• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

SGOTM 26 Maintenance Thread

A couple of teams have queried the requirements around the Prophet city - the Temple and Cathedral need to be of your State Religion however, due to an oversight on my part, technically a Monastery of any religion will meet this requirement!
I noticed my autosave is not set to every turn. Where do I change that?
I noticed my autosave is not set to every turn. Where do I change that?
My Documents -> My Games -> Beyond the Sword -> CivilizationIV.ini

; The maximum number of autosaves kept in the directory before being deleted.
MaxAutoSaves = 1500
; Specify the number of turns between autoSaves. 0 means no autosave.
AutoSaveInterval = 1
Are we allowed to change Civics on the turn we see the Victory Screen?
Yes, this has traditionally been allowed in SGOTMs, you are not allowed to advance beyond that turn but you can make any changes you need to be in compliance with the rules before uploading.
Hi gentle humans,

Unless it escaped my notice there is no lurker thread out there, right ? :scan:
GG all :w00t:

Spoiler :
screenshot plx :yup:
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I would also like one. I initially hoped to play, but then realized it is not possible on Mac, so lost some interest. Then came back and forgot which team I was assigned to and started to read the "wrong" team thread, so cannot deadlurk anymore ...
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