- None: Cyrus, Alex. DoP
- Virtually none: Sal
- Limited: Qin (land size limits # of barbs at any given time); Isa (native barb city, amount of nearby land limits # of barbs)
- Maybe lots: Toku (not yet limited by land)
- Definitely tons: Asoka (virtually unlimited by land)
Our main problems are Toku and Asoka.
Eliminating the Asoka WW factor helps doubly 1) drastically diminishing existing WW points and 2) eliminating 1 of 2 major sources of new WW points.
- DoP w/Asoka could easily give us enough time to get to Toku, do damage and get peace, if need be.
- DoP with both would be even better, in fact, would be great.
- To win, we need to have the guts to take risks, such as missing out on DoP with Toku rather than pillaging our copper, and emptying and destroying our granary. That’s what…that's just overly cautious. If we lose because of this choice, it's really because we REXed too slowly up to now, anyway.
My Proposed Strategy
1. Popr settler T0.
Note: Before actually settling, check to see if either Toku or Asoka will still DoP for EK. If it's too late, settle Bay Bridge W.
2a. Low risk, but lame site: Settle 1E of bananas, DoP with 1) Toku, or 2) Asoka.
3a.1. If DoP w/Toku, build 2 more settler asap, per plan, 1 for QG (to gift to Asoka), 1 for Bay Bridge.
3a.2. If DoP w/Asoka, build 1 more settler asap for Bay Bridge, and crank out galley and units for immediate assault on Toku's outlying cities. Send 2 workers with protection asap to build road to Toku.
2b. higher risk, but good site: Settle on bananas, DoP 1) Toku, or 2) Asoka.
3b.1. If DoP w/Toku, build 1 more settler asap for Bay Bridge. Plan assault on The Continent.
3b.2. If DoP w/Asoka, build 1 more settler asap for Bay Bridge. Plan assault on Toku.
3b.3. If neither, reload...
Note: I favor 1b. on bananas site because it grows fast enough to accomodate both AIs in a reasonable amount of time and allows us to go to war w/o the need for QG The question is, will 2 bonus tiles be enough for Toku?