SGOTM 15 - Unusual Suspects

My vote for marble is because it looks to have a better river system with it.

As to which wonders we want, it would depend a lot on what we can deduce the game will be about from early scouting. Are we expanding fast or rushing an AI or perhaps barb cities?
Does anyone have experience playing a neilmeister scenario, it would be very useful to have a look in his brain:hammer2:. Does he like to really change the map round? Does he set traps for the reckless?

Do we know what sort of style of play we want to favor, are we going for broke or do we prefer caution?

I like the marble to settle on, although I always prefer a start with money:D

The last SGOTM(14) was a Neilmeister creation, and there are some other games he's made in the B/G/WOTM series. I've looked inside his brain, but I have to be careful what I say about it since he is known to lurk these threads. :mischief:

Yes, I suspect he has made a lot of customization to the map.
Yes, he will set up diversions to lure the unwitting and cost them time.
No, I don't think he wants to see a lot of teams struggle to win, but would probably like to make the game long enough that reaction and adjustment of strategy will be more important than having fine micromanagement.

So I really really doubt he would make the Polytheism race a tight one against the AI. He can't control what techs the AI go for first, but he can control what techs they start with and what personality they have. AI will almost always get their first tech before the player does... so I would be shocked to see an AI starting with Myst. Maybe one, but not two, because if two start with Myst, then one of them will go Poly first in some games but not all. Random factor would decide win/lose, which is a no-no in game design.

I'm thinking the agri-first gambit might be our best shot at Laurels. certainly if other teams think that, then we'd be out of the running by turn 8. If a lot of teams lost the game in the failure to found Poly... all become very sad... Neilmeister goes to the Humbaba Hall of Shame.

I suspect if going agri first is a popular choice and lots of teams look to do it, but doing so would cost the game, someone would put a reminder-warning in the Maint Thread. But maybe not.

Then again, maybe he never considered that agri first could offer a very tempting advantage or that teams would be willing to take that chance. And saying more about it after the saves are released would be bad etiquette.

I guess if we failed to found Hindu, we could still play for score to avoid getting the Wooden Spoons.

So yeah... unless we go for broke, a bronze is the best we're aiming at. PlasticDucks and OSS are too good to beat with mundane strategy.
Neil and Xcallibrator and I were Smurkz together. Based on that experience, I think the chance of him not considering it are fairly slim.

Are you listening Neilmeister? :lol:
We have faith in you! :king:
Worker first if we do agri first, for sure. Probably.

If we play it safe and do Poly first, then I think we should try to squeeze out an explorer... worker timed to agri tech completion... note we have to add one turn of revolt to Hinduism as well, before that worker can be made, if we Poly first. :eek: Oh wait, we are spiritual. Forget about that.

We don't know what wonder make sense until we know what VC makes sense.

I agree with DH that culture from stonehenge is a waste. Religion gives culture. Oracle gets us a GPro soon enough for bulbing Theo if we Oracle some other tech. We could be religion-hogs and make a gigantic Hindu pact for shared religion bonus... but AP is still pretty tough since one would be our opponent.

Marble wonders probably more useful than stone ones.

I really want to do an early rush this game. Not a rational objective, maybe, just a gut feel.
I really want to do an early rush this game. Not a rational objective, maybe, just a gut feel.
When was the last SGOTM that US (or other teams) did an early rush? Most that I recall since playing have had conditions that discouraged it.
Playing Chris' test game 2, there is no way to found Hindu without going Poly first. The best way to do so is as Xcal says to build warriors (2) to size 2, then fast worker. Gives you 2 worker turns to use before agri is learned.

Without more commerce, it could be tough. ANY AI that goes Myst>Poly would beat us to it.

I'll try some more tests myself, to get more randomness and see if Poly goes just as fast every time. If so, it isn't a gambit, its suicide.
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