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Screenshot of the Day #40: Slave Trade


Oct 25, 2000
Don't think slave trade only existed in the real world... In Civ3, you can also buy or sell workers (i.e. slaves). The workers just have to be in the capital city for them to show up on the bartering table. Slave workers are usually cheap -- under 30 Gold per worker.

We all get the chance to buy a foreign worker on occasion. However, how many can buy SIX in one turn? Funny thing, they we 5 French and 1 Babylon worker. Did Germany just capture a large bunch?


Using slaves doesn't seem to have any significant impact on happiness, even though the Civilopedia says citizens of Republics and Democracies don't like the slaving of Workers. I usually buy as many slaves as possible in my games. :satan: :D

Thanks to Lee Kendter for the submission.
What is the name of this mod and where can I take it...
I would like to play as my country...
It isn't a mod, gugalpm, they are using the term "slaves" to classify captured (or in this case bought) workers. If you would like to modify your game to reflect Brazil's long dependence on slaves (till 1888) you could just go in and change the name of the worker unit to slave.

I always wondered why sometimes workers show up on the bargaining table but mostly dont. Now I know. Who knew that the screenshot of the day could be educational as well as entertaining!!!
Originally posted by gugalpm
What is the name of this mod and where can I take it...
I would like to play as my country...

Check under the SG, LK32 in the story and tales forum. ;)
How can that advisor say that "The German scientific achievements match our own" when they have nothing to offer and you would have three techs? He's on drugs again... ;)

How much did those six workers cost anyway, Lee?
I've seen them offer more workers, especially during war when I'm about to attack the capital and they go running for the city.

I like the resource mod. What's the name of it? I didn't understand what Dark Sheer said.
Please, I'm not dumb...
There's a mod out there that brazil is included and I don't know what mod is...
Can someone say what mod is...
Of course I understand what is slave trade in civilization...
the pic is 1280x1024, how could you play under this resolution? i could only play 800x600, and it sucks.
he put "keepres=1" in his civilization3.ini and then set his windows res to 1280 x 1024.

By the way, I had never heard about slaves causing unhappiness in democracies and republics before. Does anyone know anything about that?
Does.. buying slaves.. affect costs : food,shields,gold. when you own them??seen them many times.. didn't understand why that was.. Im one of those pp who don't read game manuals.. like to fine out by playin"more fun"
Originally posted by [GR]Ishtari
Does.. buying slaves.. affect costs : food,shields,gold. when you own them??seen them many times.. didn't understand why that was.. Im one of those pp who don't read game manuals.. like to fine out by playin"more fun"
I think you're getting "laborers" (citizens that work the terrain) mixed up with "workers" (units that move around and improve things-- building roads, etc.). When you buy "slaves," you are buying another civ's workers, not their laborers.

And now I have a question that I used to know the answer to: Do bought slaves require maintainence, and do they work at 50% of the normal speed, as captured workers do?

P.S. This is my 500th post! Yay! [dance]
Originally posted by willj

And now I have a question that I used to know the answer to: Do bought slaves require maintainence, and do they work at 50% of the normal speed, as captured workers do?

P.S. This is my 500th post! Yay! [dance]

no, yes, cool

I love em cause they don't cost maintainance! Hit F3. They show up at the bottom in the captured worker spot. You need two to do the work of one of your own workers, but if you can buy them for 25 or 30 gold and not pay maint. they're a hell of a bargain.

Lemme have some of your posts! I'm chomping at the bit to change to my custom avatar.
Originally posted by RufRydyr
Lemme have some of your posts! I'm chomping at the bit to change to my custom avatar.
:lol: Heh heh. Don't worry, it'll come soon enough. Just spam spam spam (don't make it too obvious though) and you'll have 300 in no time! :)

Oh, and thanks for the info. :goodjob: That's what I thought, but I just wasn't sure.
I think buying workers early in the agme is an important tactic. The AI doesn't hesitate to sell you their workers even when they only have a few in the really early stages of the game.

Buying a foreign worker before 3000 BC can really help your growth and is surely worth more than the 25-30 gold the AI demands.
Somtimes I get the opprutunity to buy workers, sometimes I don't. I wonder why.
hbdragon- as they mentioned in the lead in to this thread on the homepage, it turns out that you get the chance to buy workers when they are in the capital of the civ you are dealing with and can sell workers that you have in your capital. I guess this explains the AI sending workers who haven't got anything to do to the capital.
I think they send workers to the nearest city which is sometimes the capital when they're not needed. Or sometimes they're in the capital cause that's where they finished the turn doing the middle of a long walk. This assumption is based on the fact that when I have lots of Shift-A workers and they run out of stuff to do that's what they do--go to sleep in the nearest city.
Has anyone noticed any extra unhappiness when slaving while a democracy or republic? Or is this just something in the manual that doesn't hold true?
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