Settings Don't Persist


PC Gamer
Oct 18, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I'm wondering if this is a bug, feature, or install/setup issue.

My settings don't persist in FFH.

For example, if I select "no tech brokering", start a game, exit, start a new game, that setting is gone.

I'm pretty sure in (nonFFH) BTS those types of settings persist for me from game to game.
This is intentional, to reduce instances of problems for people who play more than one mod. When settings are retained, players who go from one mod to another can end up with settings that are on, but not visible, and cannot be turned off - which causes bizarre problems whose cause is difficult to identify. This is caused by how Civ4 handles mod settings, and can't be correct by the mod itself (or at least no one has yet).
Fall from Heaven 2.ini has
; Read Game options from XML, not .ini
ForceGameOptions = 1
instead of this
; Read Game options from XML, not .ini
ForceGameOptions = 0
, which makes it not save settings.

I usually edit C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\XML\Gameinfo\CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml to make the options I usually use be on by default, and to make some others I like playing with visible.
Thanks all for the quick responses and info, and thanks MagisterCultuum for the solutions. The .ini switch works fine since I'm really only playing FFH now, although I'd be comfy doing the .xml setup too, so I've bookedmarked this for future reference if I decide to take that path.
I've found that .XML is the best way. Whenever I go to play another mod or even base Civ, ieverything goes back to normal, then when I come back to FFH, eerything is the way I like it.
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