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Should Firaxis make a Bizarro Leader Expansion?


Happy Yule!
Oct 13, 2001
Piedmont Triad, North Carolina
While jokingly suggesting that Alcibiades be a new Greek Leader, it occured to me that there's probably a lot of dubious leaders in history that would be fun to play.

So far I got:
Greece: Alcibiades
England: Neville Chamberlain
France: Philippe Pétain
United States: Warren G. Harding (there are so many pre-Lincoln choices that could also go here, but since the function of the Presidency between Jackson and Lincoln is so radically different from nowadays I thought it'd be unfair to judge them by modern standards)
Rome: Caligula (Nero is also a consideration (Commodus a distant third), but anyone who gets the line 'so much for the man, now for the monster' in their biography is ok by me)

Any other suggestions? Please keep discussion to pre-1945 because I do not want this thread to turn into an anti-Clinton/W flame war.
We have got:


Well, while there are negatives associated with them, they were transformative which I consider a characteristic the Civ leaders should have. I'm looking more for guys who, after dying/overthrown, caused the immediate response of the populace to be "Let's never do that again"
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico, (Emperador Maximiliano I de México) (July 6, 1832 – June 19, 1867) was a member of Austria's Imperial Habsburg-Lorraine family. With the backing of Napoleon III of France and a group of Mexican conservatives, he was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico on April 10, 1864. Many foreign governments refused to recognize his government, especially the United States; this ensured the success of Republican forces led by Benito Juárez, and Maximilian was executed, after his capture by Mexican Republicans, in Querétaro in 1867.

from wiki

that what you're looking for?
Any of these:

Lyndon Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Domitian (aka "dominus et deus")
Romulus Augustulus
Theodora ;)
Louis XVI / Marie Antoinette: + 1 :health: in all cities from cake, but +10 :mad: ("You don't care about our diets!")

EDIT: Whoops, I didn't see that you wanted them to be fun to play. Well, in that case, there are a number of dubious leaders people would actually be interested in... one fellow with the initials AH will undoubtedly come up...

Seriously, there are people like de Gaulle or Kaiser Wilhelm that won't ever make it into the expansions, but would be kind of fun to play for a change. Nicholas II? Ivan the Terrible? Pope Urban II? Septimius Severus / Severus Alexander? Diocletian? All good choices.
Juan/Evita Peron. Not sure when he/she/it/they took power.

@ ChrTh, can we make this pre 1980? should still avoid the Bill/W flame war.
Neville Chamberlain would be good. Special ability: Peace treaties signed with AIs expire after 1 turn rather than 10. (EDIT: Only applies to when the AI offers a cease fire, not when you offer/demand them).
How about they had to have started their reign/term before 1976? (Don't want any Carter-bashing either)

I don't think Peron meets the criteria. Popular for some of the time, and there are still Peronists in Argentina today, iirc.
Breaking the barrier again,

De Gaulle
Marshall Petain
Jefferson Davis
last queen of Hawaii (can't remember the name ATM)

@ChrTh - congrats on Gabriel. Hope you're getting enough sleep. :mischief: Remember that cold air activates the urge to ... and always duck and cover.
Seriously, there are people like de Gaulle or Kaiser Wilhelm that won't ever make it into the expansions, but would be kind of fun to play for a change. Nicholas II? Ivan the Terrible? Pope Urban II? Septimius Severus / Severus Alexander? Diocletian? All good choices.

Do you mean Kaiser Wilhelm I. or II.? Because the former is basically already in the game in the person of Bismarck. He was just the formal head of state while the real decisions were made by Bismarck.
I meant the one that was in charge when WWI broke out. I thought that was Wilhelm, but I may be wrong.
Breaking the barrier again,

De Gaulle
Marshall Petain
Jefferson Davis
last queen of Hawaii (can't remember the name ATM)

@ChrTh - congrats on Gabriel. Hope you're getting enough sleep. :mischief: Remember that cold air activates the urge to ... and always duck and cover.

There is nothing wrong with Franco
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