I was having crashes with the same error EXTREMELY frequently (every ~10 turns). I updated directx and verified I was running the latest WHQL nvidia drivers, no change. It happened at the same rate in DX9 & DX11 mode.
It turned out it was something in strategic view. I was playing basically solely in strategic view. Most of the crashes seemed to happen during AI turns, or during the 'auto action' phase, after you click end turn yet before it hands off to the AI players.
I switched to only using strat view VERY sparingly, and never ending the turn with it on and I played for maybe 6 hours without a crash.
Total shame, I really like the strategic view.
To me it's completely superior to the 3D view except that there are no (not even basic) battle animations/indicators, and that you can't see the city bar unless you zoom way in. Oh, and that it crashes the game every 15 minutes
sys specs
Win7 Pro x64
Core2Duo (E6600 I think, at work right now, can't check)
GeForce 8800 GTS 512