SGOTM3 Rome - Team oblivion


GOTM Staff
Jan 24, 2003
SGOTM3 Rome - Game Thread.

Hi everyone, and welcome to your game thread.

Here is the start position.

Here are a couple of links you might find useful.

The Original GOTM16 Announcement.
The Draft Constitution

This Months' sponsored variant is Xenophobic NOW
The rules are as follows.
1. Non-Oscillating War variant. You keep a list of opponents and the order in which you meet them.
2. You must declare war on the first Civ you meet before leaving the diplomacy screen for the first time.
3. You must stay at war with that Civ until one of you have been eliminated.
4. You must declare war on the second Civ you met on the same turn that the first Civ was eliminated or 20 turns has elapsed (whichever happens sooner). This is to prevent sandbagging.
5. After each opponent is eliminated or 20 turns elapse you must declare war on the next civ in the list.
6. If you run out of opponents because you haven't met them yet and 20 turns have elapsed, you must declare war on the next opponent you meet before leaving the diplomacy screen for the first time with them

The Xenophobic part of the variant runs as follows.
7. You may never own a foreign worker. You must never buy or sell one, and if you capture them they must be disbanded on the tile on which they were captured.
8. All deals must be at face value. No haggling.
9. You will not establish embassies.
10. You will never retain a town that contains foreign citizens. Such towns must be razed and any workers spawned disbanded.

Also there is a puzzle involving some non-standard Barbarian Units. The puzzle is framed in the same way as it was for the original GOTM16, but the solution is different.

The save will be available from >>HERE<< when the timelock is released. All of your teams save files will eventually be available from this link.

When you finish your turn, you may upload your save to >>THIS<< link

Have fun, and good luck everyone!

Checking in, I'm a monarch / emperor PTW player running on windows XP
From Quebec, canada

I see we have a big team, hope we have fun =)
Hello everyone, checking in. Skill level: I win about 50% of regent games
I suggest we start with sending worker on wine to see if any important bonus lays ahead before we set up the city. If there's nothing, the worker will already be on the ressource for road / mine. If our worker doesn't discover anything, I'd establish the settlement right where the settler is. It's next to a river for an eventual growth over 6, it's on hills for a defensive bonus and it has 2 bonuses so far in it's radius.

Any idea ? Maybe one would prefer sitting next to the game ? I'm probably far from being the best player here so please share your opinions everybody =)
Guys: I have a concern with the 1.29f saves. On my computer and on Alanhs computer the Roman Leader is named Temujin and not Caesar. :p

The reason I am concerned about this is that in the bic it is correct. I feel I need to investigate this and correct it since it may affect all the leader names, and may conceivably be the cause of game crashes later in the game.

I would ask that you delay starting the game until this evening when I have checked everything out and am satisfied with the result.

I apologise for the inconvenience.
Right then, No Problem MB.

So, i have noticed we are playing with Vanilla. Remember, that means no Medieval Infantry, Guerillas and probably a whole host of other things that i can't remember.

At the start, i suggest we don't move the worker onto the wine, it would be much better to move him with all speed towards the forest game. If we can get that chopped, to time perfectly with our granary, then we will have a great boost towards getting a settler factory going.

I suggest we go for the warrior - warrior - granary start, with research to Pottery at 100% of course.

I think we should settle 1 SW. This will let us use the forest game, which is a mined BG, right from the word go, and far better than the hilled wine, which will only provide 2 food. The Game will be provide 4 food once chopped and irrigated.

A little background of myself. I am pretty much a Demigod player now, with a game on that lvl nearing completion, and a couple of emperor wins under my belt.

I notice that rrau is a on-off regent player. I suggest you read through some guides in the war academy, especially Monarch to Emperor: The great leap by Ision, which gives you a lot of background info into what to look out for in Emperor.

I would personally enjoy the variant and would rather do it, but it is a tough challenge, especially since there appear to be some lower lvl players in the team.

How about i take the first turn when we can play?
The 1.29f saves are fixed and uploaded. The last part of the save name is now _02.SAV

My apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Thanks MB.

How about this for a roster.

-Oblivion- (playing now)
kmark (on deck)
Blackbird SR-71
Roster's OK with me

Agree with chopping forest first - I don't think you get a worthwhile bonus for mining/roading the hill until out of despotism. Would wait to do that until about to change gov types

