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Team Merlot....."all wines would be red if they could"
Username: Fktor
Team: Merlot
Playing my first democracy game in a Monarchy seems a good start :).
A humble suggestion:

As the Team Threads are now unstickied to save valuable space on the forum, perhaps editing the first post in this thread so that each Team name is also a link to their Team Thread.

That way any late stragglers will be able to still find the team threads with relative ease.

Cheers :)
Someone nudged me into the direction of this forum so I guess I might as well butt in on some team :)

Username: Silu
Team: Mavericks
dutchfire -> Sirius
This might be my 5th CFC MTDG
I would like to dust off my battle gear for another go of this demogame experience.

If Team Sirius will have me, then consider my hat in the ring by their side.

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