SGOTM2 Germany - Team Ankka

Ok... do you want to end the game? I think the honor would belong to you...:)
yes, we win nex turn. Put lux 50-70%, stop all Workers and add to nearby Cities. also cavs in Ismuno may try to capture one more Jupan City.
Ankka said:
Ok... do you want to end the game? I think the honor would belong to you...:)
OK, I'll do it (just one turn). All skip...
Ivan, History will remember you as "Ivan the Magnificent!" :goodjob:

It was an honor to play with you, ladies and gentlemen! :)

What we do now that we've finished the game? Can we look at other threads?
It was a good experience, my first SGOTM!

Ivan, you're a very good tactician! The glory should go to you for all the effort you put into the game.

EDIT: mabellino: happy wedding!(I don't know what they say in such cases!)

Ankka: nice to play with you.

Ivan: I already gave you the glory!!!
Look at my article at Spoiler 2. this is not our summary, but give better comparison with other teams.
Great time playing this with all of you. :hatsoff:

And a big :thumbsup: to Ivan for all the planning. :D
It seems yet again I've missed a crucial day! Bloody work interfering with my free time!
Huge congratulations to all of us but especially to Ivan for all the planning he did. :beer: [party] :banana: :salute:
I'm off to read how the other teams are doing! snigger!

You guys have all taught me a new thing about this game, I'm going to go and whoop some ass in the GOTM32, anyone care to join me?
I'm too lazy to play the GOTM, even though it requires no dl:s this month. :p
Ivan, I've read your summary, nice one! It gives all the relevant stuff and some reasoning for our moves without being too long and drawn out. One thing though, I notice you blamed yourself for miscalculating the 80 turns to domination thing. I think I speak for all of us here when I say DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! Without all the forward planning this could quite easily have degenerated into 4 people all pulling in different directions. I have to take some of the blame since I let us down on a few occasions with lousy fighting and weird build orders.

So crunch time, anyone want to play as the same team again?
I did not "blame" myself, I simply try to explain why our actual win come later, then my ambitious 80 turn plan. I am quite happy, that it was almost exactly 34 turns after "D" day. BTW, at the very beginig I bet about 1000-1200 AD win, it also get true. Did you saw my plots in Log scale?
@mabellino: I'd be happy to play again, but I don't think I'm that high level to compete in these team-competitions and one mistake can be disastrous. I'll continue with SG's to gain more experience.
Anyway, it was a pleasure to play with all of you.
King Alexander said:
I don't think I'm that high level to compete in these team-competitions ...

I don't understand this comment. You are playing in deity level SG's right now AFAICT. Because the teams are all of mixed ability you may be in the winning team next time. It's up to you of course... but personally I wouldn't want to miss the next game.
mad-bax said:
I don't understand this comment. You are playing in deity level SG's right now AFAICT. Because the teams are all of mixed ability you may be in the winning team next time. It's up to you of course... but personally I wouldn't want to miss the next game.
Yes, I'm playing a deity SG, but it's my first! :crazyeye:
mad-bax, it's not that I'm being dissapointed by our team's result: First or Last place means nothing to me, because I always try to give my very best when I play and someone can learn a lot from victories and defeats as well.
A SGOTM is different from a SG, because some mistakes could drop the team's final rank, and I wouldn't want to be the reason for this, where in SG's it would take more turns to achieve victory. I mean, it's not that I do mistakes on purpose.
Every player has it's own style, of course.

Ok, I'll reconsider your suggestion, after all.
King Alexander said:
Yes, I'm playing a deity SG, but it's my first! :crazyeye:
mad-bax, it's not that I'm being dissapointed by our team's result: First or Last place means nothing to me, because I always try to give my very best when I play and someone can learn a lot from victories and defeats as well.
A SGOTM is different from a SG, because some mistakes could drop the team's final rank, and I wouldn't want to be the reason for this, where in SG's it would take more turns to achieve victory. I mean, it's not that I do mistakes on purpose.
Every player has it's own style, of course.

Ok, I'll reconsider your suggestion, after all.
Don't worry for final rank. The main purpuse of SG is to share experience. You are welcome to play in my team (Ankka and mabelino as well) in SG3. The only thing I want to have in our team one more team member of about my rank, I really need sometimes to discuss things to make a decision.
Yes... I can understand how you feel Ivan. Unfortunately the numbers of players at varying levels were not equal.

I am keeping a record, and as time goes by the team building process will get better as I get more data about the players.

If this team (or part of it ) stays together then I will attempt to include another strong player on the roster. I have a good idea who it might be, but I can't say in case he/she decides not to play in the next game.

You don't have to stay together anyway. If I could play, I think I would play in a different team each month. You learn more that way. Though I do have regular playing partners for SG's too, and they are like family to me now.

Either way is good.
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