Hmmm, we already have Drama. So do we need any science at this point?
We do need to make sure we have enough population, so avoiding shrinking of our cities would be good. Have to keep enough cash flow to avoid complete collapse of our economy as well. But those can wait until we complete the anarchy for the switch to environmentalism.
Hi Mylene!
Edit 1: So micro suggestions for after we come out of anarchy:
South Sea - 1 scientist to a coast tile (breakeven food), rest to merchants
Clam Island - 3 scientists to coast tiles for positive +1 food, rest to merchants
Bacon - 1 scientist to a lake tile (breakeven food), rest to merchants
Long Island - hmmm, lack of a unit here is costing us two unhappy faces.

Could get a growth or even two here if they were available to work tiles. Change merchant to work a coast tile for growth.
Cow Town - one merchant to work cows (breakeven food)
Dye City - 1 scientist to work corn (positive food), rest to merchants
Persepolis - spy to merchant
That is enough to get us to positive gold at 0% science. So rest of cities can be looked at for max growth for the population threshold.
Edit 2: More micro thoughts:
Tarsus - 1 merchant to farmed grass (positive food)
Delhi - 4 scientists to lake tiles (enough food to grow in 4 turns, so in time to count); other scientist to merchant
Satsuma - copper mine to farm (with hammer); change production from culture to wealth; city has 149 culture so not going to pop borders further
Osaka - spy to coast tile for more food, can get one or even 2 growths here in time
Yakutsk - 2 merchants to coast tiles, can get a growth here in 5 turns
St Petersberg - 1 merchant to coast tile (breakeven food)
After next turn, Madurai could change artist to merchant as it will have border pop.
Edit 3: Hmmm, reconsidering at Satsuma. City will not pop borders again, but Asoka's culture is in mid-40s percent on two tiles west of city. So maybe keep it on culture rather than changing to wealth; we can spare the 6 gold/turn to help make sure those tiles do not flip.
Edit 4: 9 turns to next AP vote, so that should not cause any problems. Trying to think of anything else that could suddenly happen.