Sid Meier's Civilization IV Info Center


Yes, like Nuclear Plants, Hydro or Geo-Plants!!!


Some probably may so, others will improve health.


As long as the increase in productivity isn't actually being PRODUCED by the power plant, a la Civ3 (i.e. just another factory that requires a Factory).

I really do hope they go with the Civ2 system (i.e. plants give Factories a 50% bonus but don't actually produce anything themselves) so I can then mod it to work with ALL power-consuming improvements; the way it should be so it means that destroying a city's power plant would make powered improvements useless until a new powerplant is built--of course, if the vanilla game were to be like that, you guys'd probably complain that the game was too hard...'that civ vastly reduced my city's output by bombing my power plant, just because I didn't take the time to properly defend my airspace, boohoo' ).


If you see at Civ3 (and inc.) there are: Hydro, coal, nuclear, solar.
My question was if there will be more or less plants, and if there will be new types? also were they will be built out side or inseide the city???
Civrules it looks like you miss somethings form the Great People page.

Finally, all Great People can be used to trigger extra golden ages for your Civilization, with each subsequent golden age requiring more Great People.

Great Prophets can create a religious shrine, but only in the city in which the religion was founded.
arkammler said:
Civrules it looks like you miss somethings for the Great People page.

Finally, all Great People can be used to trigger extra golden ages for your Civilization, with each subsequent golden age requiring more Great People.

I included that there can be more than one golden age, but I have not read where it says they require more great people with each subsequent golden age...

Great Prophets can create a religious shrine, but only in the city in which the religion was founded.

I have that in the chart, but I guess I should be more specific about them being able to build it in the city of that religion...

Thanks. :)
Civrules said:
I included that there can be more than one golden age, but I have not read where it says they require more great people with each subsequent golden age...
Thanks. :)

Civrules, if you've not found it by now, this was also in the IC-games article:

Finally, all Great People can be used to trigger extra golden ages for your Civilization, with each subsequent golden age requiring more Great People. Each use of a great person consumes that unit and it is removed from the game.
grumbler said:
Civrules said:
I included that there can be more than one golden age, but I have not read where it says they require more great people with each subsequent golden age...
Thanks. :)

Civrules, if you've not found it by now, this was also in the IC-games article:

Finally, all Great People can be used to trigger extra golden ages for your Civilization, with each subsequent golden age requiring more Great People. Each use of a great person consumes that unit and it is removed from the game.

You're right... and I missed that!? :eek: :)
Ask Sid section on Firaxis' site has been updated with some info:

Question: I am a big fan of all of your games. I have been playing Civilization since the first one was released and I can not wait for Civilization IV. I do have a question about Civilization IV as it relates to religion. Can your government have no state religion? If so can they influence border nations with their secular beliefs?
Sid Hello Orie! Yes, the default is Paganism, which means there is no organized religion. At the other end of the spectrum is Free Religion and that offers tolerance of all religions. It's not possible to spread no religion where there is already religion. It's a play mechanic, but I am pretty sure it holds up that way in history as well.

[EDIT] Wasn't there some debate over this issue recently? I can't seem to find it.
Civrules said:

[EDIT] Wasn't there some debate over this issue recently? I can't seem to find it.
There have been quite some discussions about atheism recently. I doubt that the given answer makes the "atheists" happy, but personally I am absolutely ok with it.
Sounds like "paganism" isn't really a religion at all, more like the definition given to the absence of religion in an area (instead of "no religion"). But oh well.

Nice work on the updates by the way, Civrules... and congrats on #50!!! :goodjob:
To me, Paganism as described by civ sounds like 'primative' relgion practiced by individuals and small groups outside of the control-or direction-of the State or any centralised Priestly Hierarchy.
Freedom of Religion, OTOH, sounds like the Modern State taking a completely hands off approach to religion, and instead attending to wholly Secular Affairs. Though not Atheism, this definitely represents a genuine seperation of Church and State-with all the benefits (and pitfalls) that this presents.
Personally, it all sounds fine to me-the only thing they could have done to improve it, IMHO, would have been to have a Generic 'Early Organised Religion' option that represents the stage which existed between earliest Paganism and the Religions represented in the game (like Hellenistic and Ossirian pantheons).

yoshi said:
As long as the increase in productivity isn't actually being PRODUCED by the power plant, a la Civ3 (i.e. just another factory that requires a Factory).

I really do hope they go with the Civ2 system (i.e. plants give Factories a 50% bonus but don't actually produce anything themselves) so I can then mod it to work with ALL power-consuming improvements; the way it should be so it means that destroying a city's power plant would make powered improvements useless until a new powerplant is built--of course, if the vanilla game were to be like that, you guys'd probably complain that the game was too hard...'that civ vastly reduced my city's output by bombing my power plant, just because I didn't take the time to properly defend my airspace, boohoo' :p ).

Hopefully 'Precision Bombing' will actually mean, 'PRECISION BOMBING' (i.e. accurately hitting SELECTED--as in, not RANDOM--targets such as specific buildings in a city) in Civ4.

If power plants just produce more 'hammers' then that will just be sad.

I would like a small wonder of "National Power Grid" which works something like "Hoover Dam" in terms of getting available power across to deficient cities (not having power plants)... I would say that you need power plants in 30% of cities to get this bonus - a continuous requirement, rather than just to build it - and small wonder for each continent that you have your men on, not just limited to one per civilization ... also how about export and import of power across territories...

Thinking about future, how about national water grid on similar lines, which serves as aquaduct in each city...

I'm still waiting for squares beyond city limits to be productive by railroad invention provided they are linked to cities so that cities beyound size 27 or 30 don't starve... Also I want the farming terrain improvement back... and something like "food processing factory" to increase the food production...

food is one of the most traded commodity in international market as also historically, but we don't have that in Civ. I could work all squares under my control (much beyond the city limits) and produce food that can be supplied to my deficient cities and then surplus can be sold to other countries on a pre determined rate which (the rate) lasts for 20 turns.
Having a continuous requirement (e.g. Coal Plant requires Coal not just to be built but to continue functioning) is something I really do hope they add in but I'm under the impression the game won't support this due to the micromanagement involved (apparently, we civers are too ******ed to take a continuous requirement into account)--perhaps it can be modded in, perhaps not.

Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing details like this until the actual game comes out; previews only serve to glorify the main features.

Of course, even if we did know exactly what was and wasn't going to be in the Civ4, any requests on our part that something be added in probably wouldn't come to much at this stage in development.
- Does all civ have there GL?
And BTW who is/was the GL of Mali???
I just looked at the Firaxis website. It seems like America has changed name to "United States". That's probably very important for some people.
Zenon_pt said:
America is a continent not a civ or a nation, right???

No. There is only one country that has the word "America" in its official title.
Lillefix said:
I just looked at the Firaxis website. It seems like America has changed name to "United States". That's probably very important for some people.
Where did you see that ? I can't find it.
Info form Soren

Aussie is more or less correct. Another point in favor of more advanced smaller cities are the new Small Wonders (now called "National" Wonders).

oops, you got me. I meant smaller civs...

and, yes, the national wonders are mostly all city-specific (+100% science, etc...)

Also GameSpot has been upudate with new info.

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