Simple Modifications to PCX's with Free Software


Phaethon was here
Jun 14, 2003
Your territory
Want to Do It for Free


I know that the GIMP is free, but it is hard to use for a beginner, I thought that I would make an example using simple to use free software, so that the beginner could get started.

As an example, I will use a request I had to increase the size of the units_32 .pcx file, I will show you how to double the size of that file.

If you just want to cut and paste a something into some other existing file, just skip step 3.

Excuse the quality of the pictures as they are all jpeg to conserve space.

Always make a copy of the original file and work on the copy, so you can go back if these go wrong.

Let's begin:

Step 1) Take the copy of the original file and open it with MS Photo Editor (free, comes with MS Office)

Step 2) Do a "select all" and copy the picture into MS Paint (free, comes with MS Windows)



Step 3) Then in MS Photo Editor resize the picture (it will look stretched, but that's ok because we are going to paste over it)



I have circle the changes, click to allow distortion and type in the new size, we are just changing the height in this example.



Step 4) Then in MS Paint, you have the original picture, copy and paste the picture and assembled it into the picture you want



Step 5) Then select the larger picture in MS Paint and copy it back into the resized MS Photo Editor file


There, you have the correct original 256 colour palette and the correct size with the picture you want all for free, if you want to change a colour in the palette, then you can use the gimp, which you know is free as well.
why don't you post another guide in this thread on how to modify PCX with free ware(gimp), make it a lot easier for me to figure it out
There already is a tutorial for making correct pcx's with the gimp (i made it).

Good work Pounder :)

could you link it to me?
I am well aware of that. The reason I did this is because of some people who thought that the gimp was to hard to use, could figure not it out.

I posted this as an alternative with simple to use free programs, that's all.

And if someone wanted to make some simple changes without having to even download the Gimp.

Ain't as free as you think, When you buy microsoft office you are really buying all those programs, my theory is that they call it free so they make you think you're getting a good deal.
Pro's and con's of free image editors:
+ they're free
- they most likely won't do things the way you want thigns to be done.

120€ investment on Paintshop Pro is not such a biggie, if you do a lot of graphics... :)
For those who work on Macs:
The free/shareware program I use (making tech icons, for example) is Graphics Converter. It converts most graphics formats easily. Palette editing is straightforward, as is scaling, cropping, and resizing.
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