through again from the earliest save.

I'm running Fall from Heaven 2, Version 0.41f. The problem was the same on 0.41d. It was the same both before and after installing Wild Mana, which is the only modification I've applied.

I've got a similar problem, playing 0.41c. I played the Falamar and Decius storylines up to and including The Radiant Guard and Wages of Sin. I then tried to load Lord of the Balors through the regular FFH scenarios screen (the less hassle the Infernals are, the better) and I got a CTD. This also happens when I try to load Against the Wall. All other scenarios seem to work fine...

I can of course load the scenarios straight from the folder, but I asume that I won't get the reward if I beat it like this..?

Anyone got an idea?
So you played Wages of Sin? I wasn't sure which I played last out of The Radiant Guard and Into the Desert. I had the feeling that playing one of them had caused the problem. Some setting in the code at the end of The Radiant Guard might be causing this, as it was only after completing it that I lost the ability to play other scenarios.

I've just checked. I can play Return of Winter and the Barbarian Assault. It's The Black Tower, Wages of Sin and Against the Wall that cause a crash. The crash happens the moment I select them from the list.
Same for me with Wages of Sin, i have to test the others. I tried loading Wages of Sins directly (copied it to the scenarios folder and select it), i got a message about the game being unable to read the scenario. I ignored it, proceeded further, got other warnings, ignored them, until i had a ctd along some "runtime" error message. I can post each error message if they can help, but they will be in french :dunno:

Oh, sorry for double posting this here and in the Wages of Sins thread. I first posted the error there, then after reading the previous post thought it might be better to report it here. :undecide:
I was able to play Wages of Sin in the end by opening the WorldBuilder save. Search for "Wages" and unless you have a great deal of accountancy docs on your computer you'll probably find it immediately.

I don't know if this gives the trophy &#8211; I haven't checked yet. I can't help but think that this must be fixable though.
I was able to play Wages of Sin in the end by opening the WorldBuilder save.
Not sure if it is what you did, but here is how i was finally able to start it (any other way failed, including loading the scenario directly from the main menu)

I started a new quick game (random leader)
As soon as the game started, i opened Wolrd-Builder (ctrl-w)
Within WB, i loaded the scenario from where it was (mods/fall from heaven/assets/xml/scenario IIRC)

And now, i can play it. Not sure what's wrong. Maybe it's due to the civ selection at the beginning that lets you choose between Malakims and Elohims.
Nah, each scenario has a file on your computer which describes itself as a WorldBuilder save. I don't think it's obvious to find which folder it is, but searching all files quickly brings it up. I've just checked and it does unlock the later scenarios properly.

Also, if you'd change the "Win" in my quote to "Sin" &#8211; because I unfortunately can't claim to have done that intentionally &#8211; I'd be very happy!
Nah, each scenario has a file on your computer which describes itself as a WorldBuilder save. I don't think it's obvious to find which folder it is, but searching all files quickly brings it up. I've just checked and it does unlock the later scenarios properly.

Yeah, i know where they are located, i already tried loading them directly, it failed. Only loading from within world builder worked for me. :dunno:

Well, worked is not entirely true, as the game froze during cpu turns some after some 20 turns or so. The game just hangs there, with the spinning earth cursor, and nothing happens. CPU usage for civ 4 drops to about 2% and i have to kill it. :badcomp:

Also, if you'd change the "Win" in my quote to "Sin" – because I unfortunately can't claim to have done that intentionally – I'd be very happy!

I don't what you are talking about ;)
As more recent posters have described above I too am having only minimal success (~ 10%) starting scenarios from the main menu.

Guess I'll try the world builder thing.

Might be good to add this to the known issues section of the bug thread.
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