So I was playing games at school...

at my old school there was a strict policy about that sort of thing, but we done it anyway. And they caught us......... alot........ but we kept doing it, cause it was more interesting than english.

Trying to get MSN Messanger to install on our old school computers and even today on our college computers have become a personal challange for myself and my computer class, but we are computer students after all, and somehow we always get it working. The problem is trying to get it installed on 2000, with 98 its easy.

At my old school monitoring what we were doing on our computer screens became a bit of a sport for our teachers. They could even take over the screen which caused some confusion.

Now, the only way we can write insulting messages is by swapping keyboards.
not entirely true, if you're on a network and each computer has a distinct name you can send messages to each other using the Run Command (I think its netsend <computername> then the message.

we were in a network management class once all talking on the computers using this and someone accidently sent a message to the teachers computer that simply said "BUNNIES!!!!!!" Funny as this was, it was made funnier by the fact that the teacher was lecturing us on Subnets and using a powerpoint presentation, which was being put onto the wall via a projector. He didn't realise for a few minutes despite out incesid laughing. Funny........ but sad
steviejay said:
at my old school there was a strict policy about that sort of thing, but we done it anyway. And they caught us......... alot........ but we kept doing it, cause it was more interesting than english.

Please do not be offended, but there is a certain irony to this paragraph. It is intentional, right? :D
steviejay said:
not entirely true, if you're on a network and each computer has a distinct name you can send messages to each other using the Run Command (I think its netsend <computername> then the message.

I think people were using that at my old school during a couple of different classes but then one CS class without a teacher sent a load of messages to another class that did have a teacher and then they were all found out...
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