Science overflow bug

Lort Krassbeter

Mar 8, 2015
Beyond Earth
I am playing with build number
So I started a game with Kavitha on a duel map and lowest difficulty (Sputnik) to test out how far one can push the science per turn value in BE. Starting off with prosperity for fast expansion I got my 8 cities up very quickly and started heading into might for fast affinity levels to unlock crucial science buildings. After that I focused on the knowledge tree and at some point between turn 120 and 171 got meta research methods. This virtue reduces the cost of the branch technologies by 10%.
Now science overflow means, that you have more science accumulated than is needed to research a technology. This happens all time since you almost never hit the science cost of a technology spot on. This overflow is saved and will be put into the next technology you research. However if you have enough science per turn late in the game and still have cheap technologies to research this effect can accumulate and result in a growing 'bubble' of overflow science. Once the technology costs increase beyond your science income the overflow value should be consumed and therefore decrease.
As you can see in the screenshot 'SciOverflowTurn171' I have an overflow of 12384, the current tech costs 1274 and I am doing 1424 a turn. So at the moment the overflow should be growing by 150. But one turn later the actual overflow is 13784 which is an increase of 1400, almost 10-times as much as we expected! On the screenshot 'SciOverflowTurn181' and 'SciOverflowTurn191' we can see that the overflow increases faster than exponentially every 10 turns. The difference is now, that the tech costs are higher than my science income. But still the overflow is growing and as seen on 'SciOverflowTurn193' resulting in a bigger number than the data type can handle which means it starts over from the maximum negative value.
In Civ V there is the world congress resolution called 'Scholars in Residence' that reduced the technology cost by 20% if another player had already researched it. For a long time this resolution was broken and led to an similar overflow bug like explained here.
This leads me back to the virtue I mentioned in the beginning, which has the same type of benefit like 'Scholars in Residence'. The latter was fixed in the fall patch of 2014, that was released shortly after Civ BE. Therefore I believe that the calculation of the meta research methods is broken in the same way as 'Scholars in Residence' and could be fixed similarly.
Since meta research methods only works on branch technologies one could think that the overflow stops growing when researching leave techs. However also in some of the screenshots I am researching leave techs and the overflow keeps growing regardless. This leads me to the conclusion that the virtue only started the bug which then carried on by itself.
All of this is of course speculative and needs confirmation.


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