Sid's Sushi and Mining Inc: The Best Corps?

The best corp I found for spreading to enemy cities is standard ethanol, the reason being is I bought all of Huyana's spare rice (I already controlled all the corn and sugar :) ) then spread the corp into a couple of cities, he did the rest. When I looked into his city screen he's getting +3:science: for - 5:gold::lol: and of course I'm getting +5:gold: in my wall street city.

I agree that Sid's sushi is the best for your own cities, you get to draw from 4 resources (clams/fish/crabs/rice) as opposed to Cereal mills (corn/rice/wheat (don't people put sugar on their cereal)) guess it depends on the map though. I usually spam my coastal cities to get them bigger for better trade routes.
The best corp I found for spreading to enemy cities is standard ethanol, the reason being is I bought all of Huyana's spare rice (I already controlled all the corn and sugar :) ) then spread the corp into a couple of cities, he did the rest. When I looked into his city screen he's getting +3:science: for - 5:gold::lol: and of course I'm getting +5:gold: in my wall street city.

I agree that Sid's sushi is the best for your own cities, you get to draw from 4 resources (clams/fish/crabs/rice) as opposed to Cereal mills (corn/rice/wheat (don't people put sugar on their cereal)) guess it depends on the map though. I usually spam my coastal cities to get them bigger for better trade routes.

I'd argue that Civilized Jewelers is the best one for you own cities once you reach a certain threshold of gold, silver and gems. Not only does it provide good culture, it's one that can actually make a net profit if the HQ is in a Wall Street citiy.
IMO Mining Inc. and Sid's Sushi are the very worst corporations. I am surprised that they are so popular here.

I go for Cereal Mills as it gives better yield of food per resource than Sid's Sushi. Both have expensive upkeep but at least with cereal mills the cities get more food for their money.

And I avoid Mining inc. like the plague. Why? I can found THREE other corporations instead of mining Inc.!

As far as the bonuses, Sid's Sushi is not as good as Cereal Mills. Mining Inc. is okay, but it is quite expensive and adding +3 production or so in the late game is not really worth the (for example) 9 gold/turn expense to your cities even with courthouse (yes, I realize that the effects scale based on how many resources you have available). As far as the utility to the cities themselves, corporations are really a wash. It is difficult to claim that corporations have great benefits to the cities they spread to in the late game -- it is pretty much a wash IMO. In fact, you can easily go bankrupt or crash your economy by injudicious use of corporations.

The real benefit of corporations is not to the cities that they spread to, but from the HQ.

I found Cereal Mills and Mining Inc's 3 competitors -- 4 corporations total -- in the SAME city with Wall Street. Together with the other economic bonuses, I get a +200% bonus, or (including the original 100%), you get 3x the economic revenues at base, x 4 corporations!

Let's do the math. Your corporation HQ gives you 5 gold for every city with your corporation. Add wall street, bank, market, etc., and you are up to 15 gold per city with the corporation.

So if you spread your 4 corporations to 25 cities each with all the HQs in the Wall Street city, you have 4*25*15=1500 gold/turn, or 60 gold per city per turn. Not bad. With Sid's Sushi and Mining Inc, you can only get half of that.

Economically this strategy totally kicks the butts of the Mining Inc/Sushi corporation duo.
doesn't cereal mills give more food than sid's sushi? my fav is mining co, but cereal mills sounds good too. i just haven't gotten a chance to found it

Yes. Cereal is .75 per (wheat, rice, corn) while Sushi is +.5 food per (fish, crab, clam, rice.)

My last game, I realized what the benefit of Cereal Mills is: even if you lose a little food overall, you can get the same food or close for less resources. Less resources means lower cost per city. If you don't need the culture and the food is close (+5 vs. +7 in my game) the maintenance can make a big difference.

Mining Inc. is a great boon, but I've found it often costs me a ton in maintenance to operate because I have so many resources that go in.
I agree that Sid's sushi is the best for your own cities, you get to draw from 4 resources (clams/fish/crabs/rice) as opposed to Cereal mills (corn/rice/wheat (don't people put sugar on their cereal)) guess it depends on the map though.

Check the civilopedia. With Cereal Mills, you get 0.75 food per resource point invested. With Sid's Sushi, you get 0.5 food per resource invested. With 3 resources (+2.25 food), Cereal Mills outperforms the four Sushi resources (+2 food) -- presumably, at less cost as well. Cereal Mills is clearly better bang for the buck. Considering that corporations are all about margins as the cost/benefit ratio is dubious without careful planning, I always go for Cereal Mills because of its better ratio.

