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Science research rate...

I suggest that we set luxuries to the absolute minimum so that people won't protest (in the beginning, 0% works fine). Then, I'd say we set science rate to the maximum value that does not create a deficit (gold loss).

In short: MAXIMUM!
I thought that by "maximum", Donsig was referring to the maximum value that would cause a balance or surplus in the budget.

Maybe I was wrong. Anyway, you get it.
Yeah, I agree, but we must watch it and be prepared to drop once we drop into the negatives (unless were close to getting a tech).
Originally posted by wlievens
I thought that by "maximum", Donsig was referring to the maximum value that would cause a balance or surplus in the budget.

Maybe I was wrong. Anyway, you get it.

Maximum means the lowest science rate at which we can research the fastest. Usually 90% at the start of a game - since 100% doesn't get the next tech any faster than 90% would. Minimum means the lowest science rate that still allows us to research at 40 turns per tech.
Maximum so we can get our tech advantage quickly and have more time before we lose it.
80%, especially if we are researching Mathematics first, because we want that tech before anyone else, and to trade it as soon as possible. Also 80 leaves us with surplus to buy techs.
One thing about science rate, never start at minimum and then raise it. All the turns at 1 beaker are wasted in the end because when you go to raise it later, if a non trivial amount of time has passed, no matter how high you set it the turns don't decrease.
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