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Screenshot of the Day #29: Unluckiest Scout


Oct 25, 2000
There is no doubt that the scout in today's screenshot is the unluckiest scout in the history of Civilization...

While exploring with my scout early in a game I walked through a small peninsula (to see how much water there actually is). The next turn when I wanted to go back I was suddenly blocked by a barbarian camp which appeared at the opening. Two turns later the scout was killed.


The screenshot was submitted by Matrix and it was actually taken from Civ3 GOTM XII which will be posted tomorrow. Thanks Matrix for the submission.
Juck, that is a serious loss so early in the game.

btw, amazed that there are still ppl around not using snoopies terrain pack :confused:
Originally posted by Beammeuppy
btw, amazed that there are still ppl around not using snoopies terrain pack :confused:

I prefer the out-of-the-box graphics. Snoopy's and some of the others I've seen seem to cartoonish to me.
Didn't I tell you expansionist suck?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now seriously, this poor guy must be really mad about the Goddess of Fortune!!
Originally posted by Exsanguination
Ahem, don't mean to spoil the mood, but isn't this a spoiler?
It is a spoiler. If Matrix didn't hit the delete key to hide the minimap, it would have been an even bigger spoiler. ;)
Originally posted by Thunderfall

It is a spoiler. If Matrix didn't hit the delete key to hide the minimap, it would have been an even bigger spoiler. ;)

tststststs, TF, how could you? :rolleyes:
He must have gotten clearance...;)
Let's see:

We are an expansionist civ.
Japan is in the game.
What else can I gather from the SSotD (Screen Spoiler of the Day)
Well it does say in the GOTM archives that Zulus are next in line. The Japanese being on screen isn't too bad, you can find that out from F10. Still, nice little preview of their terrain hehe...
Japan is to the north of you; there is jungle to the north; there is ivory to the north (and that gold hill could make a great city spot)... I could probably find more but I don't care... I don't play GOTM :).

btw - such info IS useful if you know how to use it ;).
Cute picture but ...........

I would have to weigh in on the side of this being inappropriate.

You should never post screenshots from open GOTM or Tournament games until after the closing date.

This example is a double No-NO becuase it is from a game that has not even been released to play.

I have about 10 really silly screen shots from GOTM11 and haven't submitted them because the closing date has not passed.

This SOTD sort of falls in the dunderhead moves (Ooops) category. ;)
HAHAHA!! Poor worker! hey, at least he found a barbarian camp before he died :D
You guys worry too much. Just think of it as a little "sneak peek". ;)
I've had something simliar happen. I had built a road between 2 cities, and when I sending unescorted workers on the road through the fog, I see a barb camp on my 2'nd to last move. I try to take it, no luck, and a barb pops out the next turn and butchers 4 workers.
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