The only time Sid's Sushi may be helpful is on water maps. But then again, it's not about the benefit to the cities as much as the cash in the HQ. Accumulating TOO many resources can actually crash the economy, as the maintenance goes up. When you are in the late game (in my current game at Monarch with 105% inflation), these costs can kill your economy. The only real fix for injudicious use of corporations is the "state property" civic.

I will acknowledge that Mining inc. gives twice the return of creative constructions (+1 hammer/resource instead of +0.5), but the ability to maintain 3 other corps in the HQ (Aluminum Co, Civilized Jewelers, Creative Constructions) and the much higher revenue this brings to HQ seems to compensate for the difference.
The way inflation works with corporations makes the HRE so powerful. The Rathaus cut the base cost of your corp before inflation by 75% instead of 50%. With Wall Street in other money buildings you get +20 Gold for the corp. With the 300% inflation at the end of all higher levels. +11 food with Cereal Mills would cost you about 8+(8*3)=30 gold. With the HRE the same +11 food costs 4+(4*3)=16.

I believe with most corps with the HRE in cities with the UB you can maintain a profit until the end of the game by forming the corp in your wall street city.
IMO Mining Inc. and Sid's Sushi are the very worst corporations. I am surprised that they are so popular here.

I go for Cereal Mills as it gives better yield of food per resource than Sid's Sushi. Both have expensive upkeep but at least with cereal mills the cities get more food for their money.

And I avoid Mining inc. like the plague. Why? I can found THREE other corporations instead of mining Inc.!

As far as the bonuses, Sid's Sushi is not as good as Cereal Mills. Mining Inc. is okay, but it is quite expensive and adding +3 production or so in the late game is not really worth the (for example) 9 gold/turn expense to your cities even with courthouse (yes, I realize that the effects scale based on how many resources you have available). As far as the utility to the cities themselves, corporations are really a wash. It is difficult to claim that corporations have great benefits to the cities they spread to in the late game -- it is pretty much a wash IMO. In fact, you can easily go bankrupt or crash your economy by injudicious use of corporations.

The real benefit of corporations is not to the cities that they spread to, but from the HQ.

I found Cereal Mills and Mining Inc's 3 competitors -- 4 corporations total -- in the SAME city with Wall Street. Together with the other economic bonuses, I get a +200% bonus, or (including the original 100%), you get 3x the economic revenues at base, x 4 corporations!

Let's do the math. Your corporation HQ gives you 5 gold for every city with your corporation. Add wall street, bank, market, etc., and you are up to 15 gold per city with the corporation.

So if you spread your 4 corporations to 25 cities each with all the HQs in the Wall Street city, you have 4*25*15=1500 gold/turn, or 60 gold per city per turn. Not bad. With Sid's Sushi and Mining Inc, you can only get half of that.

Economically this strategy totally kicks the butts of the Mining Inc/Sushi corporation duo.

Like mentioned before, this depends entirely from game to game. In some games you'll have access to more land-based resources than others. Both big&small games I've played to conclusion have had plenty of seafood, while not much each land food, thus cereal mills has less potential than sid's sushi for these particular games. It's not possible to theorycraft a generalization of one corporation always being best, as they situationally depend on your accessible resources. It's best to just pick whichever corporation will benefit you the most in your current game.

Up to +23:food: +90:culture: from Sushi and growing. Newly conquered cities pop borders twice the turn they come out of resistance, and pop again three turns later. Cities grow at 1 pop per turn until size 10 (rush granary first turn). I turn the extra food into Merchants once the city maxes out in pop and it brings in 11x3=33:gold: before modifiers, plus the :gold: in the HQ. My HQ city is currently making 1492:gold:/turn.

Here's what my Big&Small map looks like, I'm the Dutch (orange):

Large map with 11 civs, temperate climate, normal sea level. 3 small colony civs were also founded by AI's.

My GP city's now up to 27 specialists!
The one good thing about Sid's Sushi is not the bonus per resource, but the number of resources. I have seen capitals that have 4 seafood resources around them, but never have I seen a capital with 4 corn, wheat, or rice (or any combo thereof). It might just be the maps I'm playing, but there seems to be a lot more seafood than "farm" food. That's where Sid's Sushi works...I was playing a round as Charlemagne, and I had +20 food per city with Sid's Sushi, largely because I had 4 seafood resources and conquered thrice that from other Civs...and then traded for a few extra from vassals.

I'm not a big fan of Mining Inc., but I have founded it simply because I had a great engineer and I wanted to found a corporation. None of my games (yet) have lasted long enough to found the science-boosting corporations, so we'll see how that goes later in my current game as Friedrich.

For a culture victory, Sid's Sushi, Creative Constructions, and Civilized Jewellers combined are for the win.
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