would agree with the move if you think it's worth always having units pause coming out of the city after moving over the river.
OK, i am going to wait for the others to check in first..
Meh, the unit pausing won't be a problem for half of the game, and the extra commerce is worth it. Also, it is a pretty good defensive barrier in case we get warrior rushed.
Checking in.
I'm roughly at emperor level but have never used Rome. Yet.
Looking to shift my game up to diety soon.
Good luck all.
Ok hehe, I agree that cutting the forest off is a great idea =)
I have 2 version of Civ3 of my computer, vanilla and ptw. Do I have to play with vanilla?
I am assuming we are using Vanilla, because if you check out the tables in the Announcement thread, on the last page, or second to last, 3 of our team can only use Vanilla.
Yes you are using 1.29f. When you download the save, your team will have the version of the software you must use against it.
Hehe I love my job where I can post on civfanatics while working :D
I meant, do I have to install vanilla or the game will understand it is a 1.29 ?
Right team, after some consultation with Mad-Bax, the decision has been made to remove kmark from the team. After checking his public profile, i found that he had not posted for over a week in the forums. It was a high risk to include him in the team, and have to wait quite a while for him so we could get this thing kicked off. The saves under the team name 'Oblivion' are now up and posted on the SGOTM site. Hey i didn't choose the name :mischief:

This thread will be renamed Team Oblivion sometime. I am going to get down and kick this game off now. Big thankyou to Mad-Bax for helping to sort it out :goodjob: I didn't want to bother you with another PM, so i will say it here :D


-0blivion- (playing now)
tehfreak (on deck)
Blackbird SR-71
tehfreak said:
Hehe I love my job where I can post on civfanatics while working :D
I meant, do I have to install vanilla or the game will understand it is a 1.29 ?

Just make sure you use the correct executable. A belt and braces approach would be to take the conquests CD out of the drive and put the Original Civilization disk in instead.

Please don't play in Conquests or PTW. I have enough to do, honest. :p
Turn 0: 4000 BC

Move worker and settler SW. Settler will found there, worker will move to chop game.

Turn 1: 3950 BC

Found Rome. WOW, city improvements have different names. Rome has a palatium and i have the option to build an armamentarium (a barracks). I start on warrior due in 4. Worker moves onto BG. Research started at 100% science on Pottery, due in 15 turns.

Turn 2: 3900 BC

My worker has been ordered to Effodio (mine) the BG. I love this latin stuff :D.
I notice that the surrounding terrain has latin names when you click on it too.
Hills are collis, and grasslands are pastoralis.

Turn 3: 3850 BC

Nothing. Hills with wine on, have Vinum on them, and the game is cervus

Turn 4: 3800 BC


Turn 5: 3750 BC

Rome warrior-warrior. Wealth is Opulentia
Warrior will expore North-East, after some minimap consultation.

Turn 6: 3700 BC


Turn 7: 3650 BC

Warrior sees a lot of plains, and mountains to the North-East, along with abundant rivers

Turn 8: 3600 BC

Plains are planitia and mountains are montis
Worker finishes mining BG. Moves onto game. I would road, but i want the forest chop to time with the granary. Looking back, it may have been better
to road up, as the forest chop may have timed better with the granary. But,
Oh well, not too critical.

Turn 9: 3550 BC

Rome warrior-warrior. Exploring warrior North-East spots a forest game on plains. New warrior goes South-East to look for a second city spot. Worker starts to meto silvanus (chop game)

Turn 10: 3500 BC

South-East warrior sees a cow on grassland

Turn 11: 3450 BC

Rome grows to size 2, palace expansion. Lux to 10%.
Some floodplains to the NE.

Turn 12: 3400 BC

Rome warrior-Settler (granary placeholder)
Some Floodplains to the North.

Turn 13: 3350 BC

Warrior going east finds wheat on plains. Lots of food bonuses around here..

Turn 14: 3300 BC

Northern warrior sees pink borders. Western warrior finds spices.

Turn 15: 3250 BC

West warrior sees a green warrior, of Greece. He is up Bronze working, we are up Warrior code, but any sort of deal insults him. I meet the pink civ, France. They are up Masonry and Bronze working. Warrior code for Bronze working is doubtful, and any deal for Masonry is an insult. Pottery comes in next turn.

Turn 16: 3200 BC

Pottery comes in. Trade Pottery to Greece for Bronze working and 6 gold.
Research set to Iron Working at 80% in 40 turns. We better have iron for some legionaries..
Rome switched to granarium in 8 turns, but the forest chop in 3 will cut it down. Greek hoplite appeared on the Interturn.

Turn 17: 3150 BC


Turn 18: 3100 BC

Joanie now has Warrior code.

Turn 19: 3050 BC

Forest chop completes. 10 shields added to granary.

Turn 20: 3000 BC

Warrior finds another wheat up north.


Granary will complete soon. What shall we do. Farm a quick settler off of Rome, or build a little military, then get it into pump mode once it hits size 4?
Hopefully we will have iron, then maybe we can take out France if they are pressuring us. Hoplites are something i don't want to tangle with at this stage. Remember to switch the lux rate when Rome grows soon. Next post has a tentative dotmap, feel free to make suggestions. Remember, this is Vanilla, so if you are a conquest player, RCP still works here.

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