Shtorm-2 (not an actual game...)


Regeneration In Process
Apr 8, 2001
Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Russia
Well, I decided to counterattack Uknemsis' pro-American story, with my own story, absed on a true Soviet plan of conquering Europe. WIth World maps!
No time left.
Austrians weren't ready. They were neutral in the Cold War. But then... In 1977... Kudarov. General Kudarov. Red Army has overruned petty Austrian army, and soon, Soviet tanks were in Vienna. NATO was still waiting for "Main Strike" in Germany.
It never came.

Kudarvo was proud of his men: "It was easy here. But you moved on to Tyrol fast enough. Now, we must overrun Switzerland BEFORE THEY COULD MOBILIZE! So everyone, sleep for at least 12 hours. Then, we will move through Switzerland".


Zheng Kuang was really scared by government's decision. Attack Soviet Union? Before even preparing? But those were the orders. He knew that Chinese had not chance of winning. And worst of all, soldiers knew that too, and fought weakly, ussually surrendering to Soviets as soon as they started to loose.

Soviets used them smartly. They've gave them a lot of freedom and all the comforts, in order then to use it against PRC. Soviets have learned from Germans... Now only to capture a good commander for them...

Zheng suddenly understood that they already foudn one. They were always beginning raids as soon as they heard about him arriving to place of attack. Zheng decided, that it owuld be better to overthrow Chiense politburo, since it already went from the true commuinism to capitalism and that Soviets would probably win anyway. But he won't give himself in. He will go to Manzhouli... There, they would capture him, without him giving up without the fight...


Karl Kunz, new West German President, and commander of American forces there, Herbert Crowler, were both cosfused. Where are Soviets? They acted like if they forgot about Western Germany. They both understood one thing. Leonid was up to no good! But... What?


Americans never expected Soviet commanders to be so good, and Soviet soldiers using tatcics which were never used in the training.

British were confused by sudden fire from Soviet War Musem AND from other side of the Berlin Wall.

French already understood that they weren't going to win this banttle. French government started evacuation...

Litzovsky was a good commander. he was always placing his men to the best positions, as soon as he noticed it. He also gave good example. He himself fought along with the other soldiers, and during the first 12 hours of fighting, he killed twenty enemy soldiers.

Sub-Operation "Suvorov" begun as Austria was overwhelmed by Soviet army...
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