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Skywalker = Cheater


Romulan Commander
Retired Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
Cloaked Warbird in the Neutral Zone
skywalker has recently been stirring up trouble.
Then albatross began defending him.

And what did we discover????

albatross is his DL.

Why would skywalker/albatross want to have two names???

To create false support?
To have two votes instead of one?
To cause trouble?

Well...it really doesn't matter as they are both banned from CFC for TWO weeks. And banned from the Demo game together.

I hope no one else tries that.

It's been tried...and punished!
Albatross? I never saw any posts by him, so when I read this thread I looked the name up in the members list, but he has no posts. Where did this exchange take place? When you say "albatross" do you mean Pellaken, as some sort of bird joke? I'm confused :confused: :crazyeyes
maybe Albuhtraws and Pellaken, but albatross would be more of a pair for pelican, and that I am not. :)

are you banning him FOREVER? while opposed to the Dl thing, I dont think a permanent ban... it just seems so... harsh...
I've argued against life-long-bans in diplomacy. I could fill this page with links to where I argued it. in that instance it was I who was the cheater, but I'm back in the game, and am now campaiging to have all life-long-bans removed. I'd support a 2 or 3 month ban, but life, seems harsh

anyways, I was gonna post here some info I knew about sky in a PM I deleted, but under these circumstances, I dont know if I should reveal this very usefull information, untill I get a decision on his ban-time
If he has tried it once then he is likely to try it again. If he was using a DL for the rest of the forum then it wouldn't be so bad but we rely on votes from people and no one should have the right to vote twice.
I reported that fellow a couple of times for his pointless, moderator criticising threads, and I won't miss him. An extra personality can really disrupt things in the Game of Democracy and should be strictly forbidden.
I reported that fellow a couple of times for his pointless, moderator criticising threads, and I won't miss him. An extra personality can really disrupt things in the Game of Democracy and should be strictly forbidden.

I second that ,i would hate it is somebody very uncapable could get himself in very vital position's (such as president for ex.) by mean's of ellection fraud.In fact i would want to make it a rule in the future that anybody who dear's to use a dl for voting or ellection fraud would be emediatly be banned out of our nation ,therefore not nessecarily Civfanatic's in the whole ,but atleast our beloved empire.

And i want to send a message to those power crazed individual's that employ these means to reach their goal:
By no mean's can one be a real president withought the support of the people ,as the people will only listen to a president that they support.And support is only granted when one has proven himself to be trustworthy and responsible.
And one can't be capable of being a president if he isn't even capable of doing a lower level function.If you want to be a president ,prove that you are capable of it by doing a Governor's job or internal leader ,as it are by far the best step-stones to the presidential position IMO.One that has proven himself to be capable of doing such a job ,has also proven himself to be a potential nominee for the presidential position.

I have seen the like's of those powerhunger people in our nation ,and i do not trust them a bit.As theyre motivation's are rather egocentric and theyre goals tyrani.They serve no constructive role to our community,they only wan't to exploit our community for theyre egotestical hunger.
Sometimes we NEED mod critisim. when Corn closes thread, he usually explains why he thought it should be closed. when AoA closes threads, he usually explains why I'm stupid for suggesting it. I tell him at those times that he is disrepectful in my opinion {I use different words} and that I think he's wrong. I think I should be free, as I am doing here, to protest.Moderator Action: You think wrong
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889Pellaken's Responce:
A-this is proof of what I've said
B-notice how he dident comment on the first half
C-notice "you think wrong" not "I think, you think wrong" AoA's word is suddenley more than that of god himself.

PaleHorse76's response: The mod criticism needs to be sent to Thunderfall. Whether you think this is right or not, does not matter. Thunderfall has set rules into place and you will follow them or you will be held accountable for your actions.

also, I'm opposed to life long bans from anywhere, and still hope that even skywalker isent getting a life long ban. I wrote a long diploamcy article against life-long bans, and speak on them often. that time, it was I who had cheated, but I still beilve and maintain that no matter whats done, there should never be a life-long ban.Moderator Action: Don't count on seeing him back, and if he does return, he won't be allowed in this game, and one slip and it's bye-bye forever from the site.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889 Pellaken's Responce: ...is that a challenge?
PaleHorse76's response: I have no idea what your twisted mind is thinking about, W_R, but here is a fact: If Thunderfall decrees that Skywalker is perma banned then that is the way it will be, no matter how much you complain. Currently albatross, Skywalker's DL, has been deleted. If Skywalker continues to cause problems other steps will be taken, your complaints not withstanding.
Originally posted by Civanator
So you're saying skywalker has been banned or executed from the empire?
I'm not protecting him or anything, i just wanna know. And I'm sorry if i'm being a little too nosy.

He had a double Logon, he critizised moderator action, and he was a immature teenager. Did anyone get E-Mail from him? I did...
Originally posted by Ohwell

He had a double Logon, he critizised moderator action, and he was a immature teenager. Did anyone get E-Mail from him? I did...

:eek: Wow, this guy just doesn't quit. I haven't got any emails from him, probably due to the fact that during his stint in our empire the campus server here was messed up, and I wasn't able to post enough to be noticed by him. I guess that not being able to get my addiction fix for a few days actually turned out good in a way. ;)
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